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Unit 1 Review Psych History, Schools, and Science.

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1 Unit 1 Review Psych History, Schools, and Science

2 History 2 Greek words that make up “psychology” Psyche & Logos

3 History Descartes said the body was a machine that could be studied, and was controlled by this, which couldn’t be studied. Mind

4 History Earliest attempt by man to fix abnormal behavior. Trephining

5 History He said that the composition of our bodily fluids indicated our personality traits. Galen

6 History Concentrating on the function of the mind rather than its structure (William James) Functionalism

7 History Lumps and bumps on our head indicate personality and skills sets. Phrenology

8 History Breaking down mental processes into the most basic elements. (Edward Titchener) Structuralism

9 History Famous Greek philosopher who thought a lot about how we thought. Aristotle, Socrates, Plato

10 Schools John B. Watson Behaviorism

11 History He founded the APA G. Stanley Hall

12 History This “father of psychology” established the 1 st lab to study sensation. Wilhelm Wundt

13 History Psychologists like Wertheimer who believe we organize pieces of stimuli into meaningful wholes. Gestalt

14 History Hippocrates’ body fluids that corresponded to a natural hierarchy and caused us to act funny if they were imbalanced. Humors

15 History Early form of hypnosis using magnets. Mesmerism

16 Schools Sigmund Freud Psychoanalysis

17 Schools Reinforcement (rewards/punishment) Behavioral

18 Schools Hidden instincts, urges, desires Psychoanalytic

19 Schools Deficiency and growth needs Humanistic

20 Schools Jean Piaget Cognitive

21 Schools Medication Neurobiological

22 Schools Mental Processing Cognitive

23 Schools Introspection Psychoanalytic

24 Schools Nervous System Neurobiological

25 Schools Observation and modeling Behaviorism

26 Schools Self-actualization Humanistic

27 Schools Maturation Cognitive

28 Schools Abe Maslow Humanistic

29 Schools Genetics and heredity Neurobiolgical

30 Science Watching subjects in their natural environment. Natural observation

31 Science Researching to know more, expand information. Basic Science

32 Science Statistical relationship between two variables Correlation

33 Science Study of different groups at one time Cross-sectional

34 Science Condition that is manipulated in an experiment. Independent Variable

35 Science Best way to obtain massive amounts of data Survey

36 Science Subjects unaware of treatment, to control for expectations Blinds

37 Science General way to test ideas about behavior. Scientific Method / Experiment

38 Science Using knowledge to solve problems. Applied Science

39 Science Study of one group over a period of time. Longitudinal

40 Science Condition being measured in an experiment. Dependent variable

41 Science A fake treatment Placebo

42 Science In-depth research on one individual Case study

43 Science Subjects who don’t receive a treatment, or receive a fake treatment, in an experiment. Control group

44 Science Study of different groups at different times. Cross-Sequential

45 Science Study of different groups at different times. Cross-Sequential

46 Science When both subjects and experimentors are unaware of who has received treatment. Double-Blind Study

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