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Pre-Discussion Thinking Questions: To be considered LIVING or ALIVE, organisms must be able to REPRODUCE. What does this mean? Why is it important for.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Discussion Thinking Questions: To be considered LIVING or ALIVE, organisms must be able to REPRODUCE. What does this mean? Why is it important for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Discussion Thinking Questions: To be considered LIVING or ALIVE, organisms must be able to REPRODUCE. What does this mean? Why is it important for an organism to be able to reproduce?

2 Learning Objective By the end of the week, students will understand the structure of DNA. By the end of the week, students will understand the function (job) of DNA. WA State Standard: 6-8 LS3B: Every organism contains a set of genetic information (instructions) to specify its traits. This information is contained within genes in the chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell.

3 What must happen in order for reproduction to occur? You need…

4 DNA Genetic material found in the nucleus of all cells. DNA is your genetic blueprint (instructions) for all your cell’s activities and all the characteristics of an organism.

5 DNA DNA stands for DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID DNA has specific segments, called GENES. Each gene controls one particular trait, although sometimes more than one gene can control one trait.

6 DNA DNA is shaped like a twisted ladder (also called a double helix). It has sides (like the handrails of a ladder) and rungs (called bases). The bases are what provide a code. The code tells your cells and whole body what to do.

7 Every organism’s DNA code is UNIQUE (except for IDENTICAL twins)

8 Chromosomes Made of long strands of DNA Found inside the nucleus You can only see individual chromosomes when they shorten or condense…

9 Chromosomes You have 46 chromosomes in your cells (23 PAIRS.) One SET came from MOM and one from DAD. Electron-microscope picture of chromosomes

10 Chromosomes Also called CHROMATIN Electron microscope picture of nucleus (inside cell). The darkened areas inside the circle would be chromatin.

11 DNA by Brainpop 1. Everyone’s DNA is different except for ____________ 2. A small section of DNA is called a ____________. 3.What is the general structure of the DNA molecule?

12 Learning Objective Did we meet it? Understand that DNA is the molecule that contains instructions for all life Understand that DNA contains genes and that genes/DNA builds chromosomes WA State Standard: 6-8 LS3B: Every organism contains a set of genetic information (instructions) to specify its traits. This information is contained within genes in the chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell.

13 Other Sites Other Life Forms with Different DNA? 2010/12/101202-nasa-announcement- arsenic-life-mono-lake-science-space/ 2010/12/101202-nasa-announcement- arsenic-life-mono-lake-science-space/ Chromosome count: sms_by_chromosome_count sms_by_chromosome_count

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