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4th Grade SYMMETRICAL FACES shape Objective: The students will focus on symmetrical balance by creating a face using two colors and cutting it out in halves.

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Presentation on theme: "4th Grade SYMMETRICAL FACES shape Objective: The students will focus on symmetrical balance by creating a face using two colors and cutting it out in halves."— Presentation transcript:

1 4th Grade SYMMETRICAL FACES shape Objective: The students will focus on symmetrical balance by creating a face using two colors and cutting it out in halves. Materials: 12 X 18 sheet of white paper, 2 sheets colored paper - contrasting colors (12 X 18), pencil eraser scissors, glue stick

2 symmetry - in art is a balanced arrangement of lines and shapes, on opposite sides of an often-imaginary centerline (the line of symmetry)



5 line of symmetry



8 Procedure: Today we are going to make a fun face to focus on symmetrical balance. We will cut out only half of the face and facial features, but when we cut - we will cut out two sheets at the same time. 1 - The basic shape of the head. Remember that you are only cutting out half of the head. Use the long edge of one piece of the colored paper as the center of the face - lightly draw one half of a head shape - be sure to include the ear. (one side, left or right) Make it fun/exaggerated (show examples) 2 - Put the two pieces of colored paper together. Cut out the half head shape that you drew. You now have the full head as you separate the two halves. 3 - Put one Color opposite the other and glue them down to your white paper. 4 - Still using two sheets at the same time, lightly draw an eye. Cut out the eye shape with the two different colored sheets at the same time. Once you have the eye cut out, you will need to cut it into separate parts so we can distinguish the eyeball from the eyelid, and the middle of the eye from the whites of eye. 5 -Do the same for an eyebrow. 6 -Next, and again on a straight edge of your paper, cut out half of a nose shape. Put the two halves on top of the head shape with opposite colors. 7 -Finally, cut out half of a mouth shape. Do the same that you did with the nose and eyes by putting the one color on the second color. 8 -Glue all of the features down. Use your imagination to complete your work by adding other interesting shapes. You might want to make earrings or a hat or a scarf - but they must be balanced - same on both halves of the paper.

9 vocabulary symmetry - in drawing is a balanced arrangement of lines and shapes, on opposite sides of an often-imaginary centerline. Shape - the outward outline of a form. Basic shapes include circles, squares and triangles. Lines - are basically comprised of three families, straight, angle, and curved, which can be combined to make line drawings. Negative space - the area around the primary objects in a work of art Positive space - the space occupied by the primary object in a work of art.

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