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Classification & Taxonomy1 The reasons why you have to know Latin.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification & Taxonomy1 The reasons why you have to know Latin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification & Taxonomy1 The reasons why you have to know Latin

2 Classification & Taxonomy2 Classification is the system used in grouping organisms based on their structural and biochemical similarities. The classification system is based on phylogenetic relationships

3 Classification & Taxonomy3 Carolus Linnaeus The 18th century Swedish naturalist (Karl von Linne) was crazy about classifying the natural world. His greatest contribution was the grouping of animals in a hierarchy based on degrees of complexity. Linnaeus also originated the methodology for naming organisms (taxonomy)


5 Classification & Taxonomy5 Cladograms Common Ancestor

6 Classification & Taxonomy6 Taxonomy The basic unit of evolution and classification is the species Species – a population of interbreeding organisms which produce viable offspring What is a scientific name? Why do we use scientific names?

7 Classification & Taxonomy7 Binomial Nomenclature Rules for binomial nomenclature First letter of the genus must always be capitalized. The species is never used by itself and is always lower case Seriola dumerili Can also refer to Seriola spp. When typed = italicized When written = underlined Seriola dumerili

8 Classification & Taxonomy8 Sciaenops ocellatus

9 Classification & Taxonomy9 Classification

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