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Chapter Review Choose the appropriate option.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Review Choose the appropriate option."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. The final stage of pregnancy, in which the uterus contracts and pushes the baby out of the mother’s body, is _____. labor 2. implantation fertilization 4. placenta

2 Chapter Review A. The final stage of pregnancy, in which the uterus contracts and pushes the baby out of the mother’s body, is labor. Click Next to attempt another question.

3 Chapter Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. The ropelike structure that connects the embryo and the placenta is the _____. amniotic sac 2. embryo fetus 4. umbilical cord

4 Chapter Review A. The ropelike structure that connects the embryo and the placenta is the umbilical cord. Click Next to attempt another question.

5 Q. _____ is a group of alcohol-related birth defects.
Chapter Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. _____ is a group of alcohol-related birth defects. Stillbirth 2. Miscarriage 3. FAS 4. Preeclampsia

6 Chapter Review A. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a group of alcohol-related birth defects. Click Next to attempt another question.

7 Chapter Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. The spontaneous expulsion of a fetus that occurs before the twentieth week of a pregnancy is called _____. preeclampsia fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) stillbirth miscarriage

8 Chapter Review A. The spontaneous expulsion of a fetus that occurs before the twentieth week of a pregnancy is called miscarriage. Click Next to attempt another question.

9 Chapter Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. The threadlike structures found within the nucleus of a cell that carry the codes for inherited traits are called _____. chromosomes genes DNA CVS

10 Chapter Review A. The threadlike structures found within the nucleus of a cell that carry the codes for inherited traits are called chromosomes. Click Next to attempt another question.

11 Q. The basic units of heredity are _____.
Chapter Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. The basic units of heredity are _____. genes PKU CVS gametes

12 A. The basic units of heredity are genes.
Chapter Review A. The basic units of heredity are genes. Click Next to attempt another question.

13 Q. An abnormal sideways curvature of the spine is _____.
Chapter Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. An abnormal sideways curvature of the spine is _____. scoliosis cystitis urethritis nephritis

14 A. An abnormal sideways curvature of the spine is scoliosis.
Chapter Review A. An abnormal sideways curvature of the spine is scoliosis. Click Next to attempt another question.

15 Q. What is the function of the amniotic sac?
Chapter Review Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. What is the function of the amniotic sac? Click Next to view the answer.

16 Chapter Review A. The function of the amniotic sac is to protect and insulate the fetus. Click Next to attempt another question.

17 Chapter Review Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. What happens during a prenatal visit to a doctor or certified nurse-midwife? Click Next to view the answer.

18 Chapter Review A. During a prenatal visit to a doctor or certified nurse-midwife, the pregnant woman has a complete physical that includes blood tests and a pelvic exam. Click Next to attempt another question.

19 Q. How does the genetic makeup of a male differ from that of a female?
Chapter Review Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. How does the genetic makeup of a male differ from that of a female? Click Next to view the answer.

20 Chapter Review A. Males have an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes. Click Next to attempt another question.

21 Chapter Review Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. How might impatience toward a child in middle childhood affect his or her development? Click Next to view the answer.

22 Chapter Review A. The child might develop low self-esteem as a result of impatience toward him or her in middle childhood. Click Next to attempt another question.

23 Chapter Review Analyze the following situation.
Suppose you observed a pregnant female drinking an alcoholic beverage. How might you help her analyze the harmful effects of this substance on the fetus?

24 Chapter Review A. Correct! The final stage of pregnancy, in which the uterus contracts and pushes the baby out of the mother’s body, is labor. Click Next to attempt another question.

25 Chapter Review You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.

26 Chapter Review A. Correct! The ropelike structure that connects the embryo and the placenta is the umbilical cord. Click Next to attempt another question.

27 Chapter Review You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.

28 Chapter Review A. Correct! Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a group of alcohol-related birth defects. Click Next to attempt another question.

29 Chapter Review You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.

30 Chapter Review A. Correct! The spontaneous expulsion of a fetus that occurs before the twentieth week of a pregnancy is called miscarriage. Click Next to attempt another question.

31 Chapter Review You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.

32 Chapter Review A. Correct! The threadlike structures found within the nucleus of a cell that carry the codes for inherited traits are called chromosomes. Click Next to attempt another question.

33 Chapter Review You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.

34 A. Correct! The basic units of heredity are genes.
Chapter Review A. Correct! The basic units of heredity are genes. Click Next to attempt another question.

35 Chapter Review You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.

36 A. Correct! An abnormal sideways curvature of the spine is scoliosis.
Chapter Review A. Correct! An abnormal sideways curvature of the spine is scoliosis. Click Next to attempt another question.

37 Chapter Review You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.

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