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United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division GSBPM and Other Standards Steven Vale UNECE

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1 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division GSBPM and Other Standards Steven Vale UNECE

2 Standards-based Modernisaton 135 28% 43% 34,600


4 Information objects  Things that flow between GSBPM sub- processes  Things that drive and integrate sub- processes

5 GSIM and GSBPM  GSIM describes the information objects and flows within the statistical business process.

6 So what is GSIM?  A reference framework of information objects: Definitions Attributes Relationships  GSIM aligns with relevant standards such as DDI and SDMX GSIM gives us standard terminology

7 First ideas when GSBPM was released Initial development by the Statistical Network in 2010-11 Identified as a priority by the HLG Major international project in 2012 GSIM 1.0 released in December 2012 History

8 Part of 2013 HLG project on standards and frameworks for statistical modernisation Changes based on feedback from early implementations Simplified - 150 110 information objects Incorporates revised Neuchâtel Model of classification terminology Better aligned with other standards, particularly DDI GSIM Revision




12 Clickable GSIM


14 Problem statement: Specialised business processes, methods and IT systems for each survey / output

15 Applying Enterprise Architecture Disseminate

16 ... but if each statistical organisation works by themselves...

17 ... we get this...

18 .. which makes it hard to share and reuse!

19 … but if statistical organisations work together to define a common statistical production architecture...

20 ... sharing is easier!

21 Layers of Architecture


23  GSBPM defines the “shape”  GSIM defines the interfaces CSPA Service

24 2013 - CSPA development project ArchitectureProof of Concept

25 The Proof of Concept  5 countries built CSPA services  3 countries implemented them

26 Project Outcomes The CSPA approach works It promises increased: sharing interoperability collaboration opportunities Some licensing issues!

27 2014 – CSPA Implementation

28 Services being built 1. Seasonal Adjustment – France, Australia, New Zealand 2. Confidentialised analysis of microdata – Canada, Australia 3. Linear error localisation – Netherlands 4. Linear rule checking – Netherlands 5. Error correction – Italy 6. Statistical chart generator – OECD 7. SDMX transform – OECD 8. Sample selection – Netherlands

29  Architecture Working Group: Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Turkey, Eurostat  Catalogue team: Australia, Canada, Italy, Hungary, New Zealand, Romania, Turkey, Eurostat

30 Mapping of Standards Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics


32 Combining standards  Standards-based modernisation  GSBPM provides the starting point, but more is needed: Information model Data / metadata formats Modular architecture Shared development of tools and methods

33 Data / metadata formats Others?

34 What is SDMX? Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange An initiative to foster standards for the exchange of statistical information


36 What is DDI? The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an effort to create an international standard for describing data from the social, behavioral, and economic sciences

37 Versions of DDI First generation: DDI Codebook Versions 1.0 to 2.1 Focuses on single archived instance Second generation: DDI Lifecycle Versions 3.0 to 3.2 Goes beyond the single survey concept Third generation: DDI 4.0 In early stages of preparation

38 GSBPM and DDI / SDMX  SDMX refers to business processes, but does not have a model  DDI has the Combined Life Cycle Model

39 GSBPMDDI Combined Life Cycle Model 1 Specify NeedsConcept Repurposing (part) 2 Design 3 Build 4 CollectCollection 5 ProcessProcessing (mostly) Repurposing (part) 6 AnalyseDiscovery Analysis Processing (part) 7 DisseminateDistribution 8 Evaluate Archiving Quality Management Metadata Management

40 Can we use just SDMX or DDI?  SDMX Suitable for micro-data?? Too heavy!  DDI Suitable for exchange of statistical aggregates?? Not designed for this!  Use both? Trial by Australian Bureau of Statistics



43 Summary  Each standard can be used by itself but  There is greater value in using them as a set of linked standards

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