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Designing the future: emerging models of leadership Diane Heritage, Regional Associate for Succession Planning and Models and Partnerships East Riding.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing the future: emerging models of leadership Diane Heritage, Regional Associate for Succession Planning and Models and Partnerships East Riding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing the future: emerging models of leadership Diane Heritage, Regional Associate for Succession Planning and Models and Partnerships East Riding 25 November 2010

2 Coalition Policy on Education
Hands off Let the system sort itself out De-centralise Put power into the hands of the consumer Big society “teachers and leaders are hindered by over-prescription, complicated inspection systems and bureaucratic procedures...” “ approach based on trust, responsibility and freedom (which) requires a fundamental change in the relationship between schools and the Government, Ofsted and Local Authorities.” Nick Gibb 23/9/10 This slide is the precursor to comments from Hargreaves etc on forthcoming policy direction. 2

3 “This government’s determination is to give school leaders more power not only to drive improvement in their own schools, but across the education system...” "We know that the best way of improving schools is by getting the professionals who have already done a brilliant job to spread their wings..." Rt Hon Michael Gove MP 3

4 ‘Creating a self improving system’
David Hargreaves identifies four building blocks of a self improving system: clusters of schools a local solutions approach co-construction system leaders These building blocks, in combination with current and potential future models of leadership could generate improvement of the system from within. All four will need to be briefly unpicked but there’s little new in the concept –it’s the potential increase in clustering that is interesting on the basis that ‘together we are likely to have more credibility and buying power. We’re moving into as close to a free market situation as Ministerial advisers have thought acceptable. Who are the ‘Systems Leaders’? Executive Heads National Leaders in Education Local Leaders in Education (or any combination of the above) Others? What is it that these leaders do to make their schools outstanding and how can it be replicated? 4

5 He argues that...... ‘Increased decentralisation provides an opportunity for a new vision of school improvement that capitalises on the gains made in school leadership and in partnerships between schools. It would usher in a new era in which the school system becomes the major agent of its own improvement and does so at a rate and to a depth that has hitherto been no more than an aspiration.’ Reflected in the College’s work on developing and supporting school leadership – a centralised approach, this he suggests has become decentralised through the work of succession planning working with LA’s and clusters of schools – and with the work of NLE’s supporting other Heads It can become more so if the system is no longer subject to a host of central initiatives; strategies and resources that are diverted away from school budgets for ‘improvement’ activities. Essentially local school leaders in partnership take responsibility for improving the system Hargreaves argues that there are some new skills that the system will need to develop, in other sectors they look like: ‘co-ordination: building consensus on partnership goals, ways of working, roles and responsibilities communication: being open and honest, sharing information fully and with accuracy and in a timely way bonding: creating trust and ensuring that people get pleasure from working together.’ 5

6 System Leaders ..... One of school leaders’ new roles is increasingly to work with other schools and other school leaders, collaborating and developing relationships of interdependence and trust. System leaders, as they are being called, care about and work for the success of other schools as well as their own. Crucially they are willing to shoulder system leadership roles because they believe that in order to change the larger system you have to engage with it in a meaningful way. (OECD, 2008: 9) 6

7 SIP National Leader of Education Executive Headteacher National College Regional Associate Local Leader of Education Partnership Facilitator Leadership Succession Consultants Leadership Partner School Headteacher Mentor for new HT Head of Community Learning Head of School Principal of Inclusive Learning Centre Trust Chief Executive Principal from Academy Chain Professional Partner Extended Services Manager Locality Manager DCS National Support Schools Consultant Head Lead Headteacher

8 “In the savannah, when the watering hole begins to run dry, the animals start to look at one another rather differently” Professor Ben Levin I also think greater autonomy will enable schools to be even more creative in how they work together to do this. It is an exciting time for you as leaders and the fact that you as a profession are being trusted to take even greater responsibility is a testament to the belief society has in you as heads .However there is also a risk here that, in becoming more autonomous, together with a tighter funding climate, we could retreat into an island mentality – where we begin to think of ourselves as single institutions with responsibilities to only those closest to us, where protectionism and hoarding of resources and expertise becomes the order of the day – where we speak in terms of ‘my children’ and ‘your children’ rather than ‘our children’. As Professor Ben Levin said to our governing council the other day: “In the savannah, when the watering hole begins to run dry, the animals start to look at one another rather differently.” The notion of school-to-school support is not reserved just for when the sun is shining. Making sure that remains the case and more children benefit from this will be a key test for you as headteachers in the months and years ahead. This is central to ensuring education is the social equaliser it can be for many more children. And I know that the leadership of the National College is determined to work relentlessly to support schools to work together in the interests of ‘our children’. 8

9 What is stimulating new models?
Models and partnerships are developing in response to a number of stimuli: The drive to raise standards Meeting the learning and well being needs of every student and member of staff The need to ensure sustainability of leadership of schools in all sectors The drive for ‘efficiencies’ in the current economic climate Securing effective governance of schools The 0-19 agenda as well as developments Support and sustainability of small rural community primary schools The particular needs of faith schools Better cross agency delivery and the promotion of community cohesion Locality issues and challenges Capital Programmes All pretty self explanatory. Pressure on headteachers/succession issues – need for support and recruit – the SPA have some really good slides to demonstrate the problem. Vacancies or impending vacancies may be one of the key drivers, especially but not exclusively in rural areas. Local context; National Challenge Federations and Trusts Resistance to predatory models growing up nearby - Falling/rising pupil rolls - Etc Full Michael Gove quote thanks to Deryn! "An impression has been created that with the ending of BSF, that means schools capital ends overall and that's because so much rhetorical hype was invested in BSF by the previous government. But as you know, BSF was only a third of capital investment overall in schools and in fact by ending this bureaucratic scheme we make it easier to allocate capital to schools in the future. "One of the things we want to do... is ensure that there is more money particularly for primary schools, particularly for schools in dilapidation than might otherwise have been the case   it's important that we communicate to schools, to parents and to pupils that capital investment in schools will continue" Michael Gove Giving evidence to the cross-party Education Select Committee July 28th 2010 9

10 Heads have always been older but never in these unique numbers…
In 1997 only 40% of heads were 50 years or older and only 13% were 55 or over 1977 1987 1997 2007 50+ 43.2 42.1 40.3 64 55+ 19.4 21.2 12.8 33 This is a unique demographic challenge not experienced in previous decades – significant ageing effect from 1997 to 2007 SP in Kirklees – group of HTs working with Julie and Ann – leadership and development centre DCSF sourced data

11 Impact on Standards – National College research
Achieving More Together’ – Robert Hill ASCL – 2007 This report shows that partnerships do add value; Improved inputs Professional learning and leadership development Improved outputs Improved behaviour and improved learner motivation Improved outcomes Faster rates of improvement in attainment Emerging patterns of school leadership (Manchester Uni) - October 2009 Examines how new structural arrangements for leadership, management and governance are standing up to the challenges being faced by schools today. The impact of federations on student outcomes (Manchester Uni) - Oct 2009 Examines the impact that new approaches to the leadership and management of schools have on student outcomes. Evidence that ‘performance federations’ do raise standards Fairly self-explanatory. The slide is there to answer the inevitable question from the floor-what is the proof that these models can survive and make a difference to children’s learning. It should be emphasised that these models are much less than 10 years old, given the time it takes to set things up. However evidence is now emerging and more is commissioned to follow. The evidence was sufficiently strong in 2009 to be one of the central planks of government planning to use collaborative structures to raise attainment. This movement continues. Partnerships in Robert Hill research were formal partnerships across secondary schools 11

12 Achieving More Together
Partnerships require local strategic support, a framework for partnership working and the development of skills required for leading partnerships, forming partnerships and running partnerships. Partnerships don’t want to be stifled by their local authority but do welcome intelligent support, trust and engagement. Achieving More Together , Robert Hill, 2009 Few schools lack experience of partnership, though the character and quality vary considerably, from a relatively shallow, short-term relationship affecting limited functions and few people (a loose partnership) to a deep, enduring relationship that affects most functions and most people in the schools (a tight partnership). Very few groups of schools are at the tight extreme, with common governance and a collective strategy. 12

13 Enablers / Barriers Local Authorities – knowledge, willingness and ‘shared solution finding approaches’ or insecure / lacking in capacity. Done to us rather than with us. Governors willing to recognise the need for new models and ‘able’ to explore the options or not HTs who have the capacity to embrace new ways of working and recognise the potential benefits to children & young people or not (collective responsibility v hoarding) Positive motivations well directed and supported by information, advice & guidance or negative, inward looking (chemistry & knowing where to look) High expectations that collaboration has benefits and potential impact on ‘standards’ or not worth the trouble / cynicism Individuals & organisations who make things happen – even in adversity or individuals or organisation that feel threatened 13

14 School Business Management A quiet revolution - Geoff Southworth
90% of maintained secondary schools and 30% of maintained primary schools have access to a School Business Manager. Most are part of the leadership teams. Research suggests that where SBM support is available HTs cut their workload by 31% and reinvest 7% of the budget Recently published SBM completnecy framework sets out standards and expectations NC offers certificate, diploma and advanced diploma (will be joined by masters level programme business director programme) 7,000 have completed programmes 85% on SLTs 93% say their ability to operate as school leaders has been enhanced

15 Developing a School Business Manager - investing to save?
Cost of SBM Programmes: Primaries £104.52m Gains from SBM Programmes: Primaries £135.31m Ratio of costs to benefits: Primaries 1 : 1.3 Ratio of costs to benefits: Clusters of schools 1 : 3.5 Key Messages: The cost of investing in SBMs is less than the benefits produced – ‘invest to save’. Guidance Notes: The slide illustrates the outcomes of a cost/benefit analysis of the gains from investing in developing SBMs. The data suggests that the ‘Benefits/Costs Ratio’ for primary schools is 1.3 – in other words schools gain a 30% return on this investment. The data also suggests that when this investment is combined with employing the SBM to work in a cluster arrangement, the potential benefits are significantly greater – a 250% return on investment. Supplementary Resources: Southworth, G (2009) ‘School Business Management: a quiet revolution’ PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), (2010) ‘Strategic Study of School Business Managers and School Business Directors’

16 Investing to Save The College intends to make up to around 200 grants available of up to £20,000 – with the aim of every local authority having at least one SBM Partnership. The College will part fund the Partnership’s contribution to the project, by supporting the group of schools (at least 75% primary) increased cost related to the appointment of an SBD or SBM for one year only. or telephone SBM Regional Advocate Morag Somerville NCSL/Mckinseys 2008

17 A ‘Typical ’ Local Authority
Trusts Youth services Further education Social services Police Health services Through Schools ECM Clusters Academies and free schools Collaborations Partnerships Federations Confederations Community & VA 14-19 17

18 What are the different models of leadership?
NB. In all instances, this should be underpinned by a clear vision of how the chosen model will make a positive impact on the educational experience for pupils; it is this vision which will determine the resulting structure. Single schools This is the standard model with one school, one Headteacher and one governing body but shared headship is increasing as a new model of leadership Collaborations This is a formal Partnership model using the collaborative regulations to establish a strategic group across the Partnership. Federations This is where two or more schools are governed collectively under a single governing body. Each icon can be discussed in greater or lesser detail as the audience demands. In rural areas we need to concentrate on sharing leadership is often a key starting point for many governors. Presenters will need a few examples of each model to present to the audience, choosing these to fit the context as far as possible. Other slides are available which describe Collaboration and Federation in much more detail. They can be slotted in later if required. Mixed Federations and Collaborations This is where groups of schools apply both sets of regulations according to their local circumstances.

19 What are the different models of leadership?
Partnerships In this model, groups of schools establish formal and informal agreements to work together outside the statutory framework. Trusts This is a strategic model encompassing one or more schools with partners (educational and non-educational) to deliver improved outcomes. Academies These schools are expected to have innovative leadership structures to help them tackle underachievement. The new academies are expected to work with other schools to help raise standards. Partnerships use Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Service Level Agreements (SLA) to bind their activities together, often seen in groupings. Collaborations and federations are limited by statute and only include schools and FE colleges (Collaboration 2007). Trusts engage a broader spectrum of partners to include HE, public and private sector. New academies are outstanding schools converting to academy status. This process will accelerate rapidly with over 140 already approved (as of September 2010). There will be, clearly, two types of Academy in the future and we have yet to see the fundamental differences in the way they are treated by central government. Free schools are academies in effect with funding direct from DfE, different Governance arrangements etc. The difference comes in how they are sponsored. Free Schools These schools will be independent of Local Authority Control and may be sponsored by parents, community groups and others.

20 What are the different models of leadership?
Chains of Schools These may be Academies or other providing bodies where successful schools support others to develop the same systems. They are already in existence and may be expanded in the future. Local authority initiatives This is where local authorities work with schools to develop partnership working across the LA area. Dioceses also have a significant role in supporting the development of models of leadership for faith schools and others to work together. These new models necessitate consideration of internal models of leadership such as Executive Headship consultant leadership co-leadership structures job share and other approaches to leadership planning for succession Harris Academies, Haberdasher’s Askes all through academies, Devon first Federation etc. These emerging chains of schools are likely to expand in the coming years and a number of Academy sponsors and larger federations are pooling their approaches, resources etc. Barnsley is a good example of local authority initiatives we are the whole town has been remodelled around an inclusive structure with schools providing broader services to the community. Other local authorities have also developed clear responses to models and partnerships and provide encouragement for their schools to develop fit for purpose models. There are significant leadership issues for Governors to consider here. Some of this is in a slide which can be used if appropriate to the setting.some examples of models of leadership would be helpful for the presenter.

21 Ingleton Primary – Job Share
Mon Tues Wed Wed Thur Fri Ingleton Primary – The “average” one school one GB may be harbouring a new model of leadership. Summary A co-headship model has enabled Ingleton Primary School to retain an established headteacher while also developing leadership talent from within. Key learning/outcomes Co-headship enabled the established headteacher to move to part-time working and created an opportunity for the former deputy headteacher to step up to headship. Having two headteachers encourages greater confidence and more risk-taking and innovation. Background Located in rural Lancashire, Ingleton Primary School has been led by co-headteachers since January 2007. Key challenges and issues Work-life balance The school wanted to develop a model of headship which would support a good work-life balance for the school leaders, including part-time working for the established headteacher. Retaining leadership talent The school also wanted to give its deputy headteacher an opportunity to take on a headship role without moving on to another school. Solution or approach Shared responsibilities The co-headteachers have a shared vision for leading the school and take responsibility for different aspects of school leadership. They rotate their roles and responsibilities each year to ensure that each of them continues to develop their skills

22 In September 2002, 7 schools in the Yewlands catchment area of North Sheffield…
Each with a leader and leadership team decide to collaborate informally to deliver a shared learning agenda 22

23 Directors for music, MFL and sport…
… Putting children at the centre of all we do we appointed shared curriculum Directors for music, MFL and sport… 23

24 We identified and developed further shared systems
Learning & Teaching Leadership and Governance Curriculum Directors Business Management Safeguarding Community Engagement We identified and developed further shared systems and work streams including community engagement… 24

25 Executive Head of two schools – forming a federation
Shared CPD Clear ‘Brand’ Identity Curriculum Directors Safeguarding Family Leadership Roles Over 7 years we have developed a federation within a collaboration impacting on the outcomes for our community 25

26 Our focus on staff development has built
leadership succession for the family, but also provides a coherent learning journey for our children 0-19+ 26

27 Joint 6th form confederation
Chief Exec STPC Head of School (Dep head) Head of School (Dep head) Joint 6th form confederation Hagley Park and Fair Oak Schools with joint 6th form. 2 schools, 2 GBs, one joint strategic committee and one exec head. Plus one joint 6th form in separate stand alone build, with Director of the site . Focus on 6th form provision and possible federation Collaboration with executive HT Fair Oak and Hagley Park Schools

28 Single leadership team Innovative Curriculum
St Matthew Academy Full 3 to 19 provision Single leadership team Community alliance A successful all through school – in this instance an academy but there are similar examples in the community schools sector. Some purpose built as in Caroline Chisholm, others a response to the challenge to raise standards, rather than stop at federation some GBs have chosen to go directly to an amalgamated 3 to 19 structure. Sometimes the new head is from the primary sector sometimes from the secondary. And primary leaders are taking roles across the full age range. Eg Serlby Park where the ex infant head now heads up learning across the full age rang Egs Brigshaw Cooperative Trust Key learning/outcomes In just a few years the academy has moved from rapidly declining pupil rolls to being close to over-subscription. The academy started admitting girls in 2007 and has succeeded in ‘selling’ the school to parents of girls. Pupils from all phases take part in high-profile themed events throughout the year. Older pupils show respect for the younger ones, enabling mixed-age lunch sessions and social activities. The academy has developed rigorous processes for monitoring pupil process. The school applies its specialism in business and enterprise to all of its activities. Background St Matthew Academy in Lewisham is a purpose-built Catholic academy for girls and boys aged 3-16. Key challenges and issues Falling pupil rolls The academy was set up to address falling pupil numbers in its highly challenging predecessor schools. Low attainment The academy also needed to address the low levels of attainment found in its predecessor schools. Solution or approach All-through education St Matthew Academy follows a model of all-through education. The all-through approach can be seen in the specialist teaching it offers from Year 1, especially in music and PE, as well as in the business and enterprise specialism which is evident throughout the school. Sharing the vision The school’s logo and motto help to embed a shared vision and identity throughout the whole school community. Further information For further information contact St Matthew Academy. Shared system for inclusion Single GB Innovative Curriculum single budget 28

29 Short Heath Hard Federation
Leadership team Short Heath hard federation in West Midlands. One head 3 schools (nursey, VC infant and junior school), interestingly the infant school which is VA is credited with supporting the improvement in standards as the entire federation embraces the culture which is exemplified in the faith school. All three share one GB but have their own admissions and performance Mixed community and VA foundation model Assistant Hd Ex Head.wmv

30 Trust partners plus associates
Associate VA school Dunstable College BLEPB Trust partners Shawn Fell Harlington Trust – 5 schools with LA partners and some from business and indepentent secot Harlington Upper School § Arnold Middle School § Parkfields Middle School § Sundon Lower School § Bedfordshire and Luton Education Business Partnership (BLEBP) § Dunstable College Toddington St George will vote on Associate membership when the Trust has been formed. The Trust membership will be complemented by one Headteacher chosen by the Headteachers from each of the three school phases. Summary As the Harlington Area Schools Trust, five Bedfordshire schools are working together to provide a coherent education experience for learners from age 4 to 19. Key learning/outcomes The trust has seen improvements in standards and achievement. The schools are able to offer more flexible and personalised curriculum and assessment routes. The trust has improved the transition process from lower to middle school and from middle to upper school. The schools share staff, resources and leadership and have developed more efficient business services. Background Based in Harlington, Bedfordshire, the Harlington Area Schools Trust was formed in September Its members are Harlington Upper School, Arnold Middle School, Parkfields Middle School, Sundon Lower School and Toddington St George VC Lower School. Several other lower schools are actively working towards joining the trust. Key challenges and issues Developing a formal partnership The schools had been collaborating on an informal basis for the past 20 years, but had made only occasional and transient gains. They wanted to develop a more formal partnership that was capable of delivering sustained progress. A coherent education experience The schools wanted to work together to provide a coherent education experience from age 4 to 19. Solution or approach Communicating the vision The schools spent time communicating their vision to all stakeholders, in order to explain why a trust model was the right approach to take. Shared governance The trust’s leadership model provides shared governance and strategic intent across the schools, allowing school leaders to act in the long-term interests of young people and the local community. Collaborative leadership The trust’s collaborative model of leadership is less hierarchical than often seen in single institutions and promotes collective rather than individual accountability. For example, emerging leaders in one school have taken on leadership roles in other schools. Commissioning projects The trust board commissions collaborative projects that support its strategic aims. The trust executive committee then oversees the project teams that deliver on the commissions. Improving business services One of the trust’s major projects involves exploring ways to achieve greater efficiency in business services, for example through joint purchasing agreements. Having fewer staff involved in procurement negotiations frees up capacity in others. One-stop student support The schools are also collaborating on the Trust Families project, which aims to create the infrastructure for a one-stop student support service for underachieving students. The service will bring together special educational needs support, family liaison, behaviour support, counselling and monitoring. Trust partners plus associates Harlington Area Schools Trust

31 Nurseries inc SureStart
The 21st Century Model? Public Private Hard Federation CEO Health services Community groups Youth services Voluntary groups Police Social services Wood View Campus Plymouth. John Butcher CEO with heads of the separate schools – primary, secondary and special. This model may not be forever. If one head left then this could be reviewed. With NSH provision on site, (provision for respite care for children), both public and private nurseries, and Sure Start and police presence, this is a campus long overdue. Models of leadership are evolving for such federations/localities and campuses. Summary The Wood View Learning Community brings together a wide range of education, health and community services to support personalised learning for all. Background The Wood View Learning Community is a hard federation of three schools in Plymouth: Whitleigh Community Primary School, Woodlands Community Special School and Sir John Hunt Community Sports College. The governing body also oversees the work of Wise Owls Neighbourhood Nursery, Whitleigh Children’s Centre and a pupil referral unit for young parents. All of the partners share a purpose-built learning campus developed under a private finance initiative scheme. The campus brings together education, health, social services and a mix of public and private childcare facilities. Key challenges and issues Lifelong learning and participation The overall mission of the learning community is to create an inclusive environment for lifelong learning and participation. Solution or approach Developing a leadership model The federation is led by a campus director who also has responsibility for the health and childcare facilities located within the campus. Each of the schools has a headteacher. Centralising learning resources The schools have developed plans to create centralised learning resources, including library and study support, reprographics, dining facilities and spaces for sport, art and music. Diagram/ Description Learning Points Interesting journey – Grew from opportunity – juxtaposition and potential for new build. Vision of potential partnership there from day 1- not an add on. Child and family centred organisation. NHS involvement unusual and models the partnership to the pupils. New build has cemented the co-operative working practices Unusual executive model – role of Governors critical again. Empowerment model – a genuine partnership with shared facilities, shared leadership. Management board includes a 3 school federation + non-statutory partners, held together by an MOU. Governors are the guardians of the vision. Not easy to replicate as it stands currently but will embed its practices through the strong leadership team and Governors Potentially fragile in succession terms? Excellent example of multi-agency approach Issues elsewhere of joined up practices with LAs Children’s Services less positive. Is it sustainable if all schools in the LA follow this example? Nurseries inc SureStart Campus Management 31

32 What makes a group of schools a chain?
Deploying key leaders across the chain This applies not just to heads and senior leaders but curriculum, special needs and support staff as well Able leaders in their own right Expert proponents and guardians of teaching and learning model Deployment of a critical mass of leadership direction and energy to get a school moving Robert Hill’s work on chains and franchises concludes that:- “School chains have developed from two sources School-to-school improvement partnerships NLE/NSSs, School improvement federations National Challenge Trust schools etc Multiple sponsorship of academies” Accreditation of school providers and groups was, until the recent change of government available for secondary and primary schools – we await guidance in the forthcoming White Paper R Hill Consulting 32

33 What makes a group of schools a chain?
A system for training leaders and other staff in applying the teaching and learning model: Shared NQT & CPD sessions Monitoring and intervention Deployment of ASTs Model understood and applied consistently This slide enables you to talk about the key issues of how partnerships can develop a T&L model that genuinely improves schools in the partnership – it comes from R Hills work on Chain Reactions Cross-chain lesson observation Sharing and comparing of data R Hill Consulting 33

34 “The future is already here: it is just not yet distributed very well”
William Gibson

35 On-going work Introductory booklet plus booklets on ‘Partnerships and Collaboration’ and ‘Federation’ already published. These and other resources are going online. Exploring Models of Leadership Toolkit (downloadable and available to purchase for £10) Case Studies as a resource covering all models Commissioning research:- Use of excellent leaders Non-QTS leaders Executive Headteachers Leadership in all-through schools Models of Leadership website and telephone support from experts in the field Regional event 30 November Royal Hotel, York Regional Associate The slide sets out what there is to help schools to find out more. Please stress that we will do our best to support them that with our resources are limited. To get the most out of the college provision they should try to use all the resources and not just the consultants 35

36 Next Steps Look out for our information resources
Introduction to Models of Leadership (available now) Sharing a single headship * 2 Collaborations & Partnerships (available now) 3 Federations (available now) Trusts * 5 Academies and ‘Free Schools’ * 6 All through schools * 7 Executive Heads * 8 School Business Manager * 9 Chains of schools * Local Authorities * Faith Schools * * Presently being written The new resources will be downloadable from the National College website To find out more about models and partnerships you can: > Go to the Models and Partnerships website > Download the Exploring Models of Leadership Toolkit > Contact the Models and Partnerships consulting Team / Telephone > Attend a models and partnerships event Again this slide is self-explanatory but worth going through in a little detail to emphasise what else is out there. We need a telephone number to go in this space under “ contact...

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