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1 Themes/Symbols/Motifs
Book Thief Themes/Symbols/Motifs

2 Theme/Motif/Symbol In a literary work, a motif can be seen as an image, sound, action or other figures that have a symbolic significance and contributes toward the development of theme. Motif and theme are linked in a literary work but there is a difference between them. In a literary piece, a motif is a recurrent image or idea that develops or explains a theme while a theme is a central idea or message.

3 Symbols are images, ideas, sounds or words that represent something else and help to understand an idea or a thing. Motifs, on the other hand, are images, ideas, sounds or words that help to explain the central idea of a literary work (theme). Moreover, a symbol may appear once or twice in a literary work, whereas a motif is a recurring element.

4 The Book Thief focuses on characters who are learning to love in the face of great hatred.
There is also romantic love in the novel. Of course, it's an innocent childlike romance that tragedy cuts short. The novel is set in a Nazi Germany, where giving another person something as seemingly small as a crust of stale bread or even a smile could be seen as act of immense kindness. These acts almost always involve penalty. To love in such a harsh world is both a necessity and a triumph for the characters of The Book Thief. Theme of Love

5 Theme of language In many ways, the Holocaust was a war fought with words. It relied on mass communication technology to convey its message of hate and to mobilize a nation in its service. But, The Book Thief focuses on using language to heal, to save, and to fight against injustice. It expresses a belief in the power of language to make a positive difference in the world. It recognizes the extreme power language contains. The novel shows us the very best and very worst ways language can be used. Sprinkled with German words and phrases, the novel also helps us feel the friendliness and beauty that this language can embody. This is important because after World War II and the Holocaust, German was seen as a language of hate and fear. This book argues that it's not about the language you speak in, or even the words you use, but how you use those words that's important.

6 Theme of Criminality The Book Thief might challenge our ideas about crime and criminality. What if the laws of the land require its citizens to commit crimes against humanity? That's what's going on in Nazi Germany during most of the novel. Our main characters decide to err on the side of kindness and love, regardless of what the laws say. Liesel's stealing of books and her and Rudy's other adventures in thievery could be seen as symbolic of the way everything is topsy-turvy in this society. One must steal and break the law in order to maintain a basic positive humanity. These courageous characters risk everything, day and day again, to resist unjust laws.

7 Theme of Courage The characters in The Book Thief exhibit great courage in the face of great adversity. It takes courage for the Hubermanns to take in Max Vandenburg, a young Jewish man. It takes extreme courage for Max to make the trip to their home in the first place, and even to trust them. As the characters grow and change, courage becomes a bigger and bigger factor in their lives. In fact, it becomes a life-sustaining attribute and a testament to their positive humanity. The courage to resist unjust laws and practices and to display their resistance publically, even in small ways, makes these characters an inspiration to many readers.

8 Writing Writing is a motif in the novel.
It is a recurrent thread that gives meaning to the theme of language. What examples of writing significantly change the character’s lives?

9 Basements Basements are a motif in the novel.
Basements suggest secrecy, hiding, and darkness. Note that basements are “under” the main living areas; the author may be suggesting that art and creativity come from beneath – or the subconscious

10 Books Books are a SYMBOL in the novel They symbolize power and control

11 Accordion The accordion is a SYMBOL in this novel.
It symbolizes saving/saviors It symbolizes promises It symbolizes friendship How?

12 Bread Bread is a symbol in the novel. It is a symbol of kindness.
It is a symbol of sacrifice. It is a symbol of selflessness. How?

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