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Warm up: Round the following to the nearest thousand, hundred, or ten

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up: Round the following to the nearest thousand, hundred, or ten"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up: Round the following to the nearest thousand, hundred, or ten
1.) 13, ) 487 3.) 24, ) 654 5.) 1, ) 2,432

2 Comparing Numbers Ordering Numbers Rounding Numbers Using Bar Graphs
Chapter 3 Review Comparing Numbers Ordering Numbers Rounding Numbers Using Bar Graphs

3 Use >, <, or = to compare the following numbers:
400 _____ 412

4 Answer: 400 < 412

5 Place the following numbers in order from least to greatest:
124; 562; 347

6 Answer: 124 347 562

7 Use >, <, or = to compare the following numbers:
4, 701 _____4,071

8 Answer 4, 701 > 4,071

9 Round to the underlined place:

10 Answer 679 – 680

11 Place the following numbers in order from least to greatest:
1,466; 1,356; 1,988

12 Answer: 1,365 1,466 1,988

13 Use >, <, or = to compare the following numbers:
10, 313 ____ 10,525

14 Answer: 10, 313 < 10, 525

15 Round to the underlined place:

16 Answer: 3,721- 4,000 3, ,000

17 Place the following numbers in order from greatest to least:
610,100; 615,010; 605,310

18 Answer: 615,010 610,100 605,310

19 Round to the underlined place:

20 Answer 1,876 – 2,000 1, ,000

21 Use >, <, or = to compare the following numbers:
23, 246 ___ 32, 325

22 Answer: 23, 246 < 32, 325

23 Round to the underline digit:

24 Answer: 5,533 -5,500 5, ,600

25 On which night was the number of tickets sold greater than the number sold on Monday, but less than the number sold on Wednesday?

26 Answer - Thursday

27 On which night was the number of tickets sold less than the number on Friday, but greater than the number sold on Wednesday?

28 Answer - Tuesday

29 Use >, <, or = to compare the following numbers:
7,583 ____ 7,583

30 Answer: 7,583 = 7,583

31 Round to the underline digit:

32 Answer: 414 – 400

33 Round to the underline digit:

34 Answer: 74 – 70

35 Place the following numbers in order from greatest to least:
42,218; 43,010; 42,115

36 Answer: 43,010 42,218 42,115

37 Use >, <, or = to compare the following numbers:
10,313 ___ 11,541

38 Answer: 10,313 < 11,541

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