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Read the HIV article silently.

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Presentation on theme: "Read the HIV article silently."— Presentation transcript:

1 Read the HIV article silently.
Warm-up Read the HIV article silently. Partner A – beginning to how can a person reduce their risk of getting HIV? Partner B – who is at risk to the end

2 What are 10 muscles located superior to the pelvic cavity?
LEQ What are 10 muscles located superior to the pelvic cavity?

3 How muscles contract Muscles can only pull, not push!
To pull, muscles contract. When muscles contract they shorten. Muscles shorten because the muscles fibers slide past each other. The sliding is like a trombone

4 Muscle Terms Hypertrophy ~ increase in size of a muscle Due to overuse
Purposely done by athletes Atrophy ~ decrease in size of a muscle Wasting away Lack of exercise : broken leg Normal aging process Delayed with exercise

5 Muscle Terms Most movement is performed by groups of muscles working together; however, a single muscle is generally responsible for MOST of the movement. Prime mover ~ Chief muscle (responsible for movement) Synergist ~ helper muscles Antagonists ~ oppose the action of another muscle Muscle pairs

6 Form the abdominal wall Move the vertebral column
Muscles of the Trunk Involved in breathing Form the abdominal wall Move the vertebral column Form the pelvic region

7 Muscles for Breathing Intercostal Muscles ~ located between the ribs
Origin and insertion on the ribs Responsible for raising and lowering the rib cage during breathing

8 Muscles for Breathing Diaphragm ~ dome- shaped muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity Chief muscle of inhalation

9 Muscles of the Abdominal Wall
Consists of 4 muscles Muscles are layered at different depths Fibers of these muscles run in different directions Contain, support and protect abdominal organs Contraction causes flexion and rotation of vertebral column, urination, defecation, and childbirth.

10 Abdominal Muscles Rectus abdominis ~ fibers run up and down
Contraction flexes the vertebrae Increases intra-abdominal pressure

11 Abdominal Wall Muscles
External oblique ~ lateral walls of the abdomen Fibers run obliquely (slanted) Aids rectus abdominus (trunk rotation/lateral flexion)

12 Abdominal Wall Muscles
Internal oblique ~ add strength to the external oblique (crisscross with them)

13 Abdominal Wall Muscles
Transverse abdominis ~ fibers run horizontally Innermost layer of the abdominal muscles Responsible for compression

14 Anatomy of the Muscular System

15 Anatomy of the Muscular System

16 Muscles of the Vertebral Column
Attach to the vertebrae Move the vertebral column in numerous directions Numerous muscles….will not discuss in detail.

17 Muscles of the Shoulder
Trapezius ~ origin in bases of the occipital bone and inserts on the scapula and clavicle Hyperextends head Contraction allows for shrugging and rotating movement Right and left trapezius form the shape of a trapezoid

18 Anatomy of the Muscular System

19 Muscles of the Shoulder
Pectoralis Major ~ forms the anterior chest wall Connects the humerus with the clavicle and sternum Contraction moves the arm across the chest Adducts the arm

20 Muscles of the Shoulder
Deltoid ~ forms the rounded portion of your shoulder (shoulder pad) Contraction abducts the arm

21 Muscles of the Shoulder
Latissimus dorsi ~ Broad muscle located in the middle and lower back region. Origin vertebrae, insertion humerus Adducts shoulders and extends arm back. “Swimmers muscle”

22 Muscles that Move the Forearm
Triceps brachii ~ located on the posterior surface of the humerus. Prime mover of extension of the forearm Supports weight for push-ups Boxer muscle ~ packs the greatest punch

23 What are 10 muscles located superior to the pelvic cavity?
LEQ What are 10 muscles located superior to the pelvic cavity?

24 Read the Herpes article A - Beginning to symptoms
Warm-up Read the Herpes article A - Beginning to symptoms B - Contagious to end

25 What is a prime mover? Synergist? Antagonist? Hypertrophy? Atrophy?
Let’s review! What is a prime mover? Synergist? Antagonist? Hypertrophy? Atrophy? Flexion? Extension? Origin? Insertion? Contraction?

26 Muscles that Move the Forearm
Biceps brachii ~ located along the anterior surface of the humerus Flexes the forearm “Make a muscle”

27 Muscles that Move the Forearm
Brachioradialis ~ synergist of biceps brachii Origin on humerus, Inserts on radius Flexes forearm at elbow

28 Muscles that Move the Wrist, Hand, and Fingers
More than 20 muscles Small which makes for delicate movement Generally located along the forearm The tendons of these muscles pass through the wrist into the hand and fingers.

29 Muscles that Move the Wrist, Hand, and Fingers
Flexor digitorum ~ flexes fingers Anterior muscle

30 Muscles that Move the Wrist, Hand, and Fingers
Extensor digitorum ~ extends fingers Posterior muscle

31 Anatomy of the Muscular System

32 Story time! Create a story using the movements from 15 different muscles. For example, Jack makes a fist because he is so mad! Underline makes a fist. You may use all facial muscles and muscles superior to the pelvic cavity. You may not say abduct, adduct… Another reader will identify the muscle responsible for that action.

33 Warm-up Complete the muscle action chart using your brain – refer to notes if necessary.

34 Collect Health Fair reflections Collect movie packet CC Health Day
Agenda Collect Health Fair reflections Collect movie packet CC Health Day Remind app Test on muscles on Friday

35 What are 10 muscles located superior to the pelvic cavity?
LEQ What are 10 muscles located superior to the pelvic cavity?

36 What are 10 muscles located inferior to the pelvic cavity?
Leq What are 10 muscles located inferior to the pelvic cavity?

37 Muscles of the Pelvic Floor
Assist in expelling contents from the urinary bladder and rectum Will not be discussed in detail

38 Muscles that Move the Thigh, Leg, and Foot
Some of the largest and strongest muscles of the body Move the lower extremities Help maintain posture

39 Gluteal Muscles Located on the posterior surface
Gluteus maximus ~ forms the area of the buttocks Largest muscle of the body Rotates the thigh laterally and extends the thigh at the hip (walking, stair climbing)

40 Gluteus medius ~ abduct and rotate the thigh medially at the hip
Gluteal Muscles Gluteus medius ~ abduct and rotate the thigh medially at the hip

41 Muscles that Move the Leg
Located on the thigh Extensor muscles lie along the anterior and lateral surfaces. Flexors lie along the posterior and medial surfaces

42 Muscles that Move the Leg
Quadriceps Femoris ~ located on the anterior thigh Most powerful muscle in the body Contain four different parts Vastus lateralis Vastus intermedius Vastus medialis Rectus femoris All four parts cause extension of the leg at the knee

43 Quadriceps Femoris Vastus lateralis

44 Quadriceps Femoris Vastus intermedius ~ sits directly below the rectus femoris

45 Quadriceps Femoris Vastus medialis

46 Muscles that Move the Leg
Sartorius ~ crosses over anterior thigh Allows you to sit in cross leg position Laterally rotates thigh at hip

47 Muscles that Move the Leg
Hamstrings ~ located on the posterior surface of the thigh Contain three different parts Biceps femoris Semimembranosus Semitendinosus

48 Strong tendons of these muscles can be felt behind the knee
Hamstrings Flex the leg at the knee Extend the thigh Strong tendons of these muscles can be felt behind the knee

49 Hamstrings Biceps femoris Semimembranosus Semitendinosus

50 Muscles that Move the Foot
Located on the anterior, lateral, and posterior surfaces of the leg Tibialis anterior ~ located on anterior surface Causes dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot

51 Muscles that Move the Foot
Gastrocnemius ~ forms the calf of the leg Attach to the heel bone by the Achilles tendon Strongest tendon in the body Causes plantar flexion Toe dancer muscle

52 Anatomy of the Muscular System



55 Worksheet Complete the muscle function matching worksheet using your notes and the “Muscles: Name, Location, Function” chart.

56 What are 10 muscles located inferior to the pelvic cavity?
Leq What are 10 muscles located inferior to the pelvic cavity?

57 Warm-up Finish labeling the man with a body on both sides (we did the superior muscles already)

58 Sticky Notes Activity (30)
Vastus medialis Diaphragm Trapezius Sartorious Brachialis Extensor digitorum Intercostalis Occipitalis Biceps brachii Deltoid Soleus External oblique Gastrocnemius Zygomaticus Buccinator Sternocleidomastoid Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis oris Internal oblique Flexor digitorum Masseter Frontalis Latissiumus dorsi Vastus lateralis Rectus femoris Tibialis anterior Rectus abdominis Biceps femoris Pectoralis major Gluteus maximus

59 Classifying muscles All muscles superior/inferior to pelvic cavity
All muscles on the face All muscles on the arm All muscles in the trunk All muscles in legs Anterior muscles in anatomical order Posterior muscles in anatomical order

60 Little Red Riding Hood Read the Little Red Riding Hood story with your partner. Tell me which muscle is responsible for which movement. Use your notes to help you find the correct answers.

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