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 Is "brown hair" a genotype or a phenotype?  Does natural selection work directly on genotype or phenotype?

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Presentation on theme: " Is "brown hair" a genotype or a phenotype?  Does natural selection work directly on genotype or phenotype?"— Presentation transcript:


2  Is "brown hair" a genotype or a phenotype?

3  Does natural selection work directly on genotype or phenotype?

4  Name two sources of genetic variation.

5  True or False: Height in humans is an example of a polygenic trait.

6  If birds with thicker beaks have a greater advantage over birds with thinner beaks, what type of selection is this?

7  If birds with small beaks can eat small seeds and birds with large beaks can eat large seeds, what type of selection is this?

8  In small populations, individuals that carry a particular allele may leave more descendants than other individuals leave, just by chance. Over time, a series of chance occurrences can cause an allele to become more or less common in a population. What is this phenomenon called?

9  What is the bottleneck effect?

10  Name one example of the founder effect.

11  The Hardy-Weinberg principle predicts that 5 conditions can disturb genetic equilibrium and cause evolution to occur. Name three of those five conditions.

12  Two populations of squirrel are separated by the Grand Canyon. What type of isolation is this?

13  What is temporal isolation?

14  Name one factor in the speciation of the Galapagos island finches.

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