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Learnscapes for health care Administration

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Presentation on theme: "Learnscapes for health care Administration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learnscapes for health care Administration
Dial: (855) Conference ID: Learnscapes for health care Administration

2 TODAY’S SESSION The benefits of ‘immersive learning’
What are LearnScapes? Demo of Health Care Finance LearnScapes and your curriculum Q&A

3 IMMERSIVE LEARNING Allows learner to be totally immersed in a simulated environment Learning is not a one-way knowledge transfer Rich and complex social interactions through role play Opportunity to apply theories and concepts to real-world situations

4 WHAT ARE LEARNSCAPES? Immersive learning environment
Content maps to selected chapters from JBL texts Cast of characters includes C-suite, physicians, nurse managers, hospital pharmacists, etc.

Healthcare Delivery The New System Financial Issues Customer Satisfaction Expansion Healthcare Ethics Equipment Purchase Stockpiling Labor and Delivery Services Confidentiality Healthcare Finance Critical Case for Billing and Coding Rates Negotiation Crisis Firm Financial Position or Not? To Move or Not to Move  Healthcare Human Resources More Help Needed Now! The Tough Dad Approach The Silent Group The Repeat Offender Healthcare Policy Policy Analysis and Development Going from Policy to Law Implementing Policy in the Health Care Delivery System Evaluating a Health Care Policy Healthcare Marketing Staying Relevant Patient Engagement Recovery and Retention How Are We Doing Healthcare Law Hospital Nightmare Medication Errors The Wrong Body Part Failure to Obtain Consent

6 Health Care Finance: “Rates Negotiation Crisis”

7 Integrating Learnscapes into your course

8 GETTING STARTED Comprehensive Technology training and product support to get you started 24/7 technical support Web Hosting through JBL Support materials for the instructor






14 For health care marketing, these LearnScapes pair nicely with either our best selling text by Berkowitz, or our newest edition of the marketing text by Hillestad and Berkowitz.

15 And finally, for Human Resources, we have 3 very new titles from Niles, McConnell, and Fallon.

16 Pricing and availability
Pricing and Availability. We’ve made these scenarios very affordable. The stand alone student price for each is $75. However, when you bundle with any of our texts, the cost is about $20 - $25 more than the book alone which is really a value for your students. Pricing and availability

17 Pricing Example: Baker or Cleverley + LearnScapes for Health Care Finance

18 AVAILABILITY Full access to all LearnScapes within a test area – available now. Access for student use HR and Finance available now through our Navigate course management platform (moodle based) Rest expected to be available in late April

19 Questions?

20 CONTACT YOUR REP Lindsey Mawhiney – AK, LA, MA, MD, MI, MS, MT, ND, NE, NM, SD, WA Ryan Martin – AZ, CO, IL, IN, KS, ME, NJ, NY, OH, OK, TN, UT, WY Kimberly Robinson – CA, DC, MN, MO, NH, OR, TX, VA, VT, WI Chase Grinley – CT, GA, IA, ID, KY, NC, NV, PA, SC, WV Maria Barbosa – AL, AR, DE, FL, HI, RI

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