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Unit 8 How was your school trip? Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section A Period 2.

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1 Unit 8 How was your school trip? Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section A Period 2

2 watched TV What did you do last weekend? visited a friend Revision

3 cleaned the room played computer games

4 played basketball stayed at home

5 PAIRWORK Did you …? Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. go to the beach visit your aunt

6 go fishing go skateboarding surf the Internet play soccer

7 visit 点击查看 动画词汇

8 end 点击查看 动画词汇

9 3a Read the article and correct the statements below. Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitor’s Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then

10 they watched a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school.

11 At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.

12 1. The students had a terrible school trip. 2. They saw an octopus in the Visitors’ Center. 3. They took the subway back to school. great time Outdoor Pool bus 3a Read the article and correct the statements below.

13 4. The students watched a movie about dolphins. 5. The science teacher cleaned the bus. sharks class monitor

14 Who has a good memory? 谁的记忆力好?

15 Visitors’ Center Class 9 and Then After that After lunch Finally school At the end of the day

16 1. had (have) a great/good time. 玩得愉快 2. trip n. 意为 “ 旅行 ” 它的同义词有 tour, travel trip 指短距离的旅行, 常回到原出发地, 不强调旅行的方式或目的。 tour 指 “ 周游 ”,“ 巡回旅行 ”, 常常是访问 一系列地方后又回到原出发地。 Explanation

17 travel 常指到国外或某个遥远的地 方去, 不强调具体的目的地。 e.g. Our friends are making a tour of Shanghai. 我们的朋友正对上海进行巡回旅行。

18 He came back home after years of foreign travel. 在多年的国外旅行后他回了家。 3. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. 最后, 他们虽然很累, 但他们很高兴, 他 们乘坐公共汽车返回了学校。

19 Write down a list of places you visited and things you did there. Then make conversations using these phrases. 3b PAIRWORK

20 A: I visited Chicago. B: Really? That sounds interesting. What did you see? A: Well, I… Were there…? Did you see…? Did you go…?

21 4 GROUPWORK Make up a story. Each student adds a sentence.

22 Exercise 点击查看


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