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3rd Grade Landforms Vocabulary Mrs. Thornburg’s version

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Presentation on theme: "3rd Grade Landforms Vocabulary Mrs. Thornburg’s version"— Presentation transcript:

1 3rd Grade Landforms Vocabulary Mrs. Thornburg’s version

2 Vocabulary in 3rd Grade Landforms
Continent Cave Plateau Canyon Ocean River Mountain Hill Island Waterfall Valley Volcano Peninsula Lake Plains Harbor Bay Gulf

3 What do we call a mountainous vent in the Earth’s crust that can spew out lava?

4 Volcano

5 What do we call a large hole in the side of a hill or mountain or in the ground?

6 Cave

7 What do we call a very tall, raised area of earth, sometimes with a spiky top (peak)?

8 Mountain

9 What do you call one of the huge bodies of salt water that make up about two-thirds of the surface of the Earth?

10 Ocean

11 What do we call a body of water that flows downhill, usually emptying into a larger body of water?

12 River

13 What do we call a piece of land that is surrounded by water on three sides?

14 Peninsula

15 What do we call a piece of land that is flat and higher than the land around it?

16 Plateau

17 What do we call flowing water where a river falls off steeply?

18 Waterfall

19 What do we call a deep valley with very steep sides, often carved through the Earth by a river?

20 Canyon

21 What do we call a piece of land surrounded by water on all sides?

22 Island

23 What do we call one of the seven land masses that the Earth is divided into?

24 Continent

25 What do we call a large mound or raised area of earth?

26 Hill

27 What do we call a medium-sized body of water surrounded by land?

28 Lake

29 What do we call a very flat piece of land?

30 Plains

31 What do we call a low place between mountains?

32 Valley

33 What do we call a large portion of an ocean or sea partly surrounded by land?

34 Gulf

35 What do we call a portion of an ocean or sea partly surrounded by land (smaller than a gulf)?

36 Bay

37 What do we call a portion of an ocean or sea partly surrounded by land (smaller than a bay with docks or ports for boats)?

38 Harbor

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