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From Urban Legend to Personality Theory Skill building through independent research.

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Presentation on theme: "From Urban Legend to Personality Theory Skill building through independent research."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Urban Legend to Personality Theory Skill building through independent research


3 Concept Information Literacy skills Authentic student-centred learning Independent learning Apply learning to new contexts Skills for continuing learning Use of online learning environment

4 Context Curriculum Focus: What do adolescents today need to know? (Skill and content) Focus on relevance and student interest Opportunity to develop learning that is transdisciplinary Maximise choice within well constructed learning environments Meaningful tasks that engage and extend

5 Student objectives Plan and carry out research from concept development →presentation→report writing Literature search Research methodologies Analysis of research Present information Time management Use of range of resources Objective perspective Focus and motivation

6 Structure Term based unit Utilisation of mentor Exploration of key methodological and ethical issues Support through the research process – teacher, mentor, peers and toolkit Continuous assessment using a range of assessment methods Presentation, then final celebration

7 Workshops Introduction to Research Planning your research in context: Secondary sources The process of research Validating sources Presenting an academic showcase

8 Assessment and Evaluation Selection of appropriate research methodology Mini presentation to class Self and teacher assessment mid IRP using likert scale Meeting deadlines Rubric for process Rubric for project Presentation to peers, teachers and mentor Professional binding of student works Student work becoming part of the school resource collection

9 Student Self Evaluation on Project I think my final project came together really well and showed that I had worked hard to find the right information to put in the project. I think it showed that not only did I enjoy studying this topic but I found the facts interesting and I think perhaps that my project showed others that I was serious about becoming a Music Therapist.

10 Student Self Evaluation on Process Throughout my research process I kept changing the specifics of my project. I was always finding new and interesting information that led me down different paths and opened my eyes to new areas to study. It helped to set myself some questions early on as they gave me direction and motivation, instead of just blindly looking for information as I usually do.

11 Sustained Impact on Learning Student survey early in Year 11 Pre-IRP group and Post-IRP group Higher %age in H-M range of confidence across the following areas:  Developing a research plan  Constructing a search strategy  Searching catalogues  Using indexes and full-text databases  Formulating effective Internet search strategies, evaluation  Evaluating relevance  Note-taking  Bibliographies  Analysing and synthesising

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