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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

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Presentation on theme: "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
Ancient Egypt

2 Question 1

3 In 1922 who discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb?
A Anubis B Queen Victoria C Howard Carter D Tutankhamun

4 In 1922 who discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb?
A Anubis B Queen Victoria C Howard Carter D Tutankhamun

5 £100

6 Question 2

7 What was Tutankhamun’s original name?
A Tootandcomein B Tutankhamean C Tutankhaten D Twotanksarecoming

8 What was Tutankhamun’s original name?
A Tootandcomein B Tutankhamean C Tutankhaten D Twotanksarecoming

9 £200

10 Question 3

11 What could rich Ancient Egyptians afford to do with their dead?
A Burn B Bury C Drown them D Mummify them

12 What could rich Ancient Egyptians afford to do with their dead?
A Burn B Bury C Drown them D Mummify them

13 £300

14 Question 4

15 What covers over 90% of Egypt?
A Deserts B River Nile C Pyramids D Desserts

16 What covers over 90% of Egypt?
A Deserts B River Nile C Pyramids D Desserts

17 £500

18 Question 5

19 How did the Egyptians measure time?
A By candlelight B By the sun C By the moon D By Venus

20 How did the Egyptians measure time?
A By candlelight B By the moon C By the sun D By Venus

21 £1,000

22 Question 6

23 What was built 4500 years ago in which some Pharaohs were buried?
A Tombs B Pyramids C Statues D Temples

24 What was built 4500 years ago in which some Pharaohs were buried?
A Tombs B Pyramids C Statues D Temples

25 £2,000

26 Question 7

27 The Egyptian week has how many days?
B 7 C 10 D 6

28 The Egyptian week has how many days?
B 7 C 10 D 6

29 £4,000

30 Question 8

31 How many children did Rameses II have?
B 2 C 23 D 100

32 How many children did Rameses II have?
B 2 C 23 D 100

33 £8,000

34 Question 9

35 How did the Egyptians move large stones?
A Crane B Pullers C People Power D Wheels

36 How did the Egyptians move large stones?
A Crane B Pullers C People Power D Wheels

37 £16,000

38 Question 10

39 Who was Tutankhamun’s wife?
A Ankhesenamun B Nefertiti C Cleopatra D Numahknatut

40 Who was Tutankhamun’s wife?
A Ankhesenamun B Nefertiti C Cleopatra D Numahknatut

41 £32,000

42 Question 11

43 Which Egyptians shaved their hair?
A Girls and boys B Men and women C Slaves D Pharoahs

44 Which Egyptians shaved their hair?
A Girls and boys B Men and women C Slaves D Pharoahs

45 £64,000

46 Question 12

47 Who was Nut? A The sun swallower B The sun god C Pharoah
D The god of death

48 Who was Nut? A The sun swallower B The sun god C Pharoah
D The god of death

49 £125,000

50 Question 13

51 Who was the most famous queen of Egypt?
A Nefertiti B Cleopatra C Anubis D Osiris

52 Who was the most famous queen of Egypt?
A Nefertiti B Cleopatra C Anubis D Osiris

53 £250,000

54 Question 14

55 A Tomb of Tutankhamun B Parthenon C The Sphinx D Tomb of Rameses II
Which Ancient Egyptian monument had to be moved when the Aswan dam was built? A Tomb of Tutankhamun B Parthenon C The Sphinx D Tomb of Rameses II

56 A Tomb of Tutankhamun B Parthenon C The Sphinx D Tomb of Rameses II
Which Ancient Egyptian monument had to be moved when the Aswan dam was built? A Tomb of Tutankhamun B Parthenon C The Sphinx D Tomb of Rameses II

57 £500,000

58 Question 15

59 How much pure gold was in Tutankhamun’s tomb?
A 110 kg B 99 kg C 112 kg D 100 kg

60 How much pure gold was in Tutankhamun’s tomb?
A 110 kg B 99 kg C 112 kg D 100 kg

61 £1,000,000

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