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Essay Prewriting +20/20 MLA Format Typed / Double Spaced

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1 Essay Prewriting +20/20 MLA Format Typed / Double Spaced
SAT Words (Highlighted) Rough Drafts (Peer Edited)

2 Bellwork What clues do you look for when you are trying to “figure out” the character in the story?

3 Characterization The ways in which a writer develops a character, making him or her seem believable. Sharing the character’s thoughts Observing the character’s actions and dialogue Describing his or her appearance Revealing what others in the story think of this character; other character’s reactions

4 Character’s Speech First person narration: When they speak directly to the reader and reveal their thoughts, feelings, facts, and personality traits. Reading the character’s dialogue can also teach us about the character.

5 Character’s Speech in Plays
Dramatic monologue: A type of poem in which the speaker addresses one or more silent listeners and discusses their specific problem or situation. Soliloquy: A type of self-revealing speech in which the character is alone on stage expressing their innermost thoughts.

6 Types of Character Main character = protagonist
Minor characters: those who help or observe the protagonist solve the conflict Antagonist: An individual that directly opposes the protagonist.

7 Types of Characterization
Direct: the writer makes direct statements about a character's personality and tells what the character is like. Indirect: the writer reveals information about a character and his personality through that character's thoughts, words, and actions, along with how other characters respond to that character, including what they think and say about him.

8 Characterization cont.
An alert writer might recognize that the two methods of characterization fall under the decision to “show” or to “tell”. Direct characterization “tells” the reader. Indirect characterization “shows” the reader.

9 Direct or Indirect Characterization?
Julie owned a multitude of outfits and accessories, and it always took her forever to decide which combination might impress Trent. As usual, she called her sister several times for advice. After doing so, Julie decided to give the navy blue skirt with the white sweater a try.

10 Direct or Indirect Characterization?
Julie held up six different outfits in front of the mirror and pondered which would go best with her navy blue shoes, pastel eye shadow and the diamond earrings she’d already procured from her overflowing vanity. After ninety minutes of mixing and matching, and cell-phoning her sister three times for advice, Julie finally made up her mind. She’d give the navy blue skirt and white sweater a try, hoping Trent would love it.

11 Flat/Round Characters
Flat characters: Shows only one or two personality traits Round characters: Characters that are complex and has multiple personality traits TPS: Who is a flat character on Family Guy? What about a round character?

12 Dynamic/Static Characters
Dynamic characters: Usually develop/change during the course of a story; you focus your attention on these characters Static characters: Stay the same throughout the story; you do not focus on these individuals

13 Theme The theme is the main idea or message of a literary work
Stated theme: The message is explicitly expressed to the reader For example: fables, stories that have a moral ending Implied theme: Revealed gradually- you must find the clues that help you figure out the message

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