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CCL MGCP Protocol Stack Shang-Chih Tsai

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1 CCL MGCP Protocol Stack Shang-Chih Tsai

2 Features of the Stack n The Stack currently supports both Win32 and Solaris platform. n The Stack provides a C language API. n The Stack implemented the "At-Most-Once" functionality (section 3.6.1 of RFC 2705). Also, it implemented a retransmission mechanism (section 3.6.3 of RFC2705 ) while sending messages with UDP.

3 MGCP1.0 APIs n mgcMsg : APIs for messages n mgcAck : APIs for acknowledgements n mgcLoop : APIs for waiting incoming messages and sending outgoing messages(or acknowledgments) n mgcSock n mgcHash n mgcStr

4 Programming Model n Incoming messages mgcLoop Another MGCP process Application Message CCL’s MGCP protocol stack Ack Application process and generate acknowledgement MGCP calls application defined MSG callback function

5 Initialize mgcLoop int main(int argc, char**argv) { struct mgcExtEvents events[2]; struct timeval timeOut = {60,0}; mgcInit(); events[0].fd = 0; events[0].cb = NULL; /* no user-defined events */ mgcLoopSetDelay(50000); /* initial resend delay = 50 msec */ mgcLoop(2427, doMsg, doAck, events, &timeOut, doTimeout); }

6 Message Callback Function int doMsg(mgcMsg msg) { /* handle incoming command messages */ switch( mgcMsgGetType(msg) ) { case mgcCreatConn: handleCreatConn(); break; default: break; } mgcMsgFree(msg); /* responsible (could pass on) */ return 0; }

7 Programming Model n Outgoing messages mgcLoop Application CCL’s MGCP protocol stack Another MGCP process Message Ack External Event Application process and generate MGCP message MGCP calls application defined ACK callback function

8 mgcSockAddr dst_addr; mgcMsg mgcComm; /* set destination address */ dst_addr = mgcSockAddrNewDom(“”, 2427); /* set the MGCP command verb, endpoint and TID */ mgcComm = mgcMsgNew(mgcCreatConn); mgcMsgSetEPt(mgcComm, “”); mgcMsgSetTId(mgcComm,”1007”); / * set command parameters */ mgcMsgAddParm(mgcComm, "C", “1”); /* call ID */ mgcMsgAddParm(mgcComm, "X", ”5”); /* request ID */ mgcMsgAddParm(mgcComm, "L", “P:3-4,A:G.711,B:32-64,E:ON”); mgcMsgAddParm(mgcComm, "M", “SENDRECEV”); mgcMsgAddParm(mgcComm, "S", “RT”); mgcMsgSend(mgcComm, dst_addr); Send Message CRCX 1007 MGCP 1.0 X:5 L:P:3-4,A:G.711,B:32-64,E:ON M:SENDRECV S:RG C:1

9 Send Acknowledge /* callback function that informing us an incoming MGCP command */ int doMsg(mgcMsg msg) { mgcAck ack = NULL; /* process the command here */ /* send the response to the command */ ack = mgcAckNew(mgcAckOK); mgcAckSetTId(ack, mgcMsgGetTId(msg)); mgcAckAddParm(ack, "I", “ABCDEFGHIJ11” ); mgcAckSend(ack, mgcMsgGetAddr(msg)); … } 200 1007 OK I: ABCDEFGHIJ11

10 mgcStr struct mgcStrObj { char* text; long len, alloced; }; MGCP_API mgcStr mgcStrNew(void); MGCP_API int mgcStrLen(mgcStr); MGCP_API void mgcStrClr(mgcStr); MGCP_API void mgcStrFree(mgcStr); MGCP_API void mgcStrCat(mgcStr, char*); MGCP_API void mgcStrCatN(mgcStr, char*, int); MGCP_API char*mgcStrAsCStr(mgcStr); mgcStr mgcStrNew() { mgcStr _this; _this = malloc(sizeof *_this); /* ErrorCheck */ _this->len = 0; _this->alloced = MINALLOC; // MINALLOC = 200 _this->text = malloc(MINALLOC); mgcStrClr(_this); return _this; }

11 mgcHash typedef struct EntryObj *Entry; struct EntryObj { char* key; char* val; Entry next; }; struct mgcHashObj { Entry* table; int CELLS, elements; int keysUpper, strings; Entry iterNext; /* next entry in current bucket */ int bucketNext; /* next bucket to search */ }; table bucketNext /* * CELLs = number of entries in table (may grow) * keysUpper: bool should keys be mapped to upper case * strings: mgcHashType should val be copied (cstrings and ints) * by mgcHashAdd * keys are always strings and always copied */ iterNext Entrys

12 mgcHash API n MGCP_API mgcHash mgcHashNew(int initSize, int keysUpper, mgcHashType strings); n MGCP_API void mgcHashFree(mgcHash, void (*freeVal)(void*)); n /* add pair key/val to hash, return old value */ MGCP_API void*mgcHashAdd(mgcHash, char* key, void* val); n MGCP_API void*mgcHashDel(mgcHash, char* key); n /* return val for key in hash. NULL if not found. */ MGCP_API void*mgcHashItem(mgcHash, char* key); n MGCP_API voidmgcStartKeys(mgcHash); n MGCP_API char*mgcNextKeys(mgcHash); n MGCP_API int mgcHashSize(mgcHash);

13 mgcSock struct mgcSockAddrObj { char*domain_; intport_; struct sockaddr_in addr_; mgcSockAddr next_; }; MGCP_API mgcSockAddrmgcSockAddrNewDom(char* domain, int port); MGCP_API mgcSockAddrmgcSockAddrDup(mgcSockAddr); MGCP_API intmgcSockAddrBind(mgcSockAddr, int fd); MGCP_API intmgcSockAddrSendTo(mgcSockAddr, int fd, mgcStr); MGCP_API mgcSockAddrmgcSockAddrRecvFrom(int fd, mgcStr); MGCP_API voidmgcSockAddrFree(mgcSockAddr); MGCP_API char*mgcSockAddrGetDomain(mgcSockAddr); MGCP_API int mgcSockNew(void); freeList

14 mgcMsg struct mgcMsgObj { mgcMsgTypetype_; mgcStrasStr_; mgcHashparms_; char*tId_; char*ePt_; mgcStrsesParms_; mgcSockAddrsrcAddr_; }; CRCX 1007 MGCP 1.0 X:5 L:P:3-4,A:G.711,B:32-64,E:ON M:SENDRECV S:RG C:1

15 mgcAck struct mgcAckObj { mgcAckTypetype_; mgcStrasStr_; char*tId_; mgcHashparms_; mgcStrsesParms_; mgcSockAddrsrcAddr_; }; 200 1007 OK I: ABCDEFGHIJ11

16 mgcLoop n Trace code mgcLoop.c n ackNrecv: outstanding sent messages not yet acknowledged :maps message Tid to the count of messages sent n msgActv: stores active messages received yet to be acknowledged: maps message Tid to a dummy n msgComp1: moves messages from the active list to the completed list maps message Tid to the duplicate acknowledgement to be sent n msgComp2: mirror image of msgComp1 delayed by 30 seconds

17 mgcAlarm 10 3020 70501540 Start Time: 12345000 ms new HEAP 5 25 156545 10 35 HEAP End Time: 12345005 ms Start Time: 12345005 ms Set timer = 5

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