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Jeopardy Test Review Game

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1 Jeopardy Test Review Game
Cell Processes Jeopardy Test Review Game

2 100 200 300 400 500 Photo-synthesis Respiration Cell Cycle Misc.
More Misc. 100 200 300 400 500

3 What are the products of photosynthesis?

4 oxygen and sugar

5 What 2 raw materials are needed for photosynthesis?

6 Carbon dioxide and water

7 What substance in a chloroplast captures energy from sunlight during photosynthesis?

8 chlorophyll

9 Small openings called ________ allow carbon dioxide to enter a leaf.

10 stomata

11 How does photosynthesis benefit heterotrophs?

12 It adds oxygen to the air and/or it creates food that they can eat.

13 What are the products of respiration?

14 carbon dioxide and water

15 What 2 raw materials are needed for respiration to begin?

16 Oxygen and sugar

17 The stage of respiration that releases the most energy occurs in the _____________.

18 mitochondria

19 What sugar is broken down during respiration?

20 glucose

21 The energy-releasing process that does not require oxygen is called __________.

22 fermentation

23 During what stage of the cell cycle does mitosis begin?

24 prophase

25 What is the last stage of mitosis?

26 telophase

27 What stage of the cell cycle follows mitosis?

28 cytokinesis

29 What are identical strands of chromosomes called?

30 chromotids

31 During what stage of the cell cycle does replication occur?

32 interphase

33 What happens during mitosis?

34 The cell’s nucleus divides into two new nuclei.

35 What captures energy from sunlight during photosynthesis?

36 Chlorophyll and other pigments

37 What is copied during replication?

38 Cell’s DNA

39 What is the main purpose of the cell cycle?

40 To make new cells

41 List the four phases of mitosis.

42 prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

43 What is the regular cycle of growth and division that cells undergo called?

44 Cell cycle

45 What structure holds sister chromatids together?

46 centromere

47 During cytokinesis in plant cells, a(n) _______ forms across the middle of the cell.

48 Cell plate

49 The main difference between respiration and fermentation is that respiration uses _______ to obtain energy from food.

50 oxygen

51 How are photosynthesis and respiration related?

52 The are opposite processes (or equations).

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