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Classification of species

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1 Classification of species
Arturo Valderruten Colegio La Arboleda 9th grade

2 Find the mistake and click on it!
Animals can be invertebrates and vertebrates, single-celled and multicellular, their cells lack walls, and they break down glucose through respiration.

3 Find the mistake and click on it!
Plants are multicellular organisms. Their cells are protected by walls that allow them to grow bigger. They make their own food through photosynthesis, so they don’t need to respire.

4 Find the mistake and click on it!
Fungi is the plural of fungus. In this kingdom, cells have walls. They obtain energy through photosynthesis and the break down of other organic materials.

5 Find the mistake and click on it!
Protists are single-celled organisms that may look like animals, such as paramecium and protozoans. Others look like plants, for example algae and amoeba. There are also fungi-like protists.

6 Find the mistake and click on it!
Monera is the order of bacteria (singular = bacterium). Some photosynthesize while others respire. Their nucleus doesn’t have a nuclear membrane.

7 Find the mistake and click on it!
The binomial nomenclature is a two part naming system is that consists of family and species.

8 Find the mistake and click on it!
The binomial nomenclature for all humans is Homo Sapiens.

9 Find the mistake and click on it!
The binomial nomenclature was created by Charles Darwin.

10 Find the mistake and click on it!
The kingdom Mammalia refers to all animals that give birth to their offspring and feeds them with milk.

11 Find the mistake and click on it!
These two cats look very similar. They probably belong to the same species.

12 Find the mistake and click on it!
Scientists classify things into three main groups: it’s alive, it’s dead, and will live.

13 Find the mistake and click on it!
Living things are objects that can pass on genetic information through respiration.

14 Find the mistake and click on it!
Charles Darwin came up with the theory of evolution when he was exploring the South American rainforest.

15 If a group of animals can successfully reproduce among each other, they belong to the same species.
True False

16 The dna sequences of two species of sharks would be more similar than the DNA sequences of a shark and a dolphin. True False

17 the correct order of the biological hierarchy from kingdom to species is: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. True False

18 Scientists use the gel electrophoresis technique to identify DNA similarities among organisms in order to classify them. True False

19 The organism at the base of a phylogenetic tree is the common ancestor of all organisms depicted in the tree. True False

20 Phylogenic trees depict presumed evolutionary relationships based on a variety of types of evidence.
True False

21 Bacteria is plural and its singular is bacterium.
True False

22 The scientific name of an organism is the same for scientists all over the world.
True False

23 The organism Quercus phellos is a member of the genus Quercus.
True False

24 The binomial system was established by Carl Linnaeus.
True False

25 The Asian and African elephants probably belong to the same...
Genus Species

26 The phylum Chordata means with a spinal chord and vertebrae.
True False

27 Animal cells can have a flagellum.
True False

28 Animal cells don’t have a cell wall.
True False

29 Plants can carry out respiration and photosynthesis.
True False

30 Fungi is the kingdom of organisms that break down other organic material to obtain energy.
True False

31 Monera is the kingdom of single-celled organisms that lack a nuclear envelope.
True False

32 Two animals copulate, but their offspring is always aborted or sterile
Two animals copulate, but their offspring is always aborted or sterile. The fact that they can copulate shows that they are members of the same species. True False

33 Protista is the kingdom of bacteria.
True False

34 All bacteria can photosynthesize.
True False

35 Some fungi can photosynthesize.
True False

36 Animal cells have a cell wall made of cellulose.
True False

37 Mammalia is the kingdom in which animals give birth to their offspring and feed them with milk.
True False

38 The technique used to identify DNA similarities among organisms is called DNA chromatography.
True False

39 the correct order of the biological hierarchy between kingdom and species is: family, class, order, phylum, genus. True False

40 the plural of phylum is phylums.
True False

41 two organisms in the same class but different orders will be in different phyla.
True False

42 Which of the following is the least inclusive classification group?
Genus Family Phylum Kingdom

43 How do you call multicellular organisms that respire, their cells lack a wall, and might have bones?
Animals Protozoans Monerans Fungi

44 Photosynthesis can be carried out by...
Plants and some monerans Animals and fungi Only monerans Only plants

45 What kingdoms show cell walls?
Plants, monerans and fungi Only monerans Animals and fungi Plants and monerans

46 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
Q: What do plants and animals have in common? A: Both are ___. eukaryotic heterotrophic autotrophic prokaryotic

47 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
Every living organism has what classification groups as its name? ___ and ___. Genus / species Order / family Class / genus Kingdom / phylum

48 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
The smallest classification group is the ___. species order class phylum

49 Complete the taxa with the correct word.
Kingdom – Phylum – Class – Order - ___ - Genus - Species. Family Chordata Mammalia Insecta

50 Which taxon mammals don’t belong to?
Chordata Carnivora Animalia Vertebrates

51 What kingdoms lack cell walls?
Plants and animals Animals and protista Monerans and fungi Plants and monerans

52 How do you call multicellular organisms whose cells are bounded by a cellulose wall?
Monerans Plants Fungi Animals

53 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
A group of closely related genera is called ___. order family class genus

54 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
This insect belongs to the ___ choleoptera. family order genus phylum

55 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
kingdoms are divided into phyla, and a phylum is divided into ___. families classes genera orders

56 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
The current classification system was devised by ___. Aristotle Linneaus Plato Darwin

57 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
A ___ allows scientists to identify different insect orders. taxonomic tree dichotomous key cladistic chart phenogram

58 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
A ___ allows scientists to classify extinct organisms. dichotomous key fossil cladogram gel electrophoresis

59 A dichotomous key is used to:
interbreed species divide a kingdom identify an organism locate an organism

60 What kingdoms can do both photosynthesis and respiration?
Plants, protista and animals Monerans, plants and fungi Plants, monerans and protista Plants, animals and monerans

61 How do you call single celled organisms that can photosinthesize or respire? (Their nucleus lacks a membrane, but their cells have a protective wall) Protozoans Fungi Monerans Plants

62 It’s the kingdom of bacteria:
Fungi Protista Monera Plants

63 It’s the genus of a cat: Panthera Leo Felis Mammalia

64 It’s the phylum of a man:
Animalia Hominidae Chordata Primata

65 What is the smallest classification group?
Order Family Species Genus

66 Which of the following scientists developed the system of classifying organisms by assigning them a genus and species name? Leakey Aristole Linnaeus Mendel

67 The red maple is also know as Acer rubrum. Its species is _____.

68 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
The first letter of every species name is ___. from the latin alphabet Upper case low case “S”

69 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
The science of classifying living things is called____. identification classification taxonomy speciation

70 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
If two organisms are in the same phylum, they must also be in the same ___. class species kingdom family

71 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
A ___ shows different specimens organized with evolutionary criteria. phenogram dichotomous key cladistic chart scientific name

72 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
The lowest hierarchy level in biological classification is the ___. order family species genus

73 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
Nearly all single-celled eukaryotes that are either heterotrophic or photosynthetic belong to the kingdom ___. Fungi Plantae Protista Monera

74 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
The only taxon in which the biological characteristics are clearly identifiable is the ___. class phylum species kingdom

75 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
Scientific names are ___ because they consist of two words. hierarchical ordered binomial taxonomic

76 The house wren is also know as Troglodytes aëdon
The house wren is also know as Troglodytes aëdon. Its scientific name is ... house wren Troglodytes aëdon Troglodytes aëdon

77 Scientific names are written in what language?
Esperanto Greek Arabic Latin

78 What is the next smallest classification group after Order?
Species Phylum Class Family

79 Every living organism has what classification groups as its name?
Family and Species Kingdom and Phylum Phylum and Class Genus and Species

80 The scientific name of bamboo is Guadua angustifolia
The scientific name of bamboo is Guadua angustifolia. What does the term Guadua refers to? The species The kingdom The class The genus

81 Which of the following pairs is MOST closely related?
dog and tapeworm tapeworm and bacteria mushroom and tree ameba and bacteria

82 Organisms in the Kingdom Animalia are:
unicellular and autotrophic unicellular and heterotrophic multicellular and autotrophic mutlicellular and heterotrophic

83 Which of the following groups would contain the largest number of organisms?
family class order phylum

84 A scientific name contains information about its:
class and family phylum and order family and species genus and species

85 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
Darwin saw that the Galapagos tortoises are a good example of ___. asexual reproduction omnivorous animals survival natural selection

86 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
All living things can pass on ___ through reproduction. a nice moment sperm bacteria genetic information

87 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
Scientists place things in ___, called taxa, based on their structures. museums phila kingdoms categories

88 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
If the baby of two creatures can grow up, and reproduce again, they all belong to the same ___. family genus species all of the above

89 Complete the sentence with the correct word.
Early naturalists used their “gutt feelings” in an attempt to create ___ that classified species wrongly. dichotomous keys a binomial system cladograms phenograms

90 Choose the option that best describes the image
A taxonomic tree A cladogram A phenogram A binomial system

91 In this phylogenetic tree, the purple section represents all living things. What taxa would the light blue section represent? The kingdoms The phila The classes The orders

92 In this phylogenetic tree there’s an error. Which group is misplaced?
The mammals The fishes The rodents The primates

93 Choose the option that best describes the image
Behavioural database Gel electrophoresis biochemical classification morphological classification

94 Vertebrates and invertebrates
In this phylogenetic tree, the light blue section represents the five kingdoms. Red is animals, orange is plants, etc. What are the two red branches? Monera and protista Vertebrates and invertebrates Fossils and alive Mammals and aves

95 According to this phylogenetic tree, which have the closest common ancestor?
Starfish and worms Snail and insects Whales and roundworms Sponges and jellyfish

96 What can you deduct from this diagram?
It’s a dichotomous key Sharks are invertebrates Mammals come from fish All mammals have placenta

97 What can you deduct from this diagram?
The protists don’t fit The phylum is in the wrong place There’s one taxon missing Genus and species appear inverted

98 Choose the option that best describes the image
All the kingdoms The chordata phylum A Phenogram A cladogram

99 What does this picture show?
Mammals come from birds Amphibians come from reptiles All the kingdoms Birds come from fish

100 In this phylogenetic tree, the light blue section represents the five kingdoms. Red is animals, orange is plants, yellow is protista, green is monera. What would the lightest blue branch represent? Multi-celled Single-celled Bacteria Fungi


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