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Living Things and Viruses

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1 Living Things and Viruses
Jeopardy Test Review Game

2 Virus Bacteria Protist Fungus Misc. 100 200 300 400 500

3 Name the two basic parts of a virus.

4 protein coat and inner core

5 What is a virus?

6 tiny, non-living particle that invades a cell and multiplies

7 How is a virus like a parasite?

8 It needs a host to reproduce.

9 What is in the inner core of a virus?

10 genetic material

11 What is the best treatment for a virus?

12 bed rest and plenty of fluids

13 How are bacteria classified?

14 prokaryote

15 ____________ bacteria obtain food by consuming autotrophs and heterotrophs.

16 Heterotrophic

17 Genetic material is passed from one bacterium to another across a thread-like bridge during _____________.

18 conjugation

19 During _______ ______ a parent cell copies its genetic material and splits in half to create 2 new cells that look exactly like the parent cell.

20 binary fission

21 Name 4 ways that bacteria move.

22 flagellum, water, air, other organisms, and other objects

23 A protist is classified as a __________.

24 eukaryote

25 Animal-like protists are commonly called _______.

26 protozoans

27 What are plant-like protists commonly called?

28 algae

29 What animal-like characteristic does a euglena have? HINT: food source

30 They can be heterotrophs.

31 What plant-like characteristic does a euglena have? HINT: food source

32 They can be autotrophs.

33 What do fungi have in common with animals?

34 They are heterotrophs.

35 Fungi are classified as __________?

36 eukaryotes

37 How do fungi reproduce?

38 spores or budding

39 How is a fungus like a plant?

40 It has a cell wall.

41 Who discovered penicillin?

42 Fleming

43 What does the word “protozoan” literally mean?

44 first animal

45 What does the word “pseudopod” literally mean?

46 false feet

47 What is the difference between an active virus and a hidden virus?

48 An active virus takes over a cell immediately and begins to multiply
An active virus takes over a cell immediately and begins to multiply. A hidden virus becomes part of the cell for quite a while before it begins to multiply.

49 What characteristic do all plant-like protists share?

50 They are autotrophs.

51 What is a prokaryote?

52 An organism that does not have a nucleus.

53 MORE VIRUS MORE BACTERIA MORE PROTIST MORE FUNGUS MORE MISC. 100 200 20 300 400 500 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

54 Why doesn’t the doctor prescribe an antibiotic for a viral infection?

55 An antibiotic cannot destroy the outer protein coat of a virus.

56 What directly provides energy for a virus?

57 host cell

58 How does a virus move?

59 air, food, water, or contact with a contaminated person or object

60 Why are viruses considered non-living particles?

61 They do not show all the characteristics of living things.

62 Name a common virus.

63 chicken pox, common cold, influenza (flu)

64 A bacteria is classified as a(n)_________ because it _________ have a nucleus.

65 A bacteria is classified as a prokaryote because it does not have a nucleus.

66 Name a common bacterial infection.

67 strep throat or staph infection

68 What process results in bacteria that are genetically different?

69 conjugation

70 Name two shapes of bacteria.

71 spherical, rod-like, or spiral

72 What determines the shape of a bacterial cell?

73 the make up of the cell wall

74 What structure allows an amoeba to move?

75 pseudopods

76 What structure allows a paramecium to move?

77 cilia

78 What structure allows a euglena to move?

79 flagellum

80 An amoeba is considered a(n) __________ protist. a. animal-like b
An amoeba is considered a(n) __________ protist. a. animal-like b. plant-like c. fungus-like

81 a. animal-like

82 A euglena is considered a(n) _________ protist. a. animal-like b
A euglena is considered a(n) _________ protist. a. animal-like b. plant-like c. fungus-like

83 b. plant-like

84 Name one example of a parasitic fungus.

85 Dutch Elm Disease or Athlete’s Foot

86 How did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin?

87 He accidentally allowed a blue-green mold to grow in a petri dish with the staphylococcus he was studying.

88 Do fungi reproduce sexually, asexually, or both?

89 both

90 How does a fungus move?

91 It relies on air currents or other organisms.

92 What is the food source for fungi?

93 Fungi are heterotrophs. They rely on other organisms for energy.

94 What type of reproduction produces organisms that are different from either parent?

95 sexual reproduction

96 What type of reproduction in bacteria starts with 2 cells and ends with 2 cells?

97 conjugation

98 What type of reproduction in bacterial cells starts with 1 cell and ends with 2 cells?

99 binary fission

100 What type of reproduction in fungi leads to more diverse genes?

101 sexual reproduction

102 Name the three protists that we disucssed in class and tell how each one moves.

103 paramecium—cilia amoeba—pseudopods euglena--flagellum

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