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Chem I Semester 1 Review.

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1 Chem I Semester 1 Review

2 All of the following are general characteristics of a substance in the liquid state except
definite volume. not easily compressed. able to flow. definite shape. Non-Response Grid

3 In the chemical reaction iron plus oxygen →iron oxide,
iron oxide is a reactant. oxygen is a product. iron is a reactant. iron is a product. Non-Response Grid

4 Which term does not fit with the others listed?
Solid Gas Reactant Liquid Non-Response Grid

5 The chemical symbol for sodium is
NA. SO. Na. So. Non-Response Grid

6 A basketball has more mass than a golf ball because:
the basketball takes up more space. the basketball contains more matter. the golf ball contains a different kind of matter. the golf ball has an indefinite composition. Non-Response Grid

7 A gas is a form of matter that
has a definite volume. is generally a liquid or solid at room temperature. takes the shape and volume of its container. is difficult to compress. Non-Response Grid

8 Homogeneous mixtures are always liquids.
consist of two or more phases. have a composition that is fixed. are known as solutions. Non-Response Grid

9 A compound is a pure substance. has a composition that varies.
can be physically separated into its elements. has properties similar to those of its elements. Non-Response Grid

10 Physical properties of a substance include
color and odor. malleability. melting & boiling points. all of the above. Non-Response Grid

11 When iron and oxygen combine to form iron oxide,
a physical change occurs. a change of state occurs. a change in mass occurs. a chemical change occurs. Non-Response Grid

12 How many significant figures are in the measurement 2103.2 g?
4 5 3 Non-Response Grid

13 Which of these equalities is not correct?
10 kg= 1 g 100 cg= 1 g 1 cm3= 1 mL 1000 mm= 1 m Non-Response Grid

14 How many of the zeros in the measurement 0
How many of the zeros in the measurement m are significant? 2 7 3 8 Non-Response Grid

15 How many milligrams are in 2.5 kg?
2.5 x 106 mg 2.5 x 104 mg 25 mg 2.5 x 102 mg Non-Response Grid

16 The closeness of a measurement to its true value is a measure of its:
usefulness. accuracy. precision. reproducibility. Non-Response Grid

17 Which of these measurements is expressed to three significant figures?
0.070 mm 7007 mg 7.30 x 107 km 0.007 m both C and D Non-Response Grid

18 A metric unit of volume is the:
km. mg. K. Non-Response Grid

19 The number of seconds in a 40-hour work week can be calculated as follows:
Picture Choice 1 Picture Choice 2 Picture Choice 3 Picture Choice 4 A. B. C. Non-Response Grid D.

20 The metric prefix kilo- means:
100 times smaller. 1000 times smaller. 1000 times larger. 100 times larger. Non-Response Grid

21 What is the volume of 60. 0 g of ether if the density of ether is 0
What is the volume of 60.0 g of ether if the density of ether is 0.70 g/mL? 86 mL 2.4 x102 mL 1.2 x 102 mL 42 mL Non-Response Grid

22 Concentrated hydrochloric acid has a density of 1. 19 g/mL
Concentrated hydrochloric acid has a density of 1.19 g/mL. What is the mass, in grams, of 2.00 liters of this acid? 2.38 x 103 g 4.20 x 10-4 g 2.38 g 4.20 x 104 g Non-Response Grid

23 A conversion factor: is equal to 1.
is a ratio of equivalent measurements. does not change the value of a measurement. all of the above Non-Response Grid

24 Which of the following is not a part of Dalton’s atomic theory?
All elements are composed of atoms. Atoms of the same element are alike. Atoms are always in motion. Atoms that combine do so in simple whole-number ratios. Non-Response Grid

25 The nucleus of an atom is
negatively charged and has a low density. negatively charged and has a high density. positively charged and has a low density. positively charged and has a high density. Non-Response Grid

26 Dalton theorized that atoms are indivisible and that all atoms of an element are identical. Scientists now know that Dalton’s theories are completely correct. atoms of an element can have different numbers of protons. atoms are all divisible. all atoms of an element are not identical but they all have the same mass. Non-Response Grid

27 The number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom can be calculated by
adding together the numbers of electrons and protons. subtracting the number of protons from the mass number. subtracting the number of protons from the number of electrons. adding the mass number to the number of protons. Non-Response Grid

28 The sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom equals the
atomic number. atomic mass. number of electrons. mass number. Non-Response Grid

29 All atoms of the same element have the same:
number of protons. mass number. number of neutrons. mass. Non-Response Grid

30 Which of these statements is false?
Electrons have a negative charge. Electrons have a mass of 1 amu. The nucleus of an atom is positively charged. The neutron is found in the nucleus of an atom. Non-Response Grid

31 An atom of an element with atomic number 48 and mass number 120 contains
48 protons, 48 electrons, and 72 neutrons. 72 protons, 48 electrons, and 48 neutrons. 120 protons, 48 electrons, and 72 neutrons. 72 protons, 72 electrons, and 48 neutrons. Non-Response Grid

32 The number 80 in the name bromine-80 represents
the atomic number. the mass number. the sum of protons and electrons. none of the above Non-Response Grid

33 Which of these statements is not true?
Atoms of the same elements can have different masses. The nucleus of an atom has a positive charge. Atoms of isotopes of an element have different numbers of protons. Atoms are mostly empty space. Non-Response Grid

34 If E is the symbol for an element, which two of the following symbols represent isotopes of the same element? 1 and 2 3 and 4 1 and 4 2 and 3 Non-Response Grid

35 The fourth principal energy level has
4 orbitals. 32 orbitals. 16 orbitals. 9 orbitals. Non-Response Grid

36 If the electron configuration of an element is 1s22s22p63s23p5, the element is
iron. chlorine. bromine. phosphorus. Non-Response Grid

37 The electron configuration of calcium is
1s22s22p23s23p34s2. 1s22s22p103s23p4. 1s22s23s23p6 3d8. 1s22s22p63s23p64s2. Non-Response Grid

38 The maximum number of electrons that can occupy the third principal energy level is
18. 2. 32. 8. Non-Response Grid

39 As the frequency of light increases, the wavelength
remains the same. decreases. approaches the speed of light. Non-Response Grid

40 In order to occupy the same orbital, two electrons must have
the same direction of spin. low energy. opposite charge. opposite spin. Non-Response Grid

41 Stable electron configurations are likely to contain
high-energy electrons. unfilled s orbitals. fewer electrons than unstable configurations. filled energy sublevels. Non-Response Grid

42 According to Hund’s rule, when electrons occupy orbitals of equal energy, one electron enters each orbit until all the orbitals contain one electron, with spins parallel. all the orbitals contain one electron, with opposite spins. there are two electrons in each orbital. electron velocities become constant. Non-Response Grid

43 In the periodic table, there is a periodic pattern in the physical and chemical properties of elements when they are arranged in order of increasing atomic mass. increasing electronegativity. increasing atomic number. increasing atomic radius. Non-Response Grid

44 Which sublevel corresponds to the transition metals in the periodic table?
f Non-Response Grid

45 Which of the following elements is a metalloid?
Br Se As Kr Non-Response Grid

46 The element iodine, I, is a
period 5 alkali metal. period 4 halogen. period 5 halogen. period 5 transition metal. Non-Response Grid

47 The subatomic particle that plays the greatest role in determining the physical and chemical properties of an element is the proton. electron. neutron. photon. Non-Response Grid

48 Which of the following atoms would you expect to have the largest atomic radius?
K Rb Ca Non-Response Grid

49 From left to right across the second period of the periodic table,
first ionization energy increases. atomic radii increase. electronegativity decreases. atomic mass decreases. Non-Response Grid

50 The category of elements that is characterized by the filling of f orbitals is the
inner transition metals. alkali metals. alkali earth metals. transition metals. Non-Response Grid

51 Electronegativity generally decreases from left to right across a period. is the energy change that accompanies the loss of an electron from a gaseous atom. generally decreases from top to bottom within a group. is generally higher for metals than for nonmetals. Non-Response Grid

52 Atomic size generally increases from left to right across a period.
decreases from top to bottom within a group. remains constant within a period. decreases from left to right across a period. Non-Response Grid

53 The alkali metals do not include
Na. Ca. Rb. Non-Response Grid

54 How many valence electrons does an atom of any element in Group 16 have?
2 6 4 8 Non-Response Grid

55 The electron dot structure for an atom of phosphorus is
Picture Choice 1 Picture Choice 2 Picture Choice 3 Picture Choice 4 A. B. C. D. Non-Response Grid

56 When an aluminum atom loses its valence electrons, what is the charge on the resulting ion?
2+ 3+ 2- 1+ Non-Response Grid

57 15 The high surface tension of water is due to the:
a. small size of water molecules. b. low mass of water molecules. c. hydrogen bonding between water molecules. d. covalent bonds in water molecules. c.

58 The electron configuration of a fluoride ion, F-, is
1s2 2s2 2p5. the same as that of the neon atom. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1. the same as that of a potassium ion. Non-Response Grid

59 In forming chemical bonds, atoms tend to attain
the electron configuration of noble gas atoms. a state of higher energy. the electron configuration of halogen atoms. all of the above Non-Response Grid

60 An ionic compound is electrically neutral.
held together by ionic bonds. composed of anions and cations. all of the above Non-Response Grid

61 A cation is any atom or group of atoms with
a positive charge. no charge. a negative charge. more electrons than the corresponding atoms. Non-Response Grid

62 The cation Fe3+ is formed when
an atom of iron loses two electrons. an atom of zinc loses two electrons. an atom of iron loses three electrons. an atom of iron gains three electrons. Non-Response Grid

63 Which of these elements does not exist as a diatomic molecule?
Non-Response Grid

64 Which one of the following compounds is not covalent?
HCl KCl SCl2 S2Cl2 Non-Response Grid

65 How many valence electrons does an atom of any halogen have?
4 2 1 7 Non-Response Grid

66 If a bonding pair of electrons is unequally shared between two atoms, the bond is
ionic. coordinate covalent. nonpolar covalent. polar covalent. Non-Response Grid

67 A covalent bond forms when an element becomes a noble gas.
when atoms share electrons. between metals and nonmetals. when electrons are transferred from one atom to another. Non-Response Grid

68 The correct name for the N3- ion is the:
nitrate ion. nitride ion. nitric ion. nitrite ion. Non-Response Grid

69 A molecular formula: gives information about molecular geometry.
can be written for ionic compounds. shows the number and kinds of atoms in a molecule of a compound. uses superscripts to show the number of atoms of each kind. Non-Response Grid

70 The metals in Groups 1A, 2A, and 3A:
gain electrons when they form ions. form ions with a charge found by subtracting 8 from the group number. all form ions with a 1 charge. lose electrons when they form ions. Non-Response Grid

71 Which of the following is not an empirical formula?
Na2SO4 N2H4 C6H5Cl Sn3(PO4)4 Non-Response Grid

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