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1. Identify the process being illustrated?

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1 1. Identify the process being illustrated?

2 2. If a boy inherits a recessive allele from his mother, which of his sex determining chromosomes would it be on?

3 3. What is a mutation?

4 4. In pigeons, there is a rare inherited condition that causes death before hatching. In order to be passed on what must the parents be?

5 5. It is possible for someone to be carrying a lethal allele but be unaffected by it. How is this possible?

6 6. True of False Mutations are ALWAYS harmful and deadly.

7 7. What type of cell must a mutation occur in to be able to pass it on to offspring?

8 8. What type of chromosome mutation is this?

9 9. Is this karyotype normal or does it have a genetic disorder?

10 10. How many generations are represented by the pedigree?

11 11. Identify the genotypes for the following blood types
A blood B blood AB blood O blood

12 13. Would THIS be something passed on to future generations?
12. What disease would people who receive excessive radiation to their body cells be called? 13. Would THIS be something passed on to future generations?

13 14. Excess mucus production is characteristic of what genetic disorder?

14 15. Abnormally shaped blood cells is characteristic of what genetic disorder?

15 16. Developmental delays and having been born at home would be characteristic of what genetic disorder?

16 Answers Crossing over X chromosome Any mutation in DNA Heterozygous 5. The lethal allele is recessive and they have one dominant normal allele. Meaning they are heterozygous 6. False, some can cause genetic diversity that doesn’t lead to death, but new species or variations among animals 7. A sex cell(gamete) 8. Inversion 9. Normal 10. 4 11. AA or AO, BB or BO AB OO 12. Cancer 13. No, body cells are not passed to offspring, only sex cells 14. Cystic fibrosis 15. Sickle cell 16. PKU 1. Make sure you study your journals from this unit along with notes and all assignments.

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