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Just What Is Science Anyway???

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Presentation on theme: "Just What Is Science Anyway???"— Presentation transcript:

1 Just What Is Science Anyway???
a journey through the scientific method...

2 Science is a process of inquiry - asking questions and getting answers
you do science There are many sciences: life science poli-science social science etc

3 Observation 2 kinds of Observations
Before you can ask a question - you need to make an observation… 2 kinds of Observations direct - done w/ the 5 senses sight, touch, smell, aural, taste indirect - done w/ equipment thermometer, anemometer, balance...

4 The Scientific Method A very good way to do science Easy to follow
Repeatable Thorough Is the way it’s really done in the field! Can be applied to any problem.

What’s the Problem?? You need to state the question that you are going to be collecting data on. This problem is what your project will be answering. THIS MUST BE IN THE FORM OF A QUESTION! The question should not be able to be answered with a yes or no.

6 What’s the Purpose?? You need to state the purpose of your investigation - called the Purpose Statement It needs to be clear to you (and the reader) exactly what you are investigating. Why are you doing the project you picked.

7 Should be stated in “I think or I believe” statements
Hypotheses These are educated guesses - “educated” implies that the “guesses” are based on research!!! Why do the experiment if someone else already has??!!?? Should be stated in “I think or I believe” statements

8 Procedure You need to list:
- the materials needed for your experiment. - the steps that you are going to (or did) take to carry out your experiment. It must be so detailed so that anyone who may dispute your work can reproduce exactly what you did.

9 Variables to vary - to change
Independent Variables (IV) - the part of the experiment that you change Dependent Variables (DV) - the part of the experiment that changes as a result of the manipulation

10 more... Control Group - the part of the experiment that is your basis for comparison Constants - the parts of your experiment that do not change

11 Results - Data Presentation
Data Tables- A simple way to organize your data. Graphs - To help your data make visual Sense trends. Written – Paragraph format Remember Joe Friday “Just the Facts”

12 Conclusions Three Parts... Interpretation of Data
What do all of these numbers mean? Do they make sense? Why or why not? How do the results relate to the topic at hand?

13 Conclusions - Continued
Analysis of Hypotheses did your data support your hypotheses?

14 Conclusions – Continued Again
Error Analysis what factors skewed your data? how wrong is wrong? Precision vs. Accuracy if your data is accurate it is close to true value if your data is precise it is consistent from trial to trial

15 Precision vs. Accuracy This is precise but not accurate

16 Precision vs. Accuracy This is precise and accurate

17 Science Fair Project 1) Pick something that you are interested about.
2) Know your variables and controls 3) Follow your handout make sure things are handed in on time. 4)Ask if you have a question.

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