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Why would anyone want to explore space? Click to listen to story.

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Presentation on theme: "Why would anyone want to explore space? Click to listen to story."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why would anyone want to explore space? Click to listen to story.

2 Small Groups Timer

3 Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Arcade Games Jigword
Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling City – Vocabulary Words Spelling City – Amazing Words Spelling Words: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words Fill-in-the Blank

4 Exploring Space Amazing Words descend orbit universe enormous journey
ascend descend orbit universe enormous journey launch meteorite

5 Exploring Space Vocabulary Words shuttle experiment telescope gravity
astronaut shuttle experiment telescope gravity

6 Exploring Space High Frequency Words work woman machines everywhere
live work woman machines everywhere world

7 Exploring Space Spelling Words Word Wall Words black kicked tell thank
tune cube page blaze nose home space vote size erase fine confuse mice spice late Word Wall Words bag black kicked tell thank

8 Big Question: Why would anyone want to explore space?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9 Exploring Space Monday
Morning Warm-Up Astronauts fly somewhere into space. They can fly around our beautiful Earth. Why would anyone want to explore space?

10 Exploring Space Monday
Morning Warm-Up Astronauts fly somewhere into space. They can fly around our beautiful Earth. Why would anyone want to explore space?

11 Today we will learn about:
new amazing words, long vowels CVCe, main ideas and details, and subjects

12 Exploring Space Monday
Amazing Words

13 ascend as - cend When you ascend, you go up.
Astronauts ascend into space in their space shuttles. You ascend to the second floor when you walk upstairs.

14 descend de - scend When you descend, you go down.
Astronauts descend when they come down from space in their space shuttles. You descend when you walk downstairs.

15 orbit or - bit An orbit is the path of something like a spacecraft or planet around something in space, such as Earth or the sun. Earth orbits the sun, and the moon orbits Earth. We can watch TV because of the satellites that orbit the Earth.

16 orbit

17 Sing With Me We are going to listen to a song about astronauts in orbit. Astronauts in Orbit Click to listen.

18 Long Vowels CVCe c ap What vowel sound do you hear in the word cap?
c ape What happened to the short a sound when an e was added to the end of cap? Today we’ll learn about long vowel sounds.

19 apron CVCe – When a word has a vowel-consonant-silent e pattern, the vowel usually stands for its long sound. make race plate

20 uniform CVCe – When a word has a vowel-consonant-silent e pattern, the vowel usually stands for its long sound. use cute huge flute June tube

21 ice cream CVCe – When a word has a vowel-consonant-silent e pattern, the vowel usually stands for its long sound. mice pile

22 ocean CVCe – When a word has a vowel-consonant-silent e pattern, the vowel usually stands for its long sound. bone home rope

23 Long Vowels CVCe bake When a word has a vowel followed by a consonant and e, the vowel usually has its long sound and the e is silent. This word has the long a sound. We can blend the word by saying the sound for each letter: /b/ /a/ /k/, bake

24 Long Vowels CVCe Read these words: l ike p oke f use t ame p ile h ose
pl ume

25 Long Vowels CVCe What do you know about reading these words?
A vowel that is followed by a consonant and e usually says its name and the e is silent.

26 Long Vowels CVCe lace nose wage rice cube make

27 Making Word Letter Tiles
a - e - o - u c - d - f - g - l - n - r - s

28 Long Vowels CVCe those came lack stage wage home ice cent sift chose
game check place rose ripe

29 Exploring Space Spelling Words Word Wall Words black kicked tell thank
tune cube page blaze nose home space vote size erase fine confuse mice spice late Word Wall Words bag black kicked tell thank

30 Word Family Word – bag (online dictionary)
Consonant Digraphs Blends bag tag gag wag hag zag jag lag nag rag sag shag brag crag drag flag slag snag stag swag

31 Word Family Word – bag shag haircut carpet shaggy dog shag bag hag tag
jag crag gag flag slag stag swag

32 Word Family Word – black (online dictionary)
Consonant Digraphs Blends back hack jack lack pack rack sack tack Zack shack whack knack quack clack crack flack slack smack snack stack track

33 Word Family Word – black
tack pack sack shoe rack race track shack stack snack

34 Let’s Talk about Exploration!


36 Main Idea and Details The topic is what a selection is about. The main idea is the most important idea about the topic. Small pieces of information in a selection that tell more about the main idea are called details. Good readers look for the main idea to help them understand what the whole story is about.

37 Read-Aloud Eating in Space

38 we will fly into spac We will fly into space. it will be lots of fun
Monday’s Fix-It we will fly into spac We will fly into space. it will be lots of fun It will be lots of fun.

39 The subject of a sentence tells who or what does something.
Grammar: Subjects The subject of a sentence tells who or what does something. Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. The moon goes around the Earth.

40 What is the subject of each sentence?
Tony wants to be a firefighter. Firefighters put out fires.

41 Subjects The girl will be an astronaut. Astronauts study space.
She dreams about spaceships.

42 Subjects My father is a zoologist. Zoologists study animals.
My uncle explores the rain forest.

43 Wrap Up Your Day! Long vowels Main idea and details
Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will read about how astronauts explore space.

44 Exploring Space Monday
Journal Topic Write a story about a rocket that goes into orbit.

45 Exploring Space Tuesday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about astronauts who explore space. What do you think it feels like to take off into space?

46 Exploring Space Tuesday
Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about astronauts who explore space. What do you think it feels like to take off into space?

47 Today we will learn about:
new amazing words, long vowels CVCe, main ideas and details, high-frequency words, vocabulary words, and subjects

48 Exploring Space Tuesday
Amazing Words

49 universe u - ni -verse The universe is made up of Earth, the sun, the moon, and all the other planets and stars in the sky. Our world is a small part of the universe. When we look at the stars, we think how huge our universe must be.

50 universe

51 enormous e – nor - mous Something that is enormous is very big and huge. Dr. Street saw enormous clouds in the sky. An enormous building is so big you can’t see it all at the same time.

52 journey jour - ney A journey is a long trip.
When a family drives for several days to go somewhere, they go on a journey. An astronaut goes on a journey into space.

53 Read-Aloud Gloria Rising

54 Exploring Space Spelling Words Word Wall Words black kicked tell thank
tune cube page blaze nose home space vote size erase fine confuse mice spice late Word Wall Words bag black kicked tell thank

55 Word Family Word – kicked (online dictionary)
Consonant Digraphs Blends Dick hick lick Mick nick pick Rick sick tick chick thick quick brick click crick prick slick stick trick

56 Word Family Word – kicked
tick brick chick memory stick hockey stick stick figure trick walking stick

57 Long Vowels CVCe twice You can read this word because you know how to read words with long vowel sounds. What sound does the letter i stand for in this word? When you come to a new word, look at the letters from left to right and think about the vowel sounds. Say the sounds to yourself and then read the word.

58 Long Vowels CVCe Read these words:
m ade c ode f use c age sl ice p ose tr ace f ace sp ice con f use m ute cl ose s age

59 Long Vowels CVCe Listen to “Race into Space” and pick out the long vowel words. Click to listen.

60 Long Vowels CVCe Listen to “Race into Space” and pick out the long vowel words.
close hose spaceship rose place like age twice nice ice page

61 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose

62 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose race

63 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose race rose

64 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose race ice rose

65 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose race age ice rose

66 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose race space age ice rose

67 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose race space place age ice rose

68 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose race space place age ice twice rose

69 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose race space place age ice twice nice rose

70 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose race space place age ice twice nice rose hose

71 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose race space place age ice twice nice rose hose close

72 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose race space place age page ice twice nice rose hose close

73 Sort these words: race, rose, ice, age, space, place, twice, nice, hose, close, page, spaceship -ace -age -ice -ose race space place spaceship age page ice twice nice rose hose close

74 Spelling: Long Vowels CVCe
It was late when we got home. Look at the size of the mice! I vote for the first time.

75 Main Idea and Details The topic is what a selection is about. The main idea is the most important idea about the topic. Small pieces of information in a selection that tell more about the main idea are called details. Good readers look for the main idea to help them understand what the whole story is about.

76 Text Structure Authors often use headings to help readers know what they are going to read about next. Paying attention to headings and thinking as we read can help us become better readers.

77 Let’s talk about being an astronaut.

78 High Frequency Words live work woman machines everywhere world

79 High-Frequency Word Check
everywhere about live other machines become move many work always woman use world into

80 Vocabulary astronaut – a person who goes into space
shuttle - vehicle that carries astronauts into space experiment – test to find out something telescope – an instrument that makes things far away appear to be close gravity – the natural force that makes everything on Earth move toward it (next slide)

81 astronauts

82 space shuttle

83 telescope

84 Vocabulary Words At the Space Center we saw an ____ in her spacesuit.
At the Space Center we saw an astronaut in her spacesuit. It would be fun to float without ____ like she does. It would be fun to float without gravity like she does.

85 Vocabulary Words We looked through a ____ to see some stars.
We looked through a telescope to see some stars. We saw pictures of an ____ in space with plants and rocks. We saw pictures of an experiment in space with plants and rocks. There was a huge space ____ parked there too. There was a huge space shuttle parked there too.

86 was hom. The astronaut was home. she was gone a long time?
Tuesday’s Fix-It was hom. The astronaut was home. she was gone a long time? She was gone a long time.

87 Grammar: Subjects Every sentence needs a subject. The subject of a sentence tells who or what does something. An astronaut goes into space. A space shuttle goes up like a rocket.

88 Wrap Up Your Day! High-Frequency Words Text Structure
Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will read about a girl who meets someone famous.

89 Exploring Space Tuesday
Journal Topic Write about what you would like to see and do in space.

90 Exploring Space Wednesday
Morning Warm-Up An astronaut helps Gloria think that she can do anything she wants to do. What will Gloria do when she grows up?

91 Exploring Space Wednesday
Morning Warm-Up An astronaut helps Gloria think that she can do anything she wants to do. What will Gloria do when she grows up?

92 Today we will learn about:
new amazing words, short vowels, long vowels CVCe, high-frequency words, position words, and subjects

93 Exploring Space Wednesday
Amazing Words

94 launch launch You launch something when you get it started or set it going. We launch a boat or a plane when we get ready to go. A space shuttle is launched when it starts up and gets into the sky.

95 meteorite me – te – or - ite
A meteorite is a piece of stone from space that hits something. Spaceships sometimes are hit by meteorites. Some meteorites that hit Earth leave big dents in the ground.

96 meteorite

97 Short Vowels Review: Read these words.
mist must mug slug slip slop slap sled

98 Making Words Worksheet

99 High Frequency Words live work woman machines everywhere world

100 High-Frequency Words Astronauts ______ on the space station.

101 High-Frequency Words Astronauts live on the space station.
Uncle Andy tells the funniest jokes in the whole _____.

102 High-Frequency Words Astronauts live on the space station.
Uncle Andy tells the funniest jokes in the whole world. There were “out of Order” signs posted on all the snack _____.

103 High-Frequency Words Astronauts live on the space station.
Uncle Andy tells the funniest jokes in the whole world. There were “out of Order” signs posted on all the snack machines. After he dropped me off at school, Dad drove to _____.

104 High-Frequency Words Astronauts live on the space station.
Uncle Andy tells the funniest jokes in the whole world. There were “out of Order” signs posted on all the snack machines. After he dropped me off at school, Dad drove to work.

105 High-Frequency Words Mom said, “These toys are scattered _____!”

106 High-Frequency Words Mom said, “These toys are scattered everywhere!”
In two weeks my best friend Jack will ____ to a different town.

107 High-Frequency Words Mom said, “These toys are scattered everywhere!”
In two weeks my best friend Jack will move to a different town.

108 High-Frequency Words Mom said, “These toys are scattered everywhere!”
In two weeks my best friend Jack will move to a different town. Mrs. Sage is the ____ in the green dress.

109 High-Frequency Words Mom said, “These toys are scattered everywhere!”
In two weeks my best friend Jack will move to a different town. Mrs. Sage is the woman in the green dress.

110 Exploring Space Spelling Words Word Wall Words black kicked tell thank
tune cube page blaze nose home space vote size erase fine confuse mice spice late Word Wall Words bag black kicked tell thank

111 Word Family Word – tell (online dictionary)
Consonant Digraphs Blends bell cell dell fell jell sell well yell shell smell spell swell

112 Word Family Word – tell bell body cell phones Bell peanut shells
jingle bell body cell cell phones Liberty Bell jail cell peanut shells gun shells wishing well sea shells

113 Position Words Position words tell the position of something.
into the sky inside the shuttle on a space shuttle float everywhere up and down outside the shuttle out their window

114 Vocabulary Words I’m holding the book over my head. The red book is beside the blue book. There are books all around the room.

115 it is a fine day to fly into space It is a fine day to fly into space.
Wednesday’s Fix-It it is a fine day to fly into space It is a fine day to fly into space. are in the sky no clouds No clouds are in the sky.

116 Grammar: Subjects Every sentence must have a subject.
The subject of a sentence tells who or what does something.

117 Grammar: Subjects I want to be a police officer when I grow up.
Police officers drive police cars and make the sirens go. Police officers keep us safe.

118 Wrap Up Your Day! Main idea and details Fluency skill
Read with accuracy Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow they will read about space camp that children can attend to find out if they want to explore space.

119 Exploring Space Wednesday
Journal Topic Use position words in sentences about exploring space.

120 Exploring Space Thursday
Morning Warm-Up Today we’ll read about kids going to space camp. They find out how it feels to be up in space. What do you think being in space camp is like?

121 Exploring Space Thursday
Morning Warm-Up Today we’ll read about kids going to space camp. They find out how it feels to be up in space. What do you think being in space camp is like?

122 Today we will learn about:
long vowels CVCe, subjects, and reasons for listening

123 Read-Aloud Mission to Mars

124 Sentence Reading My jacket is somewhere, but I cannot find it.
I know someone who has a long nose on his face. My friend has nine mice in a huge cage. He can drive his nice car in the country. One cent in my pocket will not get a beautiful gem for Mom. We sat at the front of the rink to see them skate on ice.

125 Exploring Space Amazing Words descend orbit universe enormous journey
ascend descend orbit universe enormous journey launch meteorite

126 Exploring Space Vocabulary Words shuttle experiment telescope gravity
astronaut shuttle experiment telescope gravity

127 Exploring Space High Frequency Words work woman machines everywhere
live work woman machines everywhere world

128 Exploring Space Spelling Words Word Wall Words black kicked tell thank
tune cube page blaze nose home space vote size erase fine confuse mice spice late Word Wall Words bag black kicked tell thank

129 Word Family Word – thank (online dictionary)
Consonant Digraphs Blends bank dank Hank lank rank sank tank shank prank spank stank swank

130 Word Family Word – thank
shank bank riverbank propane gas tank army tank scuba tank fish tank



133 was late for the soccer game He was late for the soccer game.
Thursday’s Fix-It was late for the soccer game He was late for the soccer game. they missed the first goal They missed the first goal.

134 Choose the subject in each sentence.
We go to a big school. Many kids are here. Our teacher’s name is Mr. Hunt. He plays soccer with us during recess. Mr. Hunt can kick a soccer ball very far.

135 People listen for several different reasons. Why do we listen?
We listen to hear questions. We listen to hear other people’s ideas. We listen for enjoyment and appreciations. We listen for information.

136 Wrap Up Your Day! Text to World Let’s Talk About It!
Tomorrow we will read about a space mission.

137 Exploring Space Thursday
Journal Topic List things that can ascend and descend.

138 Exploring Space Friday
Morning Warm-Up This week we read about people who want to explore space. What do real astronauts do in space?

139 Today we will learn about:
Amazing Words High-Frequency Words Vocabulary Words Long Vowels CVCe Subjects Alphabetical Order: First Letter

140 Exploring Space Amazing Words descend orbit universe enormous journey
ascend descend orbit universe enormous journey launch meteorite

141 Long Vowels CVCe Read these sentences.
The slice of cake is nice. Did you erase the note on the page. I will make a space in the cage for the mice. The mule has a huge white nose.

142 Exploring Space Vocabulary Words shuttle experiment telescope gravity
astronaut shuttle experiment telescope gravity

143 Exploring Space High Frequency Words work woman machines everywhere
live work woman machines everywhere world

144 High-Frequency Words live, world, work, machines, everywhere, woman, move
Does he drive his car to _____? Does he drive his car to work? Was this bench made by people or ___? Was this bench made by people or machines? Who is that ____? Who is that woman? Did they ____ to a new home? Did they move to a new home? Does your family ___ next door to Joe? Does your family live next door to Joe? How big is our _____? How big is our world? Have you looked ____ for the lost pup? Have you looked everywhere for the lost pup?

145 Exploring Space Spelling Words Word Wall Words black kicked tell thank
tune cube page blaze nose home space vote size erase fine confuse mice spice late Word Wall Words bag black kicked tell thank

146 That space suit is not my siz That space suit is not my size.
Friday’s Fix-It That space suit is not my siz That space suit is not my size. my friend it will fit It will fit my friend.

147 Alphabetical Order Words in a dictionary or glossary are listed in alphabetical, or ABC, order. Topics in an encyclopedia and names in a phone book are also listed in alphabetical order. This makes it easier to find things we need. Even fiction books in a library are organized in alphabetical order according to the last name of the authors.

148 Let’s Talk About Exploration!
Wrap Up Your Week! Let’s Talk About Exploration!

149 Exploring Space Friday
Journal Topic Write about children who ascend into space.

150 Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Jigword Spelling Words:
Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words: Hot Potatoes (fill-in-the-blank)

151 APTPlus Videos (Password Required)
TLC Elementary School: Liftoff Into Space (24:34) Junior Space Scientist: Voyage to the Moon (10:02) Ping and Pong: Learn about Earth and Space (13:50) Junior Space Scientist: Riding in the Sky (08:36) A First Look: The Sky Above (17:00) Play and Discover with Digger and Splat: Getting Around (17:46)

152 We are now ready to take our story tests.
Classroom webpage, Student page, Taking Tests AR Other Reading Quizzes Quiz #

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