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Mixtures and Solutions

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Presentation on theme: "Mixtures and Solutions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mixtures and Solutions

2 Matter Homogeneous mixtures Pure substances Solution
Heterogeneous materials - can see two parts Homogeneous materials can see only one thing - one set of properties Mechanical Mixture Homogeneous mixtures They’re mixed together so well you only see one thing – it looks pure but it isn’t Pure substances You can only see one thing because there is only one kind of particle in it. Solution

3 Particle Theory of Matter
Matter is made of extremely small particles Particles are always moving

4 Where do the particles go?

5 Particle Theory of Matter
Matter is made of extremely small particles Particles are always moving and now … Some particles are attracted to each other


7 (the Kool-aid dissolves in the water)
Forming a solution by mixing two or more materials is called dissolving (the Kool-aid dissolves in the water)

8 The Process of Dissolving

9 The particles in a material stay together because they are attracted to each other.
Sugar dissolves in water because the water particles attract a sugar particle more strongly than the other sugar particles around it can.

10 1. The water particles attract the outside sugar particles.

11 2. Then the motion of the water particles carries them away.

12 3. This makes room for more water particles to move in and attract more sugar particles.
This process continues until all of the sugar is dissolved. Animation

13 The solute dissolves in the solvent
There is always more solvent than solute in a solution.

14 A _________ dissolves in a _________ to form a ___________


16 Solution – made when a solute dissolves in a solvent
Matter Heterogeneous materials - can see two parts Homogeneous materials can see only one thing - one set of properties Mechanical Mixture Homogeneous mixtures They’re mixed together so well you only see one thing – it looks pure but it isn’t Pure substances You can only see one thing because there is only one kind of particle in it. Solution – made when a solute dissolves in a solvent

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