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Depository Services Pre-Proposal Meeting April 12, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Depository Services Pre-Proposal Meeting April 12, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Depository Services Pre-Proposal Meeting April 12, 2013

2  Depository (basic banking) ◦ This is the essential part of the contract ◦ Must have these services  Investments ◦ District prefers to invest locally ◦ District prefers to go through depository contract ◦ District reserves the right to invest outside of depository contract at all times  Credit card services ◦ District prefers to go through depository contract but other providers are available ◦ Not a mandatory part of the contract

3  Proposals allow providers to offer unique services, ideas, etc. that enhance their ability to serve over competitors  The District has the right to negotiate between different providers  Essential data will be provided to all parties

4  The proposal documents disclose the activity available to the District  Use this data as is unless the proposal can show clear evidence that the activity can be changed  The District understands that predictions of future events is subject to error, but expects due diligence in presenting realistic data ◦ Unrealistic estimates will distract from the overall evaluation of the proposal

5  The District understands that the depository may want to limit the amount of investments that would be allowed at certain rates of return ◦ Make sure the proposal sets out any limitations  The investment balances provided in the proposal documents was intended to show the potential investments of the District

6  Simplicity of services and terms: ◦ The District places value on simple, easily understood terms, particularly with investments  Cost of Services ◦ Cost of services is only 20% of the evaluation criteria ◦ Cost includes the cost to change depositories  If everything else is equal, cost will have to be reduced to justify a change in depository

7  State law allows up to two extensions for two years each  District prefers to extend if services are satisfactory and market conditions do not warrant new proposals  Modifications will be allowed at the time of extension if they are to the advantage of the District based on conditions at the time of the extension  The current contract has had modifications since acceptance

8  April 22 nd – Deadline for questions  April 25 th – Response by District to all questions  May 2 nd – Deadline for proposal submission  May 21 st – District recommendation to award contract  September 1 st – beginning of contract

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