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6 Contents Chapter The Baby’s Arrival Section 6.1 Labor and Birth

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1 6 Contents Chapter The Baby’s Arrival Section 6.1 Labor and Birth
Section 6.2 The Newborn Section 6.3 The Postnatal Period

2 Section 6.1 Labor and Birth
Pregnant women go through different stages of labor before delivering a baby. Some women have a cesarean or premature birth.

3 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary cervix contraction
fetal monitoring dilate cord blood stem cells cesarean birth incubator induce anesthesia

4 The Progression of Labor
Early signs of labor include: the “bloody show.” a gush of fluid from the vagina. contractions. contraction The tightening and releasing of the muscles of the uterus. This is also a sign of labor. 4

5 The Progression of Labor
In premature labor, the fetus has been developing in the womb for 37 weeks or less. False labor is common. Sometimes labor must be artificially induced. induce To start; to make the process of labor or a birth begin by a medical intervention.

6 The Progression of Labor
The three stages of labor are: Contractions open the cervix. The baby is born. The placenta is expelled. cervix The lower part of the uterus. 6

7 Cesarean Birth A cesarean birth might be necessary if there is a lack of normal progress during labor, the baby is in distress or turned wrong, or there are multiple births. cesarean birth Also known as a cesarean section or c-section, it is the delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother’s abdomen. 7

8 Premature Birth Premature babies require special care because they are not ready to live outside their mother’s body. The premature baby’s brain cannot control: its body temperature. breathing. feeding. 8

9 Section 6.2 The Newborn A newborn baby is examined immediately after birth. A newborn also receives numerous tests shortly after birth.

10 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary fontanel lanugo vernix
Apgar scale fuse secure

11 The Baby Arrives Most newborns naturally breathe on their own after birth. The baby’s skull bones are not fully fused, so the head may appear lopsided. fuse To combine; to unit or blend.

12 Examining the Newborn Doctors use the Apgar scale to measure a newborn’s: heart rate. skin color. breathing. muscle tone. response to stimulation. Apgar scale A system of rating the physical condition of a newborn baby.

13 Examining the Newborn Nurses examine the baby for conditions that might require special care. Newborns receive hearing screenings. Blood tests are taken to screen the baby for a number of diseases and disorders. What conditions might require special care in a newborn?

14 Section 6.3 The Postnatal Period
After the baby is born, the parents begin to bond with the baby while still at the hospital. Both mother and baby receive postnatal care. 14

15 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary neonatal period jaundice
bilirubin bonding colostrum lactation consultant rooming-in postnatal period postpartum depression major stable

16 After the Birth The neonatal period involves major adjustments for mother and baby. Bonding allows parents and the baby to form emotional ties and helps the baby’s brain development. neonatal period The first month after the baby is born. bonding The act of forming emotional ties between parents and child.

17 After the Birth Some hospitals allow the baby to stay in the room with the mother. Premature babies have an increased risk of medical and developmental problems and need 24-hour monitoring.

18 Mother’s Postnatal Care
A new mother has physical and emotional needs during the postnatal period. Physical needs include: rest. exercise. nutrition. checkups. postnatal period The time following the baby’s birth.

19 There are three main stages of labor.
Chapter Summary Section 6.1 Labor and Birth There are three main stages of labor. A cesarean birth may be necessary if the mother’s or baby’s health is in danger. A premature baby will require special medical care. 19

20 Chapter Summary Section 6.2 The Newborn
Immediately after birth, a newborn’s physical condition is evaluated through a variety of tests. 20

21 A new mother needs postnatal care.
Chapter Summary Section 6.3 The Postnatal Period Bonding after birth strengthens the emotional connection between parents and their child. A new mother needs postnatal care. New mothers need rest, exercise, good nutrition, and follow-up medical care. They may also have emotional needs. 21

22 Review Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions. Start

23 The lower part of the uterus. La parte baja del útero.
cervix cérvix The lower part of the uterus. La parte baja del útero. Show Definition

24 contraction contracción
The tightening and releasing of the muscles of the uterus. This is also a sign of labor. Movimiento de los músculos del útero. Generalmente indica que el bebé está por nacer. Show Definition

25 The watching of an unborn baby’s heart rate for indications of stress.
fetal monitoring monitoreo fetal The watching of an unborn baby’s heart rate for indications of stress. Observación del ritmo cardiaco de un bebé que no ha nacido, para buscar síntomas de estrés. Show Definition

26 dilate dilatar To widen or open. Agrandar o abrir. Show Definition

27 sangre del cordón umbilical cord blood
The blood left behind in the umbilical cord and placenta following birth. Sangre que queda en el cordón umbilical y la placenta después del nacimiento. Show Definition

28 Cells capable of producing all types of cells.
stem cells células madre Cells capable of producing all types of cells. Células que pueden producir todo tipo de células. Show Definition

29 cesarean birth parto por cesárea
Also known as a cesarean section or c-section, it is the delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother’s abdomen. Nacimiento de un bebé por medio de una incisión quirúrgica en el abdomen de la madre. Show Definition

30 incubator incubadora A special enclosed crib where the oxygen supply, temperature, and humidity can be closely controlled. Cuna cerrada en la que se pueden controlar con precisión el nivel de oxígeno, la temperatura y la humedad. Show Definition

31 fontanel fontanela An open space found on the baby’s head where the bones are not yet joined. Espacio entre los huesos del cráneo de un bebé donde el hueso no se ha formado aún. Show Definition

32 Fine, downy hair growing on newborns’ foreheads, backs, and shoulders.
lanugo lanugo Fine, downy hair growing on newborns’ foreheads, backs, and shoulders. Pelo fino y suave que cubre la frente, la espalda y los hombros de algunos bebés recién nacidos. Show Definition

33 vernix vérnix A thick, white, pasty substance made up of the fetus’s old skin cells and the secretions of skin glands. Sustancia gruesa, blanca y pastosa compuesta de las células viejas de la piel del feto y de las secreciones de las glándulas de la piel. Show Definition

34 A system of rating the physical condition of a newborn baby.
Apgar scale escala de Apgar A system of rating the physical condition of a newborn baby. Un sistema que mide el estado físico del recién nacido. Show Definition

35 The first month after the baby is born.
neonatal period periodo neonatal The first month after the baby is born. El primer mes después de que nace el bebé. Show Definition

36 jaundice ictericia A condition that causes the baby’s skin and eyes to look slightly yellow. Afección que hace que la piel y los ojos del bebé se vean amarillentos. Show Definition

37 A substance produced by the breakdown of red blood cells.
bilirubin bilirrubina A substance produced by the breakdown of red blood cells. Sustancia producida cuando los glóbulos rojos en la sangre se desintegran. Show Definition

38 The act of forming emotional ties between parents and child.
bonding crear vínculos The act of forming emotional ties between parents and child. Generar lazos emocionales, como entre padres e hijos. Show Definition

39 A high-calorie, high-protein early breast milk.
colostrum calostro A high-calorie, high-protein early breast milk. Leche materna de los primeros días después del parto, con alto contenido de proteínas y calorías. Show Definition

40 consultor de lactancia
lactation consultant consultor de lactancia A professional breastfeeding specialist who shows mothers how to encourage adequate milk production and how to position babies properly so that they can nurse. Profesional especializado en lactancia que muestra a las madres cómo estimular la producción adecuada de leche materna y cómo posicionar correctamente al bebé para amamantar. Show Definition

41 compartiendo cuarto rooming-in
When that the baby remains with the mother in her room during the hospital stay; it can be a full-time or part-time arrangement. Cuando el bebé se queda en la habitación de la madre durante la estadía en el hospital; puede ser un arreglo de tiempo completo o medio tiempo. Show Definition

42 The time following the baby’s birth.
postnatal period periodo postnatal The time following the baby’s birth. El tiempo que sigue después de que nace el bebé. Show Definition

43 postpartum depression depresión posparto
A condition in which new mothers may feel very sad, cry a lot, have little energy, feel overly anxious about the baby or have little interest in the baby, and, in extreme cases, think of harming the baby. Condición en la que las nuevas madres se sienten muy tristes, lloran mucho, tienen poca energía, sienten demasiada ansiedad por el bebé o les interesa poco y, en casos extremos, piensan en hacerle daño. Show Definition

44 induce inducir To start; to make the process of labor or a birth begin by a medical intervention. Empezar; hacer una intervención médica para que el proceso de parto comience. Show Definition

45 Drugs that cause a loss of feeling, used for pain relief.
anesthesia anesthesia Drugs that cause a loss of feeling, used for pain relief. Medicamentos que producen la pérdida de sensaciones, se usan para aliviar el dolor. Show Definition

46 To combine; to unit or blend. Combinar; unificar o mezclar.
fuse fusionar To combine; to unit or blend. Combinar; unificar o mezclar. Show Definition

47 Safe; untroubled by feelings of fear.
secure estable Safe; untroubled by feelings of fear. Seguro; sin sentimientos de miedo. Show Definition

48 Significant; of considerable importance.
major importante Significant; of considerable importance. De gran magnitud y significación. Show Definition

49 Unchanging, steady and firm. Que no cambia; seguro y firme.
stable estable Unchanging, steady and firm. Que no cambia; seguro y firme. Show Definition

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