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Ch 3: Anatomy of the Nervous System

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1 Ch 3: Anatomy of the Nervous System
Jan 16, 2013 Ch 3: Anatomy of the Nervous System

2 Divisions of the Nervous System
CNS Brain & spinal cord PNS Nerves outside CNS

3 PNS SNS ANS Interacts with the outside world; skeletal muscles
Afferent nerves Incoming sensory info Efferent nerves Outgoing motor signals ANS Controls body’s internal environment ventral dorsal

4 ANS Regulates the internal body processes 2 kinds of efferent nerves:
Sympathetic nerves Stimulate, organize & mobilize energy “fight or flight” Arousal Parasympathetic nerves Conserve energy; bring back to base levels “rest & digest” Relaxation

5 ANS Appendices 1 & 2 (pg )

6 Neuro Quirk!!

7 The 12 Cranial Nerves Appendix 3 (pg. 493)
While most of the PNS project from the spinal cord, 12 pairs come from the brain aka Auditory

8 Functions of the 12 Cranial Nerves Appendix 4 (pg. 494)
Olfactory Smell Optic Sight Oculomotor Eye movement & pupil constriction Trochlear Eye movement Trigeminal Facial sensations & chewing Abducens Facial Taste, facial expression, tears, salivation Vestibulocochlear/Auditory Hearing & balance Glossopharyngeal Salivation & swallowing Vagus Abdominal & thoracic organs Accessory Neck, shoulders & head Hypoglossal Tongue movement

9 Functions of the 12 Cranial Nerves
for fxns


11 Nervous System Breakdown Fig 3.2

12 Nervous System Breakdown

13 Protecting the Brain Under the hard skull, 3 meninges help protect the brain Dura mater A tough leathery membrane Arachnoid membrane Spider web-like membrane Beneath it is the subarachnoid space that contains numerous blood vessels & CSF Pia mater Delicate membrane adhering directly to the brain’s surface

14 Protecting the Brain Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Cushions the brain
Produced by the choroid plexus One interconnected reservoir of CSF Fills the subarachnoid space, central canal of the spinal cord & ventricles of the brain Lateral ventricles (2) 3rd ventricle Cerebral aqueduct 4th ventricle Hydrocephalus: a condition where a buildup of CSF causes brain to expand

15 Protecting the Brain Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB)
Prevents most toxic substances in the blood from passing into the brain Tightly packed cells of the blood vessel walls prevent proteins & large molecules from getting through

16 Neuroanatomical Directions
Described in relation to the spinal cord 3 axes Anterior-posterior Dorsal-ventral Medial-lateral

17 Neuroanatomical Directions
Be careful! Humans are a little tricky. Superior-inferior

18 Neuroanatomical Directions

19 Neuroanatomical Directions
Proximal-distal Brain Slices: Horizontal section Frontal section Sagittal section Cross section

20 Spinal Cord Made of gray matter & white matter
Gray: cell bodies White: myelinated axons Spinal nerves (31 pairs) attach to the spinal cord Their axons attach at the dorsal or ventral roots Dorsal: sensory Ventral: motor Efferent or afferent??

21 Major Structures of the Brain
Brain Stem: Medulla Pons Cerebellum Cerebral aqueduct Thalamus Hypothalamus Cerebral cortex

22 Brain Stem: Medulla Pons Cerebellum
Tracts carrying signals between brain & body Pons Cerebellum “little brain” Important in sensorimotor functions; precise movement control; coordination

23 Brain Stem (cont.) Cerebral aqueduct Thalamus Hypothalamus
Connects 3rd & 4th ventricles Thalamus 2 lobes joined across the 3rd ventricle Sensory relay nuclei Receive signals from sense, process them & send them to the cortex Then get feedback from the cortex Hypothalamus Regulates motivated behaviors (sleep, sex, eating) Via hormone release from pituitary gland

24 Cerebral Cortex Cerebral hemispheres Gray & white matter
Gyri & sulci (in humans) Fissures Longitudinal, central, lateral Corpus callosum Connects the 2 hemis

25 Cerebral Cortex 4 lobes of the brain Frontal Parietal Occipital
PFC Parietal Occipital Temporal


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