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American Politics: Essential Information

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1 American Politics: Essential Information
To what political party did George Washington belong?

2 To what political party did
George Washington belong? ANSWER! None. The 1st political parties emerged in the late 1790s after Washington’s administration.

3 What were the 1st two political parties?

4 ANSWER! *Federalists and *Democratic Republicans

5 Who led the Federalists?

6 ANSWER! Alexander Hamilton John Adam

7 Who led the Democratic Republicans?

8 ANSWER! Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson

9 How did the parties differ in their views of government power?


11 What type of economy did each party support?


13 Who supported each political party?


15 What region supported each political party?


17 Election 1800 Who won the election of 1800?

18 Election 1800 Who won the election of 1800? ANSWER! Thomas Jefferson

19 Election 1800 Why was the election of 1800 important?

20 Election 1800 Why was the election of 1800 important? ANSWER!
1st presidential election in which power was peacefully transferred from one party to another.

21 Election 1800 What explains the voting pattern in 1800?

22 Election 1800 ANSWER! Northeast business voted for Adams (Federalists)
Southern farmers voted for Jefferson (Democratic- Republican)

23 Why was the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 important to American politics in the early 19th century?

24 expansion of democracy
ANSWER! New democratic spirit, expansion of democracy (Hint: See the inaugural party at the White House)

25 Who participated in politics
before 1828?

26 ANSWER! Aristocrats (those in the upper class) who had more formal education were seen as best qualified to hold power in government)

27 Before 1828, why had people been content with rule by the “aristocracy? ?

28 ANSWER! Aristocrats had more formal education were seen as best qualified to hold power in government.

29 What explains the new democratic spirit ushered in by Andrew Jackson in 1828?

30 ANSWER! More eligible voters: New states provided universal manhood suffrage (voting) to the “common man” Older states lowered property requirements for voting

31 Why did the “common man”
come out to vote in 1828?

32 ANSWER! Americans began to see themselves as equals and were more eager to participate in the electoral process.

33 What are 2 examples of the
new democratic spirit of 1828?

34 ANSWER! Delegates from states chose candidates for President at Nominating conventions Andrew Jackson’s Spoils System- rewarding supporters with government jobs

35 To what political party did George Washington belong?

36 To what political party did George Washington belong?
NONE The 1st political parties were the result of debates between___and____.

37 To what political party did George Washington belong?
NONE The 1st political parties were the result of debates between___and____. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton

38 To what political party did George Washington belong?
NONE The 1st political parties were the result of debates between___and____. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton What were the 1st two political parties?

39 To what political party did George Washington belong?
NONE The 1st political parties were the result of debates between___and____. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton What were the 1st two political parties? Federalist and Democratic Republican

40 To what political party did George Washington belong?
NONE The 1st political parties were the result of debates between___and____. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton What were the 1st two political parties? Federalist and Democratic Republican Who was the leader of the Federalist Party?

41 To what political party did George Washington belong?
NONE The 1st political parties were the result of debates between___and____. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton What were the 1st two political parties? Federalist and Democratic Republican Who was the leader of the Federalist Party? Alexander Hamilton and John Adams

42 To what political party did George Washington belong?
NONE The 1st political parties were the result of debates between___and____. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton What were the 1st two political parties? Federalist and Democratic Republican Who was the leader of the Federalist Party? Alexander Hamilton and John Adams Who was the leader of the Democratic Republican party?

43 To what political party did George Washington belong?
NONE The 1st political parties were the result of debates between___and____. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton What were the 1st two political parties? Federalist and Democratic Republican Who was the leader of the Federalist Party? Alexander Hamilton and John Adams Who was the leader of the Democratic Republican party? Thomas Jefferson

44 To what political party did George Washington belong?
NONE The 1st political parties were the result of debates between___and____. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton What were the 1st two political parties? Federalist and Democratic Republican Who was the leader of the Federalist Party? Alexander Hamilton and John Adams Who was the leader of the Democratic Republican party? Thomas Jefferson What political party favored an agricultural economy and small government?

45 To what political party did George Washington belong?
NONE The 1st political parties were the result of debates between___and____. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton What were the 1st two political parties? Federalist and Democratic Republican Who was the leader of the Federalist Party? Alexander Hamilton and John Adams Who was the leader of the Democratic Republican party? Thomas Jefferson What political party favored an agricultural economy and small government? Democratic Republicans

46 To what political party did George Washington belong?
NONE The 1st political parties were the result of debates between___and____. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton What were the 1st two political parties? Federalist and Democratic Republican Who was the leader of the Federalist Party? Alexander Hamilton and John Adams Who was the leader of the Democratic Republican party? Thomas Jefferson What political party favored an agricultural economy and small government? Democratic Republicans What political party favored an industrial economy and a strong federal government?

47 To what political party did George Washington belong?
NONE The 1st political parties were the result of debates between___and____. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton What were the 1st two political parties? Federalist and Democratic Republican Who was the leader of the Federalist Party? Alexander Hamilton and John Adams Who was the leader of the Democratic Republican party? Thomas Jefferson What political party favored an agricultural economy and small government? Democratic Republicans What political party favored an industrial economy and a strong federal government? Federalists

48 Who won the election of 1800?

49 Who won the election of 1800? Thomas Jefferson

50 Who won the election of 1800? Thomas Jefferson Why was the election of 1800 an important turning point in political history?

51 Who won the election of 1800? Thomas Jefferson Why was the election of 1800 an important turning point in political history? 1st presidential election where power was peacefully transferred from one party to another. Who was elected in 1828?

52 Who won the election of 1800? Thomas Jefferson Why was the election of 1800 an important turning point in political history? 1st presidential where power was peacefully transferred from one party to another. Who was elected in 1828?

53 Who won the election of 1800? Thomas Jefferson Why was the election of 1800 an important turning point in political history? 1st presidential where power was peacefully transferred from one party to another. Who was elected in 1828? Andrew Jackson Why was the election of 1828 important?

54 Who won the election of 1800? Thomas Jefferson Why was the election of 1800 an important turning point in political history? 1st presidential where power was peacefully transferred from one party to another. Who was elected in 1828? Andrew Jackson Why was the election of 1828 important? New Democratic spirit Who was allowed to participate in government before 1828?

55 Who won the election of 1800? Thomas Jefferson Why was the election of 1800 an important turning point in political history? 1st presidential where power was peacefully transferred from one party to another. Who was elected in 1828? Andrew Jackson Why was the election of 1828 important? New Democratic spirit Who was allowed to participate in government before 1828? Aristocrats (better educated, richer) What explains the new democratic spirit ushered in by Andrew Jackson?

56 Who won the election of 1800? Thomas Jefferson Why was the election of 1800 an important turning point in political history? 1st presidential where power was peacefully transferred from one party to another. Who was elected in 1828? Andrew Jackson Why was the election of 1828 important? New Democratic spirit Who was allowed to participate in government before 1828? Aristocrats (better educated, richer) What explains the new democratic spirit ushered in by Andrew Jackson? universal manhood suffrage (voting) to the “common man” and lower property requirements for voting

57 Who won the election of 1800? Thomas Jefferson Why was the election of 1800 an important turning point in political history? 1st presidential where power was peacefully transferred from one party to another. Who was elected in 1828? Andrew Jackson Why was the election of 1828 important? New Democratic spirit Who was allowed to participate in government before 1828? Aristocrats (better educated, richer) What explains the new democratic spirit ushered in by Andrew Jackson? universal manhood suffrage (voting) to the “common man” and lower property requirements for voting

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