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Cyberbullying. Questions Group 1: What does the word cyberbullying mean? Group 2: How can someone be cyberbullied? Group 3: How does it differ from other.

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Presentation on theme: "Cyberbullying. Questions Group 1: What does the word cyberbullying mean? Group 2: How can someone be cyberbullied? Group 3: How does it differ from other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyberbullying

2 Questions Group 1: What does the word cyberbullying mean? Group 2: How can someone be cyberbullied? Group 3: How does it differ from other forms of bullying? Group 4: What is the impact of cyberbullying? Group 5: What kind of person do you think would be a target of cyberbullying?

3 Videos “Let’s Fight It Together” “Feathers in the Wind” “You Can’t Take It Back”

4 Questions How serious do you think this is? Do you know of any real life stories? What was the outcome? What would you do if you knew of or heard about someone being cyberbullied? Does it happen here? What would you do if you or a friend were being cyberbullied?

5 Personal Plan Fill out the worksheet: 2 or 3 ways you prevent cyberbullying 2 or 3 ways to deal with it if it’s happening to you Who can you confide in if it’s happening to you?

6 CPS Policy GROUP 3 - INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIORS These acts of misconduct include those student behaviors that seriously disrupt the orderly educational process of the Chicago Public Schools, such as the following: 3-10 Bullying behaviors (see glossary for definition) Bullying behaviors - Acts of repeated intentional behavior that occurs in order to intentionally harm others through verbal or non verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods of coercion. Such behavior may include, but is not limited to, manipulation, teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting, stealing, destroying personal property, sending threatening/abusive emails or cyber bullying.

7 Consequences FIRST VIOLATION ♦ Teacher-Student-Resource Person-Administrator Conference ♦ In-School Suspension (one to five days) ♦ Detention -Before School -After School -Saturday ♦ Suspension (one to five days) ♦ Suspension of CPS Network privileges for improper use of the CPS Network or Information Technology Devices for up to one semester, in addition to any disciplinary action listed ♦ Balanced and restorative justice strategies may be used where appropriate and approved by the school administration, provided that all participation is voluntary. REPEATED VIOLATIONS ♦ Suspension (one to ten days) and/or disciplinary reassignment per Area approval ♦ Referral to School Peer Jury in lieu of suspension (if available and approved by the principal) ♦ Suspension of CPS Network privileges for improper use of the CPS Network or Information Technology Devices for up to one year, in addition to any disciplinary action listed10 ♦ Balanced and restorative justice strategies may be used where appropriate and approved by the school administration, provided that all participation is voluntary.

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