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Chart-o-Mat ICG-WIGOS TT on Metadata Management of Station Metadata at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Rainer März Section Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Chart-o-Mat ICG-WIGOS TT on Metadata Management of Station Metadata at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Rainer März Section Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chart-o-Mat ICG-WIGOS TT on Metadata Management of Station Metadata at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Rainer März Section Administration of Observing Networks

2 Principles for Metadata at DWD
Metadata is stored together with observing data in one database Project ‚MIRAKEL‘ started around 1995 for CDC + GPCC All conditions are valid for a specific time-range (from – until) Integration of Metadata from other organisations Flexible Import/Export for future needs Semi-automatic update and quality checking procedures All applications should benefit from the data (and use it) Geneva, March 11, 2013

3 Amount of station Metadata
Die Mess- und Beobachtungsnetze des DWD OF, November 2005 Amount of station Metadata Overview of the contents [count of largest categories in thousands]: WMO Main Stations (GSN, RBSN, RBCN ….) Airports (with ICAO loc.ind.) reporting METAR/SPECI German additional stations (voluntary, federal states) Related partners (roads, renewable energy ….) Voluntary observing ships and other marine vessels Additional GPCC stations of all countries Currently counting over all: Geneva, March 11, 2013 Deutscher Wetterdienst - Abteilung TI 2 3

4 Storage of Metadata / groups of tables
Die Mess- und Beobachtungsnetze des DWD OF, November 2005 Storage of Metadata / groups of tables Tables for metadata divided into : Basic Information meta tables; allowed values Joined Information intersection tables with validity dates (begin / end) Tables for observation data use the same unique station ID ! Staff Station Pub9VolA Equipment Measuring condidions Geneva, March 11, 2013 Deutscher Wetterdienst - Abteilung TI 2 4

5 Storage of Metadata / classes of information
Die Mess- und Beobachtungsnetze des DWD OF, November 2005 Storage of Metadata / classes of information Main aspects of meta data storage: Main station table (name, start_date, end_date, status) IDs (WMO / ICAO / IATA / GPCC / Nat.Numbers …) Geographical (Lat./Lon., elevation, country, region, area etc.) Equipment Staff Operation and Production (programmes for encoding reports) Visits (Maintenance, Administrative) Representation (measuring conditions) Geneva, March 11, 2013 Deutscher Wetterdienst - Abteilung TI 2 5

6 Managing the Metadata Access and permits managed by database-roles
Die Mess- und Beobachtungsnetze des DWD OF, November 2005 Managing the Metadata Access and permits managed by database-roles 4 accounts with full access - ‚Admin‘ 10+ accounts to maintain general station changes (add, move, close) Approx. 100 accounts allow a ‚restricted write-access‘ Approx accounts have only read-permits (all users) Personalized data like bank accounts with restricted roles Geneva, March 11, 2013 Deutscher Wetterdienst - Abteilung TI 2 6

7 Updating and completing the Metadata
Die Mess- und Beobachtungsnetze des DWD OF, November 2005 Updating and completing the Metadata Weekly import of Pub9VolA of WMO and semi-automatic changes Regional Network Groups report national changes to Offenbach and edit their local entries (persons, sensors, visits, history) Import of bilateral exchanged data with individual loading-procedures comparision with other sources when necessary (flagging of suspicious/unknown/inconsistent) GPCC maintains meta-data for non-WMO stations of other NMCs Geneva, March 11, 2013 Deutscher Wetterdienst - Abteilung TI 2 7

8 Typical trouble with metadata
Die Mess- und Beobachtungsnetze des DWD OF, November 2005 Typical trouble with metadata No information about changes at a station Inconsistency between dependent sources (i.e. elevation…) Lack of syncronization with Offline-procedures Especially Lat./Lon. different various formats (dez.,°,min/sec) 4 sources / 5 different values ;-) …. Which is ‚the best‘ Representation of a complicated history for a time-series standard exchange format + automated process is necessary! Geneva, March 11, 2013 Deutscher Wetterdienst - Abteilung TI 2 8

9 Stations operated by Deutscher Wetterdienst
Die Mess- und Beobachtungsnetze des DWD OF, November 2005 Stations operated by Deutscher Wetterdienst 4 Regional Oberserving Network Groups Hamburg, Potsdam, Offenbach, Munich 65 Stations with professional Observers, 35 occupied UTC, 30 only daytime 48 measuring radioactivity (air+precipitation) 28 RBSN Stations 11 Climate Reference (traditional equipment) GSN-Stations (GCOS) 1 GUAN Station 1 GAW Station 114 Automated Weather Stations with full equipment 17 Weather Radar Stations 9 Aerological Stations (4 autolaunchers, 1 ozone) 4 Wind Profilers +34 Stations of Bundeswehr Geoinfo Service Showing all stations that are published in WMO Pub.9 Vol.A Geneva, March 11, 2013 Deutscher Wetterdienst - Abteilung TI 2 9

10 Additional Stations operated by DWD and Partners
Die Mess- und Beobachtungsnetze des DWD OF, November 2005 Additional Stations operated by DWD and Partners 1781 Voluntary Stations (climate; wind; precip), reporting online (24/1 reports per day) Ship-based: 740 Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS) 19 Ship (AWS) (24 reports/day) Last but not least …: 1292 Phenological Stations (observing plants) 1500 Partner stations (approx) (motorways, fed.states, wind-energy, (nuclear) power-plants, university, military) Historical (closed) stations are not included Geneva, March 11, 2013 Deutscher Wetterdienst - Abteilung TI 2 10

11 Example All 1018 GSN stations in WMO GCOS
Die Mess- und Beobachtungsnetze des DWD OF, November 2005 Example All GSN stations in WMO GCOS Basic Meta Data and availability of FM12/FM observations received in Offenbach Tool is available for operations and can switch between global, regional and national view Retrieving live data as received and decoded from GTS, joined with meta-data from (names, locations, countries ….. ) Geneva, March 11, 2013 Deutscher Wetterdienst - Abteilung TI 2 11

12 There is still a lot of research necessary!
Example Precip-Station and the surrounding presented in a tool of GPCC called ‚Mirakel-Live‘ There is still a lot of research necessary! Geneva, March 11, 2013

13 Die Mess- und Beobachtungsnetze des DWD
OF, November 2005 Outlook WCDMP / Data rescue needs support CDC) national projects currently in progress: > KliDaDigi for land stations > HISTOR for ship logbooks Lots of undigitalized metadata from all German Stations +Electronical archives of BUFR since 1970s may be loaded Work for many years! Geneva, March 11, 2013 Deutscher Wetterdienst - Abteilung TI 2 13

Thank you for your attention ! Geneva, March 11, 2013

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