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Plot Structure 7 th Grade Reading. Freytag’s Pyramid Fr.

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Presentation on theme: "Plot Structure 7 th Grade Reading. Freytag’s Pyramid Fr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plot Structure 7 th Grade Reading

2 Freytag’s Pyramid Fr

3 The chain of events that make up a story. Plot

4 Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution/Denouement (Day-noo-mah) Plot Structure Includes:

5 The time and place of a story Setting

6 -The First Part of the Plot -Characters, Setting, and Basic Situation Revealed Exposition

7 -The main part of the story -Moves the plot along -Where complications arise Rising Action

8 *The most exciting or intense part of the story *The OMG! *Usually A Turning Point Climax

9 -Events that follow the climax and lead to the resolution -Conflicts begin moving toward resolution Falling Action

10 *The end of the story *Loose ends of plot are tied up *Remaining questions are answered *Conflicts are resolved Resolution

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