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Lezione Sei Lesson 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Lezione Sei Lesson 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lezione Sei Lesson 6

2 Al Ristorante (at the restaurant)
To be hungry I am hungry I am very hungry To be thirsty I am thirsty I am very thirsty

3 La tavola (the table)

4 What are you missing? Mancare Mi manca __________.
When one thing is missing to you, use manca (it is missing). Mi mancano ___________. When you are missing multiple things, use mancano (they are missing) Cosa ti manca?

5 Cosa ti manca?

6 Cosa ti manchi?

7 Cosa ti manca?

8 Cosa ti manca?

9 Cosa ti manca?

10 Cosa ti manca?

11 Piacere-to be pleasing
Like the verb mancare, piacere requires the use of the direct object pronoun. We have learned how to say “____ is missing to me (I am missing ____).” and “____is missing to you (you are missing blank) Mi manca/mi mancano Ti manca/ti mancano Mi piace= It is pleasing to me (I like it) Mi piacciono=They are pleasing to me (I don’t like it) Ti piace=you like it Ti piacciono= you like them

12 Say whether you like or disklike the following foods

13 Say whether you like or do nto like the following foods

14 Say whether you like or do not like the following foods:

15 Persone del ristorante
Waiter Waitress Customer Manager Cook Busboy

16 Verbi del ristorante To eat To order To drink To desire To want
To serve To pay To leave behind

17 -Ire verbs -o -iamo -i -ite -e -ono Servire-To serve

18 Altro vocabolario With Without Salt Pepper Garlic Spicy Salty

19 Altro vocabolario Tip Bill Cover charge Reservation To split the bill
Is the tip included? A table for two, please.

20 Problemi al ristorante
There is a fly in my food. My food is cold I need another napkin I ordered steak, but I got chicken

21 incluso manca piace desidera senza dispiace primo bicchiere
Buona sera. Cosa ___________. Vorrei un __________di vino rosso, per favore. Ti ______ __il formaggio per antipasto? No, non mi piace formaggio. Vorrei solo la pasta per il _______ e la bistecca per il secondo, _____ il sale. Certo. Anche, mi _____la forchetta. Mi ___________. Ritrono subito con la forchetta. Grazie. Ho una domanda. È _______il servizio. Ok grazie.

22 La spesa Shopping

23 Persone della spesa Salesman Saleswoman Customer Manager Cashiere

24 Altro vocabolario To go shopping The mall The shoe store
The clothing store Sale Clearance How much does it cost? Can I help you? Can I just browse? What are you looking for? Anything Else? Nothing else

25 Altro vocabolario Cash register Money Change Credit Card Check
Expensive Cheap On sale ______ % off

26 Verbi della spesa To wear To put on/ to wear To pay To buy To sell
To try on

27 Quando porti…? La giacca I pantaloncini

28 Gli stivali I guanti

29 La maglia L’impermeabile

30 La camicia I pantaloni

31 La scarpe da tennis I calzini

32 La vestita La cravatta

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