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Motion and Force Speed, Velocity, Slope, Friction, and Distance.

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Presentation on theme: "Motion and Force Speed, Velocity, Slope, Friction, and Distance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motion and Force Speed, Velocity, Slope, Friction, and Distance

2 Force A push or pull that causes an object to move, stop, or change direction A force will cause an object with mass to accelerate.

3 Forces can affect motion in several ways: → They can make objects start moving. → They can make objects move faster. → They can make objects move slower. → They can make objects stop moving. → They can make objects change direction.

4 Distance Distance is the measurement from one point to another. Distance may refer to a physical length, a period of time, or an estimation.

5 Friction Friction is a force that acts against or stops motion when two surfaces rub against each other.

6 Speed Speed is a measure of the distance an object moves in a given amount of time. During a typical trip to school, your car will undergo a series of changes in its speed.

7 Acceleration & Deceleration Acceleration is an increase in speed. Deceleration is a decrease in speed.

8 Slope Slope is used to describe the steepness, incline, or grade of a straight line.

9 Gravity Gravity is the force that pulls all objects in the universe toward one another. Gravity is the force which pulls all objects to the surface.

10 Force Vocabulary Terms PositionMotionSpeed ForceInertiaGravitation GravityFrictionSimple Machine FulcrumPulley Wheel & Axle ScrewWedgeInclined Plane Lever

11 What do we call a pull or push of any kind?

12 Force

13 What do we call a force that resists motion between objects that are touching?

14 Friction

15 What do we call the measure of an object’s change in position during a unit of time?

16 Speed

17 What do we call the location of an object?

18 Position

19 What do we call the force of attraction between Earth and other objects?

20 Gravity

21 What do we call a change of position of an object?

22 Motion

23 What do we call the property of matter that keeps an object at rest or keeps it moving in a straight line?

24 Inertia

25 What do we call a force that acts between any two objects and pulls them together?

26 Gravitation

27 What do we call a machine with few or no moving parts that you apply just one force to?

28 Simple Machine

29 What do we call a simple machine that is a slanted surface?

30 Inclined plane

31 What do we call a simple machine made of two inclined planes placed back-to-back?

32 Wedge

33 What do we call a simple machine made of a wheel and an axle that turn together?

34 Wheel & Axle

35 What do we call a simple machine made of a wheel with a line around it?

36 Pulley

37 What do we call a simple machine made of a post with an inclined plane wrapped around it?

38 Screw

39 What do we call a simple machine made of a bar that pivots on a fixed point?

40 Lever

41 What do we call the fixed point on a lever?

42 Fulcrum

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