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Living Things.

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1 Living Things

2 S7L4 Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their environment.

3 LIVING OR NONLIVING? Living vs. Nonliving #1
R. Bryant 2008 WSMS – Based on “Science Starters” by T. Trimpe at

4 Determine which objects are considered living or nonliving.
F. D.

5 The solution … Living NonLiving

6 Why is R.O.G.E.R.S. a living thing?
Living things respond……

7 Respond/React to Changes
Organisms react to change in their surroundings. Any reaction to change is called a response. For example: A bright light may cause you to blink.

8 Why is R.O.G.E.R.S. a living thing?
Living things are organized………….

9 Organized from smallest made of Cells
Organisms are made up of one or more cells. A cell is the basic unit of structure and function in living things. Cells = the of life. “Building Blocks"

10 Cells are organized into tissues
Tissues are organized into organs Organs are organized into organ systems Organ systems are organized into organisms

11 Why is R.O.G.E.R.S. a living thing?
Living things grow and develop…….

12 Grow and Develop Living things change, or develop, during their lifetimes. One way organisms change is by growing. Cell division - the orderly formation of new cells. Cell enlargement - the increase in size of a cell. Cells grow to a certain size and then divide. An organism gets larger as the number of its cells increases. Living things may also change in appearance. For example: tadpoles and frogs

13 Why is R.O.G.E.R.S. a living thing?
Living things take in and use energy……

14 Use and Need Energy Sunlight is the source of energy for most living things. Plants use the energy in sunlight to make food Animals get energy by eating plants or other animals that have eaten plants. Bacteria and fungi get energy from decaying plant or animal matter All organisms need and use energy to live. Energy is the ability to do work.

15 Why is R.O.G.E.R.S. a living thing?
Living things reproduce……….

16 Reproduce Reproduction is not essential for the survival of individual organisms, but must occur for a species to survive. All living things reproduce in one of the following ways: Asexual reproduction - Producing offspring without the use of gametes, sex cells. Sexual reproduction - Producing offspring by the joining of sex cells.

17 Why is R.O.G.E.R.S. a living thing?
Living things have Similar chemicals……. Most common elements in living things are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. These four elements constitute about 95% of your body weight.

18 Adapted to Their Surroundings
Organisms are adapted, or suited, to their surroundings. All organisms have features that help them survive in their surroundings. For example: fish have gills

19 Other characteristics
Movement Internal movement of organelles and fluids External movement- up or down Locomotion Maintain Homeostasis Relatively constant internal environment, pH, temp, salinity (like humans body temperature stays right around 98.6)

20 What do living things need?
A place to live Soil, water, air, gasses Space Raw materials Food, water, minerals


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