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Thriving on Change Turning Challenge into Success

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Presentation on theme: "Thriving on Change Turning Challenge into Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thriving on Change Turning Challenge into Success
Presented By : Northern Employee Assistance Services

2 Change The only thing we know for certain about the future is that it will bring change.

3 Our History From 1940 to 1990, we experienced 50 years of change.
From 2000 – 2005, we will experience another 50 years of change!!!! In the last years you have actually lived through years of change!!

4 Three Reactions to Change
Reactive Passive Proactive

5 The Circle of Change Change is a reality for every living thing.
Being a problem solver means more change. The continuous circle of change can not be ignored.

6 Circle of Change Present Change Solution Problem

7 Preparing for Change Why is change needed?
Exactly what do you want the end result to be? What is going to change? How do we position the change as positive? Where are we most vulnerable? What are the key success factors in making this work?

8 Organizations don’t change: people do!

9 Five Components of Change
Strategy Roles and responsibilities Systems and technology Training Common values

10 Change: It’s Not All Bad
Change can present excellent opportunities…or serious challenges!

11 Steps to Change Describe the change What triggered it?
What is it’s exact nature? How does the change effect you? Who is responsible for implementation? What monitoring will be done?

12 Recognize the Source of Implementation
Boss or management-imposed System-imposed Customer-imposed Self-imposed

13 Key Conditions that Demand Change
Technology Prosperity pockets Competition Human capital Individual responsibility

14 Five Steps to Conquer Change
Resistance Uncertainty Assimilation Transference Integration

15 Step One Denial Passive resistance Active resistance

16 Step Two: Uncertainty Will it work? Will it leave us behind?
Making sure the change will include us. Look for ways it can be used to our advantage. Lots of questions, few answers.

17 Step Three: Assimilation
Slowly begin to try it. Confidence builds with familiarity. We use the change to our advantage.

18 Step Four:Transference
Slowly the new process replaces the old. As the replacement continues we begin to appreciate the process. We realize it’s better than the old way.

19 Step Five: Integration
Finally accept the change. Wonder what we ever did without it. Feel in control again. Change has become part of our routine.

20 What Keeps Us Going? Challenge Personal Satisfaction Rewards Fear

21 One of the changes that incite the most fear in people is the
change in the underlying attitudes of an organization.

22 Ask yourself the following:
Can I do this? Am I the one to do this? Should my job be redefined? Is retraining/education available? Is it worth doing? Do we have time? What is the bottom line impact?

23 One of the chief causes of workplace stress is responsibility without authority.

24 Realities of Organizational Change
More accountability Greater need for leadership Greater emphasis on teamwork Intense involvement with people Greater ambiguity concerning authority Increased involvement of the whole person Greater emphasis on individuality More stress 9) Continual learning

25 People should expect to
Receive affirmation of their strengths & skills Receive encouragement for their struggles Receive rewards for positive contributions

26 In turn they should: Provide clear leadership where needed
Offer information & advise on subjects in which they have knowledge & expertise Contribute their own vision & ideas to the organization Encourage & train those who need assistance

27 The New Managers People from top are walking around talking to people of all levels People at the bottom feel safe talking to people of all levels of management & passing on information and ideas Middle managers as as information conduits to all levels

28 . People on all levels feel free to approach and deal with problems involving customer service. Have spending authority over reasonable amounts that reflect the scope of their responsibilities

29 More Accountability Meet preset goals Meet performance standards
Be proactive in meeting goals & standards

30 Each person in today’s organization is:
Accountable to the team Accountable to management Accountable to self

31 Leaders of today must Challenge people with a clearly defined vision
Motivate people with internal rewards Communicate with information and feedback Listen carefully and constantly

32 Greater Emphasis on Teamwork
Members are: Accountable to one another Self managing Task oriented

33 To be effective Meet once a week Work in teams of no more than 15
Develop their own goals & performance indicators

34 The Fear Driven Employee
Sees change as: An economic threat – loss of job A psychological threat – loss of security A social threat – loss of power or authority

35 Fear Causes This fear causes them to depend on leadership
They want others to tell them what, how, when, & why to do it.

36 This translates to: Lack of initiative Apathy Passivity
They become “yes men” Sometimes passive aggressive waste valuable time covering themselves, document to justify existence, eventually burnout

37 Managing a Fear Driven Employee
Keep them informed Establish short term goals Measurable baby steps targets for completion Be sensitive to high needs for reassurance Insure they feel part of the team 6) Publicly and privately praise them

38 The Productive Person Works from a base of security in their abilities
Uses change to increase own productivity Trusts leadership Knows they are part of the team Believes their contribution matters

39 They work best when: Challenged and motivated to go beyond abilities & outside their comfort zones Change provides the stimulation that keeps them at their jobs

40 Entitlement Driven Employees
Feel they are entitled to good pay, reasonable job security, stability & routine regardless of their job performance They put in “face” time, their face is present but their brain & body are not participating in productivity Main goal is status quo – any changes are suspect First to resist change

41 Level of complacency is high
Impact on organization can be devastating in lowered productivity & morale Play it by the book Conformity is a protective shell

42 Entitlement Driven Employees avoid:
Assessment – don’t want to set goals let alone measure them. Measure their work against others meeting standards set by supervisors Engaging in any kind of performance appraisal

43 How to Manage Entitlement Driven Persons
Give specific meaningful tasks Build in opportunity for success – Let them know why their work is important Keep individual accountable for performance State specific goals & expectations Train to ensure full understanding

44 Accept no excuses Conduct regular evaluations Give almost instant feedback to increase motivation Ask for feedback on your assistance Reward effort, skill development & progress

45 They can change, circumvent, reinvent and avoid rules and regulations if it means getting the job done. In other words they are empowered with the authority to meet their goals.

46 Greater Emphasis on Individuality
Work-sharing programs Flexible scheduling Individual & team goals Training & retraining programs Opportunity for lateral movement

47 Whole Person Involvement
Individuals are asked to make a commitment to the organization through: Voluntary overtime to finish task Participation on special task forces or teams Voluntary education in areas relating to job

48 Reality = More Stress Increased frustration Increased Uncertainty
Increased Doubt

49 Continual Training There is always something new to be learned
What you learned yesterday may be out of date Only continual learning will keep you in the game Lifelong learning must become a daily habit

50 Tips for Aspiring Change Agents
Be open to imput Network! Actively involve senior management at every juncture Document Learn & share Have no fear Know the business before changing anything Laugh a lot 9) Finish what you start

51 Personal Coping Styles
The Entitled Employee The Productive Employee The Fear Employee

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