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Black rat snake  Rats  Rabbits  The male snake lines up the female, and attempts to wrap his tail around hers with their vents nearly touching. This.

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Presentation on theme: "Black rat snake  Rats  Rabbits  The male snake lines up the female, and attempts to wrap his tail around hers with their vents nearly touching. This."— Presentation transcript:


2 Black rat snake  Rats  Rabbits  The male snake lines up the female, and attempts to wrap his tail around hers with their vents nearly touching. This occurs during the months of April, May and June.

3 Blue Racer  insects,  spiders,  small frogs,  small reptiles  Polygamous, breed in April, and May.

4 Brown snake  Earthworms  Slugs  Polygamous, mate in the spring.  Males engage in ritualistic combat to win the right to mate with the female.

5 Common Garter Snake  Amphibians  Small birds  Earthworms  Monogamous breeding occurs in spring and fall, they give birth to live young

6 Eastern hognose snake  Toads  Amphibians  Polygamous mate in the spring lay up to 60 eggs.

7 Eastern Massasuga  Small rodents  Monogamous mates in the spring give birth to live young.

8 Eastern milk snake  Slugs  Earthworms  Insects  Polygamous 10 eggs per clutch average of two clutches per year

9 Northern copperhead  Rodents and small mammals  Monogamous give birth to live young, breed in April and May.

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