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What is a Seed? We will learn more details later to answer this question. For now: Seed Coat: a surface tissue to keep seed dry inside Storage Tissue:

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Seed? We will learn more details later to answer this question. For now: Seed Coat: a surface tissue to keep seed dry inside Storage Tissue:"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Seed? We will learn more details later to answer this question. For now: Seed Coat: a surface tissue to keep seed dry inside Storage Tissue: could be a separate tissue (endosperm = inside seed) or part of the embryo (often cotyledons) Dormant Embryo: a small diploid plant with minimal metabolism (“suspended animation”)

2 Capsella Seed: Embryo Seed Coat Shoot Apex Endosperm
Cotyledons - dicot Hypocotyl Radicle Root Apex Micropyle

3 Seed Germination: Water Warm Temperature
Emergence of Radicle through Seed Coat Seeds lacking dormancy need: Water Warm Temperature So if you want to store seeds what are the conditions? Dry Cold Dormant seeds need more than moisture and warmth: Dormancy is caused by: Is overcome by: Example: nick digest scrub fire freeze-thaw cycles Thick Seed Coat Scarification Kentucky Coffee Tree or Thin Seed Coat Light Dark Lettuce Pea Insufficient Development Soil Fungus Association Orchids Inhibitor: Abscisic Acid Stratification > Vernalization Most CT feral plants 6 weeks at 4° C 20° C Inhibitor: Phenolics Leaching by Repeated Rain Cacti

4 Barley Seed Germination
hydrolysis starch Fruit + Seed Coat maltose Endosperm sugar exocytosis Aleurone Layer cotyledon monocot -amylase Storage Protein translation hydrolysis shoot apex RNA Amino Acids growth Embryo DNA transcription GA radicle apex water imbibition

5 Lettuce Seed Germination Embryo phytochrome hydrolysis starch
Seed Coat shoot apex sugar cotyledons -amylase dicot translation RNA growth transcription Embryo DNA radicle apex phytochrome photoreversibility red and white light stimulate germination 660 nm Pfr Pr water photoactivation 730 nm imbibition dark

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