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Ants in your Pants Linda Owen Primary Languages Advisory Teacher

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Presentation on theme: "Ants in your Pants Linda Owen Primary Languages Advisory Teacher"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ants in your Pants Linda Owen Primary Languages Advisory Teacher
The International Education Centre Gloucestershire LA Comenius South West KS2 Regional Consultant

2 Aims of the session Look at a ‘spiral curriculum’ where the language skills become more sophisticated along with the content Consider different ways of introducing and reinforcing nouns Consider different ways of introducing other parts of speech such as prepositions and connectives Consider how Primary Languages can reinforce other curricular areas

3 Foundation Stage Nouns + actions

4 Foundation Stage Nouns + actions Nouns + numbers, counting

5 Year 1/2 Add vocabulary (Liverpool SoW for KS1, LJR La Ronde des Petits, Entre Dans La Ronde). Sort by gender.

6 Year 1/2 Add vocabulary (Liverpool SoW for KS1, LJR La Ronde des Petits, Entre Dans La Ronde). Sort by gender.

7 un une

8 Year 1/2 Add vocabulary (Liverpool SoW for KS1, LJR La Ronde des Petits, Entre Dans La Ronde). Sort by gender. Prepositions Prepositions – song with hand actions Finger rhymes: deux petits escargots dans le jardin etc Jeux de Doigts (LJR) More songs from LJR e.g. the elephant on the toile d’araignée one. Play guessing games. Qui est sur la fleur? Qui est derrière la plante? Qui est sous la feuille Liverpool SoW: touches on habitats with other animals, Y2 Spring and Summer – will be good to refer back to and build on in Y3/4 Dans l’eau In the water Dans le desert In the desert Dans l’arctic In the arctic Dans la jungle In the jungle Dans un zoo In a zoo Dans une ferme On a farm Où habite…?Where does…live? Un lion habite…A lion lives…

9 Year 1/2 Add vocabulary (Liverpool SoW for KS1, LJR La Ronde des Petits, Entre Dans La Ronde). Sort by gender. Prepositions Position of colour adjectives

10 Year 1/2 Add vocabulary (Liverpool SoW for KS1, LJR La Ronde des Petits, Entre Dans La Ronde). Sort by gender. Prepositions Position of colour adjectives Adjectives of size

11 Year 3/4 Revisit the vocabulary (O3.1, O3.3)

12 Year 3/4 Connectives (O4.1, O4.2, KAL, )
Expressing an opinion (O5.2, KAL)

13 Year 3/4 Connectives (O4.1, O4.2, KAL, )
Expressing an opinion (O5.2, KAL) Link to Science: habitats

14 Qui habite ici?

15 Qui habite ici?

16 Qui habite ici?

17 Year 3/4 Connectives (O4.1, O4.2, KAL, )
Expressing an opinion (O5.2, KAL) Link to Science: habitats Link to Geography: climate regions, weather

18 Qui habite ici? Il fait froid Il neige Il gèle Il y a du vent
C’est l’Arctique

19 Year 3/4 Connectives (O4.1, O4.2, KAL, )
Expressing an opinion (O5.2, KAL) Link to Science: habitats Link to Geography: climate regions, weather Link to Science: designing an experiment

20 Year 3/4 Connectives (O4.1, O4.2, KAL, )
Expressing an opinion (O5.2, KAL) Link to Science: habitats Link to Geography: climate regions, weather Link to Science: designing an experiment Link to ICT: word-processing, cutting and pasting Link to Literacy (fiction and non-fiction) (L3.1-3, L4.1-4)

21 Y5/6 Link to Science: food chains (O5.3, O5.4)

22 Y5/6 Link to Science: food chains (O5.3, O5.4)
Use of the passive voice (O5.3, 6.1, 6.3)

23 Y5/6 Link to Science: food chains (O5.3, O5.4)
Use of the passive voice (O5.3, 6.1, 6.3) Link to Science: using a classification key

24 Using a classification key
J’ai des jambes Non Oui J’ai une coquille J’ai plus de 6 jambes Non Oui Oui Non Je suis un ver de terre Je suis une fourmi Je suis un escargot Je suis une araignée

25 Y5/6 Link to Science: food chains (O5.3, O5.4)
Use of the passive voice (O5.3, 6.1, 6.3) Link to Science: using a classification key Link to ICT: presentations (O5.4, O6.2) Link to Literacy: speaking and listening (O6.1, L5.2, L5.3, L6.1, L6.4)

26 Qu’est-ce que c’est?

27 Qu’est-ce que c’est?

28 Qu’est-ce que c’est?

29 Qu’est-ce que c’est?

30 Qu’est-ce que c’est?

31 Qu’est-ce que c’est?

32 Aims of the session Look at a ‘spiral curriculum’ where the language skills become more sophisticated along with the content Consider different ways of introducing and reinforcing nouns Consider different ways of introducing other parts of speech such as prepositions and connectives Consider how Primary Languages can reinforce other curricular areas

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