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Presentation on theme: "Concepts of ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY"— Presentation transcript:

1 Concepts of ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY

2 ANATOMY The scientific study of structures and the relationship of structures to each other. FORM Other terms include shape, structure, and appearance.

3 PHYSIOLOGY The scientific study of the functioning of specific body parts and systems. FUNCTION

4 The study of function is?
iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) anatomy B.) physiology C.) science D.) catabolism E.)

5 Levels of Organization
Chemical Level Cellular Level Tissue Level Organ Level System Level Organism Level

6 Levels of Organization

7 Chemical Level All chemical substances essential for maintaining life – atoms-compounds-molecules. Major Elements C - carbon H - hydrogen O - oxygen N - nitrogen

8 Cellular Level The cell is the basic unit of structure and function.
Each cell has a unique structure and function. Muscle cells Nerve cells Blood cells Cartilage cells

9 Tissue Level Collection of similar cells grouped together to perform a specific function. Usually derived from a common embryonic origin. Four Major Tissue Types Epithelial Tissue Connective Tissue Nervous Tissue Muscular Tissue

10 Organ Level Structures composed of two or more different tissues.
Have specific functions. Usually have recognizable shapes Heart Brain Kidney Liver

11 System Level An association of organs that have a common function.
Digestive System Cardiovascular System Nervous System Lymphatic System

12 Organism Level All body systems are functioning with one another as a living individual.

13 Put the levels of organization in order
iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) chemical, cellular, organism, tissue, system, organ B.) organ, system, cellular, tissue, chemical, tissue C.) chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, system, organism D.) system, tissue, chemical, organ, organism, cellular E.)

14 The sum total of all chemical processes that occur in the body.
Metabolism The sum total of all chemical processes that occur in the body.

15 Using energy to synthesize or manufacture new tissue or molecules.
Anabolism Using energy to synthesize or manufacture new tissue or molecules.

16 Catabolism The breakdown of tissues or chemical structures to produce or generate energy.

17 You are running a marathon what is happening within your cells?
iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) anabolism B.) catabolism C.) D.) E.)

18 Position Descriptors Superior (Cranial) Inferior (Caudal)
Anterior (Ventral) Posterior (Dorsal) Medial Lateral Proximal Distal

19 Position Descriptors

20 Anatomical Terms

21 Movement Descriptors flexion extension hyperextension abduction
adduction plantar flexion dorsiflexion circumduction supination (LR) pronation (MR) inversion eversion elevation depression protraction retraction

22 Joints (Types of Movements at Synovial Joints)
Special Movements Inversion Eversion Dorsiflexion Plantar flexion Supination Pronation Opposition Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

23 Joints (Types of Movements at Synovial Joints)
Abduction Movement of a bone away from the midline Moving the humerus laterally at the shoulder joint Adduction Movement of a bone toward the midline Movement that returns body parts to normal position from abduction Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

24 Joints (Types of Movements at Synovial Joints)
Circumduction Movement of a body part in a circle Moving the humerus in a circle at the shoulder joint Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

25 Joints (Types of Movements at Synovial Joints)
Rotation A bone revolves around its own longitudinal axis Turning the head from side to side as when you shake your head “no” Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

26 Joints (Types of Movements at Synovial Joints)
Special Movements Elevation Depression Protraction Retraction Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

27 Planes Fixed lines of reference along which the body or organ is often divided to facilitate viewing.

28 Body Planes

29 Sagittal Plane A vertical plane which divides the body or structure into right and left sections.

30 Sagittal Section of Thorax

31 MRI of Brain

32 Mid-Sagittal Plane A vertical plane which divides a body or structure into equal right and left halves.

33 Frontal (Coronal) Plane
A vertical plane which divides a body or structure into anterior and posterior sections

34 X-Ray: Frontal View

35 Transverse (Horizontal) Plane
A horizontal plane which divides a body or structure into superior and inferior sections.

36 Transverse Plane (Cross Section)

37 Chest CT Scan

38 Brain MRI

39 Planes - Overview

40 You are doing heart surgery and have to cut through the rib cage, what kind of a cut will you make?
iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) midsagittal B.) frontal C.) transverse D.) E.)

41 Spaces within the body that contain the internal organs.
BODY CAVITIES Spaces within the body that contain the internal organs.

42 Dorsal Body Cavity Cranial Cavity Spinal (Vertebral) Cavity
Contains the brain Spinal (Vertebral) Cavity Bony cavity formed by the vertebrae of the spine that contains and protects the spinal cord.

43 Ventral Body Cavity Thoracic Cavity Abdominopelvic Cavity
Pleural cavities (2) Mediastinum Pericardial cavity Abdominopelvic Cavity Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity

44 Thoracic cavity

45 You have just received a gun shot to the chest, which cavity did it go through?
iRespond Question Multiple Choice F A.) Abdominopelvic B.) cranial C.) thoracic E.)

46 Body Cavities

47 Abdominopelvic Quadrants
The abdominopelvic cavity can be functionally divided into quadrants. Used by clinical personnel to describe the location of abdominopelvic pain, tumors, and other abnormalities.

48 Abdominopelvic Quadrants
Used mostly in the medical and clinical disciplines. Functionally divides the abdominopelvic cavity into four quadrants RUQ - Right Upper Quadrant LUQ - Left Upper Quadrant RLQ - Right Lower Quadrant LLQ - Left Lower Quadrant

49 Quadrants and Organs RUQ – liver, gallbladder, right kidney
LUQ – stomach, spleen, pancreas, left kidney RLQ – appendix, right ovary LLQ – left ovary

50 Abdominopelvic Quadrants

51 Nine body regions Epigastric Lumbar Umbilical Ingunial Gastric Right
Hypo chondriac Epigastric Left Lumbar Umbilical Ingunial Gastric

52 Homeostasis The ability of the body to maintain a constant internal environment within prescribed physiological limits.

53 Parameters Maintained in Homeostasis
gas concentrations temperature pressure pH (acidity) nutrients water

54 STRESS Any factor which disrupts homeostasis.
Any stimulus which creates an imbalance in the body’s internal environment Anything that causes stress - Stressor Physical Emotional Metabolic Environmental

55 External Stressors Heat Cold Noise Light Exercise

56 Internal Stressors Pain Tumors High blood pressure Chemical imbalances
Unpleasant thoughts

57 Feedback Mechanisms Any circular situation in which information about something is monitored and sent to a control center

58 Components of a Feedback Mechanism
Control Center An area that receives information about a monitored condition and determines an appropriate response. Receptor An area or structure that monitors a controlled condition. Effector Structure that produces a response or changes a controlled condition.

59 Feedback Mechanisms

60 Types of Feedback Mechanisms
Negative Feedback Mechanisms (Inhibitory) The response counteracts the input. The most common feedback mechanism. Examples: blood pressure blood sugar regulation cardiac output temperature regulation Positive Feedback Mechanisms (Stimulatory) The response is intensified by the input. Example: Breastfeeding by an infant, childbirth, and blood clotting.

61 Negative Feedback System

62 Positive Feedback System

63 Which feedback mechanism reverses the reaction to return to homeostasis?
iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) Negative B.) Positive C.) Neutral D.) E.)

64 MRI Machines


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