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Ears 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Ears 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ears 1

2 Structure and functions of the ears

3 Structures of the ears External ear Middle ear
Also known as the tympanic cavity Inner ear Also known as the labyrinth 3

4 Understanding the functions of the ear
External ear Pinna External auditory canal Contains cerumen Tympanic membrane

5 Understanding the functions of the ear
Middle ear Ossicles Hammer or malleus Anvil or incus Stirrup or stapes Eustachian tube

6 Understanding the functions of the ear
Inner ear Cochlea Semicircular canals

7 Ears Name the structures… Review 7

8 Understanding the functions of the ear
Pathway of hearing Trace the pathway of hearing. Discuss the process of hearing. What are decibels?

9 Review the pathway of hearing
Understanding the functions of the ear What is occurring at each structure? Review the pathway of hearing

10 Healthy Hearing How do you protect your hearing?
What is the relevance to healthy hearing?

11 Understanding the functions of the ear
Sound Activity What is a sound byte? Short bit of sound or clip from a longer recording.

12 Disorders of the ear

13 Disorders of the ear What instruments are used to examine the ear?
What specialist studies the ears, nose, and throat?

14 Disorders of the ear External otitis
Discuss what you see in this picture? (Besides a Q-tip!) What causes external otitis? How can it be prevented?

15 Normal tympanic membrane
Disorders of the ear Otitis media What is otitis media? Who is most at risk of having otitis media? Why? What are the treatment options? Normal tympanic membrane Otitis media Myringotomy

16 Disorders of the ear Otosclerosis What is it? Oto- sclerosis
What causes it? Why is a stapedectomy useful in treating otosclerosis?

17 Disorders of the ear Meniere’s disease
What are the symptoms of Meniere’s disease? What causes these symptoms? How is it treated?

18 Disorders of the ear Tinnitus Tinnitus is a symptom, not a disorder.
What is tinnitus? Explain this statement: Tinnitus is a symptom, not a disorder.

19 Disorders of the ear Presbycusis What is presbycusis?
Who is most likely to develop presbycusis? What is the difference between conductive hearing loss and sensory hearing loss? How can they be treated?

20 Testing for hearing loss
Rinne test Weber test Compare these two tests. How are they diagnostic?

21 Structure, Functions and Disorders of the Ear
The End

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