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Western Settlements Indians Treaties & Acts Indian Wars Misc. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500.

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2 Western Settlements Indians Treaties & Acts Indian Wars Misc. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

3 Miscellaneous

4 Identify: act enacted in 1862 that aided the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast

5 What is: Pacific Railway Act

6 Identify: law enacted in 1887 that was designed to break up tribal organizations; divided tribal lands into plots of 160 acres or less for Native Americans

7 What is: The Dawes Act

8 Identify: The Civil War hero who led the 7th Cavalry to their death at the battle of Little Bighorn Identify: The Civil War hero who led the 7th Cavalry to their death at the battle of Little Bighorn

9 What is: General George A. Custer

10 Identify: the $10 million purchase of a portion of Mexico in 1853 that became part of Arizona and New Mexico to provide the land necessary for a southern Transcontinental railroad

11 What is: The Gadsden Purchase

12 What are the two railroad companies that the federal government gave charters to?

13 What is: The Union Pacific and the Central Pacific

14 Native Americans

15 Identify: to take in and incorporate as one’s own

16 What is: Assimilation

17 Identify: an area of land with distinct borders managed by a Native American tribe under the United States government

18 What is: Reservation

19 Identify: name given to the forced relocation of Native American nations from southeastern parts of the United States following the Indian Removal Act of 1830

20 What is: Trail of Tears

21 Identify: The diplomat/politician and leader of the Nez Perce tribe

22 What is: Chief Joseph

23 Identify this battle: the most prominent tool for assimilation, largest boarding school in Pennsylvania

24 What is Carlisle Boarding School

25 Indian Wars

26 Identify armed conflict in 1876 where General Custer and the 7th Calvary were defeated by the Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne warriors; this is considered a turning point in the conflict used as propaganda

27 What is: Battle of Little Bighorn

28 Identify: an 1890 Native American religious movement to resist the white settlers from taking their land

29 What is: Ghost Dance Movement

30 Identify: conflict in 1890 the massacre by US soldiers of 300 unarmed Native Americans during their arrest following the Ghost Dance Movement

31 What is: Battle of Wounded Knee

32 Identify armed conflict in 1877 where a peaceful tribe was forced off their land in Oregon and retreated north towards Canada before surrendering; this conflict finally garnered sympathy for Native American tribes in the West

33 What is: Nez Perce War

34 Identify: armed conflict in 1864 where a Colorado militia massacred an unprovoked tribe of Cheyenne after they were off their reservation

35 What are: Sand Creek Massacre

36 Laws/Treaties

37 Identify: law enacted in 1862 that provided 160 acres in the West to any citizen or intended citizen who cultivated the land for five years

38 What is: Homestead Act

39 Identify: law enacted in 1862 that prohibited all Chinese except students, teachers, merchants, tourists, and government officials from entering the United States

40 What is Chinese Exclusion Act

41 Identify: enacted in 1868 that evacuated federal troops from Sioux Territory along the Bozeman Trail and gave Sioux ownership of western South Dakota; violated by miners and land speculators

42 What is Treaty of Fort Laramie

43 Identify: laws enacted in 1862 and 1890 to help create agricultural colleges by giving federal land to states

44 What is: Morrill Act

45 Identify: law enacted in 1934 to overturn the Dawes Act; promoted the reestablishment of tribal organization and culture

46 What is Indian Reorganization Act

47 Westward Expansion

48 Identify: land between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Coast

49 What is: The Great American Desert

50 Identify: A farmer who works to plow the difficult lands of the Great Plains

51 What is: sodbusters

52 Identify: a community that experiences sudden and rapid population and economic growth; often attributed to the nearby discovery of a precious resource such as gold, silver, or oil

53 What is: Boomtown

54 Explain what the Northwest Ordinance is and what it states

55 What is: Law passed by Congress in 1787 that established that statehood would be achieved in the west with a population of 60,000 or more

56 What is the name for a Spanish Cowboy?

57 What is Vaqueros

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