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The American Ideal of a Great Leader

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1 The American Ideal of a Great Leader
调查表明林肯是美最伟大总统 小布什位居其次 新华网 ( :32:47)稿件来源:新华社电稿   新华网华盛顿2月18日专电 美国广播公司(ABC)日前公布的一份民意测验结果显示,亚伯拉罕·林肯被认为是美国历史上最伟大的总统,肯尼迪和小布什位居其次。   在这项谁是美国最伟大的总统的民意测验中,20%的人投了林肯的票,肯尼迪和小布什的得票率分别为14%和13%,里根、克林顿和富兰克林·罗斯福平分秋色,得票率均为8%。而在一年前ABC所做的类似测验中,名列前三位的是里根、肯尼迪和林肯。   若按党派划分,多数接受测验的民主党人认为林肯和肯尼迪不分伯仲,不过林肯却在无党派人士中轻易地找到了多数支持者,多数共和党人则认为,林肯和布什同属最佳,里根稍逊一筹。   民意测验结果还有一点颇令人费解。尽管140年前林肯解放了黑人奴隶,但他在黑人心目中的地位却并非最高—多数黑人认为克林顿才是最伟大的总统。另外,在65岁(含)以上的老人中,富兰克林·罗斯福的口碑最佳。   这项结果是ABC于2月13日至17日对1025名成年人进行调查后得出的。

2 There's a hero If you look inside your heart You don't have to be afraid of what you are There's an answer If you reach into your soul And the sorrow that you know will melt away

3 And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

4 It's a long road When you face the world alone No one reaches out a hand for you to hold You can find love If you search within yourself And the emptiness you felt will disappear

5 And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

6 What do you know about Abraham Lincoln? When did the American Civil War break out? What is the main cause of the war? How long did the war last?

7 Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) 16th President of the United States
Born: February 12, 1809, Kentucky  Nickname: "Honest Abe"; "Illinois Rail-Splitter"  Religion: No formal affiliation  Marriage: November 4, 1842, to Mary Todd ( )  Career: Lawyer  Political Party: Whig; Republican  Died: April 15, 1865, Washington, D.C.

8 is much loved by Of all figures from America's past Abraham Lincoln is dearest to the hearts of the American people. In fact, the admiration they have had for him borders on worship. Writers note the fact that the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. is not unlike the temples that ancient Greeks built in honor of their gods, and that the annual ceremony of celebrating Lincoln's birthday in schools and other public places has sometimes had characteristics of a religious service.

9 What is the last observation?
Whether this last observation is true or not, certainly Lincoln is America's ideal of a great leader. He had many of the qualities of leadership that have appealed to Americans. What is the last observation? What is the author going to discuss in the following paragraphs? Reasons for his popularity: First of all  also  Furthermore 

10 What do you know about American dream?
First of all, Lincoln's career fits a popular American belief that every child can dream of becoming president. In other words, no matter how humble a person's beginning, there is no class system that prevents him or her from becoming a leader in industry, government, or any of the professions if he or she has ambition, brains, and a willingness to work. What do you know about American dream?

11 Americans admire the self-made person— the one who, with neither money nor family influence, fights his or her way to the top. Lincoln was born of poor parents. His mother died when he was young. The shack in which he and his father lived one winter had only three walls; the fourth side was open to the weather. He had little opportunity for schooling. Most of his early study was done by himself at night by the light of a was exposed to When Lincoln was aged 7, his family moved into untracked wilderness of Indiana. it was late fall, and there was time only to pull together a crude three-sided shelter of logs, brush and leaves. The open side was protected by a blazing fire that had to be filled up at all times. The only water was more than 1 km. away. For food the family depended almost entirely on game.

12 cause himself well-known
fireplace. He did hard manual labor through the day--splitting rails for fences, taking care of livestock, working on a riverboat or in a store. But as he grew older he studied law in his spare time and set up a practice. He was a good speaker and student of political philosophy. His ability finally made a name for him, and eventually he became president of the United States. start a business cause himself well-known 林肯当过律师。有一次出庭,对方律师把一个简单的论据翻来覆去地陈述了两个多小时,讲得听众都不耐烦了。好不容易才轮到林肯上台替被告辩护,他走上讲台,先把外衣脱下放在桌上,然后拿起玻璃杯喝了两口水,接着重新穿上外衣,然后再脱下外衣放在桌上,又再喝水,再穿衣,这样反反复复了五六次,法庭上的听众笑得前俯后仰。林肯一言不发,在笑声过后才开始他的辩护演说。 All I am , or can be, I owe to my angel mother. (Abraham lincoln, American president) 我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。(美国总统林肯) We know nothing of what will happen in future , but by the analogy of past experience. (Abraham Lincoln , American president) 除了凭着对过去的经验加以类推之外,我们对今后的事一无所知。 Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.              --Abraham Lincoln    永远记住:你自己的取得成功的决心比什么都重要。 Towering genius disdains a beaten path. He seeks regions hitherto unexplored.              --Abraham Lincoln    卓越的天才不屑走旁人走过的路。他寻找迄今未开拓的地区。

13 Lincoln is also admired because of his leadership during the difficult period of the Civil War. He dared to do what he thought was right at a time when his beliefs were unpopular with many people. He, in a sense, represents the spirit of union among the states. Before the Civil War, the economy of the South depended upon the plantation system, which made use of slave labor. Reformers in the northern states put so much pressure upon Congress not to

14 extend slavery to territories destined for statehood that some of the southern states wanted to secede from the United States. They argued that the question of slavery was a matter for the individual states to decide rather than the federal government, and they did not want to submit to its decision. The national government in Washington said that no state had the right to secede, and the Civil War was the result. If the South had won the war, what is now the United States those areas that the American government planned to turn into new states

15 might well have been divided into several countries with regional interests and problems. Lincoln dedicated himself to preserving the Union, and the northern states with him at their head were victorious. Americans from both the North and the South now generally feel that keeping the states together as one country has produced long-range benefits, and Lincoln has received much of the credit for holding the Union together. under his leadership 长距离, 长远的 Can you guess the meaning of “credit”?

16 Furthermore, Lincoln had many personal qualities that made him dear to the hearts of his countrymen. He had infinite patience and tolerance for those who disagreed with him. As president, he appointed the men to his cabinet whom he considered most capable for the job, even though some of them openly scorned him and humiliated him. He bore their discourtesy toward him 有人认为林肯对待政敌的态度不够强硬,对他说:“你为什么要让他们成为朋友呢?你应该想办法消灭他们才对。”“我难道不是在消灭政敌吗?当我使他们成为我的朋友时,政敌就不存在了。”林肯温和地说。

17 with admirable restraint. He was generous to his opponents
with admirable restraint. He was generous to his opponents. There are many stories about his courteous treatment of southern leaders. When the war was over, he bore the South no malice. Since generosity toward a defeated opponent is admired by Americans, Lincoln fitted the national ideal of what is right. not to hate sb. “ideal” also appears in the title. What does it mean in both places?

18 She has a white handkerchief edged with blue.
Find the topic sentence in this Para. Shortly after the Civil War was over, Lincoln was shot one night while attending a play in a Washington theater. He died within a few hours. Newspapers were edged with black. His funeral procession in Washington was miles long. Lincoln's body was taken by train back to his former home in Springfield, She has a white handkerchief edged with blue. The reaction of the nation to his death was almost unbelievable.

19 Illinois, but in all the major cities through which the train passed, the casket was paraded through streets lined with mourning thousands. In the small towns through which the train passed, bells rang in honor of the dead president. Citizens lit torches along the railroad track to show their last respects. It took the train twelve days to reach Springfield. of people

20 Thus the circumstances of his death made him a martyr for a cause about which people were already highly emotional. Had Lincoln lived, it might well be that his postwar policies would have brought criticism upon him that would have tarnished his popularity. Instead, an assassin's bullet erased in the minds of Americans any faults he had and emphasized his virtues.

21 Why does the author say the admiration Americans have had for Lincoln borders on worship?
1. Lincoln Memorial is like the temples ancient Greeks built in honor of their gods. 2. The celebration of Lincoln’s birthday is sometimes like a religious service.

22 What qualities of leadership Lincoln had? Can you find examples?
1. Lincoln had courage to do right things. 2. He dedicated himself to preserving the Union.

23 1. Patience and tolerance. 2. Generosity to his opponents.
What are Lincoln’s personal qualities that make him loved by the American people? 1. Patience and tolerance. 2. Generosity to his opponents. 3. His criterion for selecting men suitable for the job.

24 Can you find any examples?
1. Newspapers were edged with black. 2. His funeral procession was miles long. 3. It took the train carrying his casket 12 days to reach his hometown.

25 Paraphrase family background.
That’s to say, a person who has a strong desire to achieve greatness, is intelligent, and is willing to work hard can become a leader or succeed in any of the professions without depending on social status, money or family background.

26 Appoint people on their merits.
Paraphrase Though some people openly despised / looked down upon him or did things to destroy his dignity, Lincoln still chose them to be his chief or principal advisor of the state if he thought those people were capable. Appoint people on their merits.


28 The virtue of the ruler is like wind and that of the commoner is like grass. The grass bends in the direction of the wind Confucius 君子之德风也,小人之德草也。草上之风,必堰。 When one subdues men by force, they do not submit to him in heart. When one subdues men by virtue, they are pleased and sincerely submit in their heart. ----Mencius 以力服人者,非心服也;以德服人者,衷心悦而诚服也。

29 Leadership is a combination of strategy and character
Leadership is a combination of strategy and character. If you must be without one, be without the strategy Norman Schwarzkopf 领导是策略和性格的结合。如果非要少一个,就少策略。     In simplest terms, a leader is one who knows where he wants to go, and gets up, and goes. ---John Erksine 用最简单的术语,一个领导人是知道他想要去哪儿,然后起身,去到那儿。 The difference between a boss and a leader: a boss says, “Go!”--a leader says,“ let‘s go” ----E.M.Kelly 一个老板和一个领导人之间的差别:老板说,“去”,领导人说,“让我们去”。

30 border on / upon China borders on Burma in the south
1) touch at the edge or boundary 接壤 2) be very much like 近似 e.g. 中国西部同缅甸接壤,南部和老挝、越南毗连 。 China borders on Burma in the south and Laos and Vietnam in the south. Such an action borders on madness.

31 border, boundary, frontier
他站在得克萨斯和俄克拉荷马的边界上,两脚各在一方。 He stood at the boundary between Texas and Oklahoma with one foot on either side. border指边境地带范围 较广的地区 Note: 边界 boundary分界线等狭小 的部分

32 e.g. The frontier is protected by minefields and electric fence.
the frontier between China and Mongolia China’s Mongolian frontier the border between China and Mongolia Note: frontier指某一国单方面提及的边界、边境;border可以用来指国与国之间的边界、边境。Frontier意味着设防的边界,要作护照、签证、海关等项检查。 e.g. The frontier is protected by minefields and electric fence. China’s Mongolian frontier中国靠蒙古的边境 the border between China and Mongolia中蒙边境 边境上布有雷区和电网加以防守。

33 memorial a ~ to the martyrs; a ~ meeting 林肯纪念馆 Lincoln Memorial 毛主席纪念堂
a. serving to preserve the memory a ~ to the martyrs; a ~ meeting 林肯纪念馆 Lincoln Memorial 毛主席纪念堂 the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall 人民英雄纪念碑 the Monument to the People’s Heroes

34 self-made 白手起家的;自学成功的 Can you guess the meanings of
the following words? self-testing; self-charging self-service;   self-defense self-appointed; self-centered self-evident; self-exclusive

35 ambition 胸怀大志 have great ~s / full of ~s
n. strong desire 实现抱负 achieve one’s ~(s) 胸怀大志 have great ~s / full of ~s Little men can never appreciate the high ~s of great minds. a. ambitious be ~ to do sth. 热切做某事 be ~ of / for sth. 热望得到某物 望子成龙 be ambitious for children

36 manual user’s manual a shorthand manual synonyms: by hand
manual labor a manual typewriter user’s manual a shorthand manual synonyms: by hand directory guidebook handbook antonyms: automatic Can you guess the meaning of “manuscript”?

37 patience be out of patience with 对…耐不住 lose patience with sb.
exhaust sb.'s patience 使某人忍无可忍 Our patience has worn out. His rudeness drove me beyond the limit of my patience. synonyms: endurance indulgence perseverance persistence tolerance antonyms: impatience

38 tolerance n. 容忍, 宽容, 耐性 ;公差, 容(许间)隙
show tolerance towards sb. have a limited tolerance to / of cold The bridge was built to a tolerance of 1o millimeters tolerant: His own mistakes made him ~ towards others. Leaders should be ~ of opinions different from their own. tolerable: The pain was severe but ~ .

39 I won’t ____ your rudeness.
He has ____ great pain for a number of years. She can’t ____ the noise in the room. D C D A. bear B. stand C. endure D. tolerate

40 cabinet 储藏橱,陈列柜;内阁 a filing cabinet; medicine cabinet
The cabinet meet / meets tomorrow to discuss this problem. This will be discussed in cabinet(=in a meeting of the cabinet). a shadow cabinet

41 restraint e.g. without ~无拘无束; be kept under ~;
1) the quality of being restrained or restraining oneself; 2) control ; 3) restriction e.g. without ~无拘无束; be kept under ~; ~s on the power of the president Restrict: keep within limits of size or number or to a certain limit cf. restrict: He ~s himself to (smoking) two cigarettes a day.

42 restrain, refrain restrain=hold back from, control vt.
----Doesn’t your wife restrain you from smoking? ----I have refrained from smoking ever since our wedding. restrain=hold back from, control vt. refrain=hold oneself from, avoid vi.

43 Translation:忍住不笑; 请勿吸烟(poster)!
restrain laughter refrain from laughing KINDLY REFRAIN FROM SMOKING!

44 opponent proponent = oppone (oppose) + ent 对手,敌手;反对者
oppose vt.反对, 使对立, 使对抗, 抗争 vi.反对 opposite adj. / n. 完全不同或相反的; 对面的,对过的 e.g. Mary’s mother was opposed to her marriage to George. He lives in the dorm opposite (mine).

45 reaction 1) an action in response to some influence
2) an action in the opposite direction to progress (+ against) vi. react e.g. The eyes react to light. The audience reacted to his speech. Applause reacts on / upon the speaker.

46 dedicate devote contribute ……to (doing) sth. 奉献 Translation:
我决心把我的一生献给教育事业。 I am determined to devote / dedicate my whole life to the cause of education.

47 Note: 在表示贡献或贡献出力量、时间、金钱等意思时,三者可以互换。但在表示“献身于某一事业或目标”时,不能用contribute, 即contribute后不可接 one’s life或 oneself。

48 in honor of : as a celebration of; show respect to
e.g. They had a ceremony in honor of those killed in battles. A banquet was given in honor of his arrival. do honor to:向……表示敬意; 给……带来荣誉 All honors go to the collective.

49 fight one’s way 类似结构:make one’s way shoulder one’s way elbow one’s way
move along by struggling hard 奋斗前进 e.g. She fought her way to the top of the company. He fought his way to the front of the line. 类似结构:make one’s way shoulder one’s way elbow one’s way

50 be born of Thomas Jefferson was born into wealth.
+ sb. (parents); + sth. (事物的起源、起因) e.g. It’s said that crime is born of poverty. His wish to become a doctor was born of the desire to help the sick. Thomas Jefferson was born into wealth. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was born to succeed.

51 set up 1) to establish or arrange (an organization, business, plan, etc.) e.g. ~ a council; ~ a fund 2) to put into position e.g. ~ the roadblocks 3) to establish (oneself or someone else) in business) as 从事某种职业 e.g. His parents set him up as a dentist. He set (himself) up as a lawyer.

52 be unpopular with / among
be dislike, unfavored, etc. by sb. Translation: 这些手工艺品很受外国朋友的欢迎。 These artistic handicrafts are very popular with foreign friends.

53 submit to + n. / doing sth. D to cause to yield or agree; to obey
e.g. They try to submit themselves to discipline. D Ex. All these topics should ____ the committee for a discussion. A. be subjected to B. be stumbled C. be suppressed to D. be submitted to

54 O CAPTAIN! MY CAPTAIN! Walt Whitman 1965

55 O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won, The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. 啊,船长!我的船长!我们可怕的航程已经终了, 我们的船已安然渡过所有的难关,我们所追求的锦标也已经得到, 港口就在前面,我已听见钟声,听到了人们的欢呼, 千万只眼睛都在望着我们的船安稳前进,它是那样威严和勇敢; 可是,啊,心哟!心哟!心哟! 啊,鲜红的血滴, 就在那甲板上,我的船长躺下了, 他已浑身冰冷,心脏停止了跳动。

56 O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills, For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths--for you the shores a-crowding, For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; Here Captain! dear father! This arm beneath your head! It is some dream that on the deck, You've fallen cold and dead. 啊,船长!我的船长!起来听听这钟声, 起来吧,──旌旗爲你招展,──号角爲你长鸣, 爲你,岸上挤满了人群──爲你,人们准备了无数的花束和花环, 爲你。这雀跃的人群在欢呼,他们殷切的脸正对着你看; 这里,船长,亲爱的父亲! 让你的头枕着我的手臂! 真像是梦,躺在甲板上, 你已浑身冰冷,心脏停止了跳动。

57 My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will, The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done, From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won; Exult O shores, and ring O bells! But I with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. 我的船长没有回答,他的嘴唇惨白,”一动不动, 我的父亲没有感觉到我的手臂,他已经没有脉搏,也没有意志, 我们的船已安全地下锚了,它的航程已经终了, 从可怕的航程归来,这胜利的船,目的已经达到; 啊,海岸欢呼,钟声长鸣! 可我却以悲痛的步履, 漫步在甲板上,那里躺着我的船长 他已浑身冰冷,心脏停止了跳动。


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