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The Force of Luck a Southwest Folktale.

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Presentation on theme: "The Force of Luck a Southwest Folktale."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Force of Luck a Southwest Folktale

2 Summary What is an overview of the folktale?

3 Predict What is the argument between the two wealthy men?
What do you predict will be the result?

4 Repetition Why does the author repeat the argument after explaining it once.

5 Sets of Three Events often happen in sets of three.
The wealthy men give two identical gifts. The third is different. What is the irony of this situation?

6 The Jeweler’s Wife What is the difference between the jeweler’s wife and the miller’s wife?

7 The Miller’s Character p. 858
The miller comments, “But why would they offer fifty dollars for a worthless piece of glass?” What can you infer about his personality from his statement? How does his previous two experiences of losing his money affect him?

8 The Effect of the Money How does the newfound wealth affect the miller’s personality?

9 The Folktale Comes Full Circle
How? Theme?

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