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Data Notebooks & Student Led Conferences

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1 Data Notebooks & Student Led Conferences
Presenters: Katie Self & Monica Burke

2 Clear your mind of can’t.
Think…I can do all things for the good of my students.

3 What in the world is a Data Notebook?
Data Notebooks are a way for students to keep track of their: test scores goals (personal and academic) behavior Provide visual aids (graphs) for students to monitor progress over time. Data Notebooks encourage students to take responsibility for their learning and also help reinforce many concepts taught in the classroom.

4 Data Notebooks: Why use them?
Data Notebooks empower students by: Teaching RESPONSIBILITY and ORGANIZATION  Students become accountable for their learning. Goals/Objectives are written by students to achieve short term gains motivating them to keep moving toward long term goals Track student progress Provide visuals (65% of the population learn visually) Help plan for success Quick reference Great tool for parent conferences

5 Data Notebooks: What do I put inside?
FCAT scores Fair Scores AR points STAR Reading and Math Grades Letters or Sight Words Covey Goal Behavior Chart Graphs for each subject Personal Goals Mission Statement **The GREAT thing about Data Notebooks is you can make it whatever you want for your students!

6 Data Notebooks & Time Management
Initially very time consuming 10-20 minutes each week Daily or Weekly

7 How do I get started? With your team (or individually) decide on a uniform table of contents. What data is important Create data recording sheets for your students

8 How do I get started with my students?
Plan to spend at least minutes Assemble data notebooks Explain the purpose of using data notebooks and each page included Assist in setting initial goals and filling in results you may already have (FCAT Scores, STAR, etc)

9 Data Notebook Conferences
Conference with students at least once each nine weeks Discuss goals Did he/she meet that goal? Set new goals Ask questions about their data **This is time to celebrate individual learning gains with each child, or help them move in the right direction!

10 Student Led Conferences
Time for student to shine…not a Parent/Teacher conference Time to reflect and discuss goals Review grades and test scores

11 How to Prepare for a Student Led Conference
Daily or weekly graph test scores Discuss reasonable goals Update goals each 9 weeks Model and Practice Discuss checklist Write invitations and Thank You’s Reflect: Parent & Student

12 Benefits of Student Led Conferences
Student Accountability Self-Confidence Responsibility Organization Active role in learning/participation Encourage ownership of work Reflecting/Evaluating and goal setting Increase PARENT PARTICIPATION!!!!!

13 Time to Reflect Will you TRY to use Data Notebooks in your classroom this year? Why or why not? IF YES: How can you use Data Notebooks in your classroom? What do you think you may want to include in your Data Notebook?

14 It's a Process not an Event!
Remember... Baby Steps It's a Process not an Event!

15 References
English Estates Elementary

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