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Constitution facts. Writing of constitution The constitution written in 1787 and is over 200 years old. May to September 1978 men named the framers met.

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Presentation on theme: "Constitution facts. Writing of constitution The constitution written in 1787 and is over 200 years old. May to September 1978 men named the framers met."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitution facts

2 Writing of constitution The constitution written in 1787 and is over 200 years old. May to September 1978 men named the framers met in Philadelphia to see what should be in the constitution. The Bill of Rights is the first Ten Amendments. The word democracy does not appear in the Constitution once. The US Constitution was created in secret behind locked doors.

3 Constitution Facts ●It is the highest law in the US ●Each state has its own Constitution, but the US Constitution is higher in power ●An ●At that time there were only The men came from all the states except Rhode Island. Each state had ideas for the new government. ●The Framers had many debates. They talked a lot. They make a lot of speeches. By talking about it, they came up with a plan that everyone could agree with. ●There is 100 people in the senate ●there is 435 Representatives in congress. Bigger states have more representatives ●Pennsylvania was spelled wrong in the constitution as Pennsylvania ●When the Constitution was sign the US only had 4,000,000 people now we have more than 309 million people ●When the Constitution was signed Philadelphia was the biggest city at the time, now New York City is the biggest city ●The word democracy does not appear once on the Constitution ●The only other language used in various parts of the Constitution was latin ●The US constitution was created in secret behind locked doors with sentries outside ●September 17th is constitution day ●Benjamin Franklin was the oldest person to say the constitution. He was 81 Years Old

4 Constitution Facts Continued After the Convention, the Constitution had to be approved. Actually, only nine states had to agree to, or ratify, the Constitution. But everyone wanted all 13 states to agree. The constitution has been around for 226 years The word choose was spelled as “chuse” in the Constitution The word “God” was never in the Constitution Thomas Jefferson did not sign the constitution because he was in France at the time 39 total men signed the Constitution The Constitution was last ratified in 1789 The 18th amendment of the Constitution was removed because it “ prohibited the manufacture, sale, trade, or export of alcoholic beverages”

5 10 Bill of Right Amendments First Amendment: Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the press, the right to assemble, the right to petition government. Second Amendment: The right to form a militia and to keep and bear arms. Third Amendment: The right not to have soldiers in one's home. Fourth Amendment: Protection against unreasonable search and seizure. Fifth Amendment: No one can be tried for a serious crime unless indicted (accused) by a grand jury. No one can be forced to testify against herself or himself. No one can be punished without due process of law. People must be paid for property taken for public use. Sixth Amendment: People have a right to a speedy trial, to legal counsel, and to confront their accusers. Seventh Amendment: People have the right to a jury trial in civil suits exceeding $20. Eighth Amendment: Protection against excessive bail (money to release a person from jail), stiff fines, and cruel and unusual punishment. Ninth Amendment: Because there are so many basic human rights, not all of them could be listed in the Constitution. This amendment means that the rights that are enumerated cannot infringe upon rights that are not listed in the Constitution. Tenth Amendment: Powers not given to the federal government by the Constitution belong to the states or country

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