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The Scientific Revolution How would you react to a revolutionary idea?

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1 The Scientific Revolution How would you react to a revolutionary idea?

2 Roots Mid 1500’s – 1700’s – precedes and runs alongside the Enlightenment. Mid 1500’s – 1700’s – precedes and runs alongside the Enlightenment. Scientific Revolution- A new way to think about the natural world. Scientific Revolution- A new way to think about the natural world. Skepticism – Having a doubting, or questioning attitude. Skepticism – Having a doubting, or questioning attitude. - Much of the skeptical attitude was a result of the Reformation and the violent wars that followed. Reason vs. Faith – Reason is to think and come to a conclusion through observation and logic. Reason vs. Faith – Reason is to think and come to a conclusion through observation and logic. - Many people in this era began to question the blind faith and focus on reason and experimentation.

3 The 16 th – 18 th century The Modern Western Mind is Born The Reformation and Religious Wars bring into question many things taught by centuries of Christianity. The Scientific Revolution begins to further question blind and uses the power of reason and observation. Absolutism is born, which creates strong centralized, and secular governments. Constitutionalism evolves alongside Absolutism and provides an alternative to absolute power. THE ENLIGTENMENT – Applies the reason of the Scientific Revolution and skepticism to create new MODERN ideas on society and government. TO THE FUTURE!!!! The Renaissance – Begins to question centuries of tradition and introduces a new secular outlook on the world.

4 The Revolutionaries 1-3 L-R Kepler Copernicus Newton 4-6 L-R Galileo Descartes Ptolemy

5 Their Ideas NameCountryBookIdea CopernicusPoland On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies Heliocentric Theory- The Sun is the Center. GalileoItaly Starry Messenger Proved Aristotle wrong; proved Copernicus true Kepler/BraheDenmarkPublishedLaws Proved Copernicus true Used Math. Laws of Planetary Motion

6 Conflict with the Church Galileo’s findings went against the church. Galileo’s findings went against the church. They felt if the masses believed him and questioned the church about it; what else would they question? They felt if the masses believed him and questioned the church about it; what else would they question? They put Galileo on trial and he confessed that he was wrong. They put Galileo on trial and he confessed that he was wrong. He spent the rest of his days under house arrest. He spent the rest of his days under house arrest.

7 Their Ideas Bacon & DescartesEnglandFrance Published various writings Empiricism- experimental method “I think; therefore I am” NewtonEngland The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy Motion & gravity BoyleEngland The Skeptical Chymist Chemistry Made up of many small elements VesaliusBelgian On the structure of the Human Body. Human Structure: organs, bones muscles

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