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Kiki Mc Gough Positive Behavior Support Coordinator

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Presentation on theme: "Kiki Mc Gough Positive Behavior Support Coordinator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Children with Challenging Behavior: A Positive Behavior Approach
Kiki Mc Gough Positive Behavior Support Coordinator Colorado Department of Education

2 Acknowledgements PBS Leadership Team- Colorado Department of Education
PEAK Parent Center Colorado Springs, CO George Sugai and Ann Todd- The OSEP Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports at the University of Oregon

3 Families Partnering with PBS
Understand the process of behavior change Recognize how to support our children with emotional and behavior challenges which affect life at home, at school and in the community Identify predictable routines and positive behavior support strategies to use at home Identify ways to work proactively with schools to support our children Kiki

Kiki will introduce the rules -- ROSE, Can someone give an example of respecting others in our workshop today? (letting others listen, talk, voicing their opinions with freedom) Self? (being a contributor, taking care of personal needs,) Environment? (Cleaning up own trash) ENVIRONMENT

5 Meet My Children Spend a few minutes completing “Meet My Child”.
Identify 3-4 strengths for child. List some interests and things your child likes and finds rewarding . Share your “child” as you meet the people at your table. Post these on your fridge at home as a reminder of your child’s strengths!

6 Meet My Children Kate Patrick Donovan
Passionate about everything she loves World traveler Special Education Teacher Degree in Drama and Psychology Patrick Has been dancing since age 3 Is creating his own path……and I’m sure he will get there in his own way Independent thinker and questions everything Donovan Artistic, creative, deep thinker Sensitive (but don’t tell him!) Firm in his convictions Square peg in a round school system

7 What is Positive Behavior Support?
PBS is an application of a behaviorally- based systems approach to enhance the capacity of schools, families and communities to design effective environments that improve the fit or link between research based practices and the environments in which teaching and learning occur.

8 In other words…… Positive Behavioral Support (PBS) is…
Proactive and preventative Instructionally focused Empirically sound Data-based Systems change model that provides learning and social/behavioral support for ALL children in school, home or community.



11 Summary of PBIS “BIG IDEAS”
Systems (How things are done) Team based problem solving Data-based decision making Long term sustainability Data (How decisions are made) On going data collection & use of behavioral data to make decisions Practices (How staff interact with students) Direct teaching of behavioral expectations On-going reinforcement of expected behaviors Functional behavioral assessment

12 School-Wide Systems Non Classroom Classroom Setting Systems
Individual Student Support Systems

13 Eight Practices of School-wide Positive Behavior Support
Administrative Leadership Team Implementation Define Concrete Expectations Teach Behavior Expectations Acknowledge and Reward Positive Behavior Monitor and Correct Behavior Use Data for Decision Making Family and Community Engagement

14 What Will You See in a PBS School?
Small # positively stated & behaviorally exemplified expectations are taught & encouraged. Positive adult-to-student interactions exceed negative Data- & team-based action planning & implementation are operating. Administrators are active participants in all aspects of implementation >80% of students can tell you what is expected of them & give behavioral example because they have been taught, actively supervised, practiced, & acknowledged.

15 What does PBS look like? Families and communities are actively involved Time for instruction is more effective & efficient Function based behavior support is foundation for addressing problem behavior. Full continuum of behavior support is available to all students

16 Westgate Elementary Respect Responsibility Safety Kiki

17 RESPECT What does respect look like in the lunchroom?
How do we teach students to demonstrate respect in the cafeteria? How we positively recognize students who are demonstrating respect in the classroom? How will we support students who are having challenges with respectful behavior at recess? Kiki

18 RESPONSIBILITY What does responsibility look like when students are walking in the halls? How will we teach responsibility for homework and student materials? How are we engaging families in this process? Kiki

19 SAFETY What does safety look like in an assembly?
How do we teach and reinforce safety in a variety of school settings? Kiki

20 Self-Responsibility Tips
March has been designated as Self-responsibility month at Kemp. Let’s work together to focus on how to best teach our students to be responsible for themselves and their actions. TIPS FOR TEACHERS AND PARENTS: Give students choices When they feel powerless they lose respect and dignity This loss of powerless may escalate a minor disruption into a major loss of instruction time Put the students in charge By giving students the responsibility to adapt, monitor and measure activities and behavior you will increase student achievement and lower resistance to learning Model and encourage self-responsibility Avoid complaining, blaming and excusing Explain to the students why certain limits or rules exist You may not be responsible for the circumstances in which you find yourself, but you are always responsible for your behavior in those circumstances!


22 S.O.A.R. Matrix Alsup Eagles S.O.A.R.

23 ______________________________________________
SOAR Slips Staff to Students Students to Students Students to Staff Parents to Students Parents to Staff Safety, Opportunity, Achievement, Respect ______________________________________________ Student’s full name and grade (Place this slip with your name on it, in the SOAR box in the media center.) Adult: Please circle the behavior demonstrated and write your name on the back . SOAR Assembly—after Winter break

24 Behavioral Manifestation of Depression in School
Agitation and emotional irritability Negative or oppositional toward adults and peers May not have friends, isolates self Frequent visits to the clinic, may miss a lot of school May be anxious and worry about performance, friendships Difficulty concentrating May be tired, sleeps poorly

25 Behavioral Manifestation of Anxiety in School Setting
Unrealistic worries, agitation, irritability Difficulty focusing or concentrating School phobia or fear of separation Difficulty anticipating what may happen next, reacts poorly to changes in routines Poor frustration tolerance, irritability and anxiety over poor performance. Poor social skills, lacks friendships Students may also tire due to sleep disturbance problems.

26 Behavioral Manifestation of ADHD in School Setting
Inattentive, easily distracted Often talks excessively and interrupts others Difficulty paying attention, listening to a lecture and taking notes and organizing complex activities over time Poor Initiative: Due to inability to follow through or organize self to complete tasks Impulsive, hyperactive Poor social skills and friendships

27 Additional emotional and behavior concerns
Tantrums or aggressive incidents Withdrawn, shy or uncommunicative behavior Poor response to feedback or consequences for inappropriate behavior Weak control of emotional reactions Easily upset over trivial events Extreme emotional reactions

28 Common Academic Issues for Students with Mental Health Issues
Uneven acquisition of new academic skills Inconsistent performance in class Messy, incomplete and disorganized work Incomplete assignments and work not turned in Difficulty applying and generalizing information and skills Students “mentally tire” as they need to put conscious effort into school activities Failure to ask for help

29 Developmental Challenges which Impact Behavior and Social Skills
Cognitive Development Uneven or slower rate of development Stops and starts when learning new skills May respond better to concrete vs. abstract May respond better to visual presentation Possible memory delays Language/Communication: Receptive skills may be better than expressive Communication delays or difficulty with verbal expression May need extra time to respond

30 Physical and health conditions
Range of respiratory problems Heart condition and physical limitations Eating digestive problems Sensory-Motor Delays in fine and gross motor or low muscle tone Sensitivity to heat, cold, pain Vision/Hearing May have hearing loss May need glasses or hearing aid

31 Personality and Temperament
May inaccurately perceived as “easy going” or “strong willed” May indeed be quite easy going or oppositional! May respond more strongly to normal developmental changes and stages but at a delayed rate Social Development Peer friendships may be affected by communication, cognitive or developmental delays

32 Imagine for a moment……. You are
A four year old at a new school and it is time to “Go to Centers” A first grader who is going through the cafeteria lunch line for the first time A third grader whose needs to complete a group project with a group of peers and there is a sub. A seventh grader who has just been given his first semester schedule with 7 classes And you are beginning a new school year as a student with developmental or behavior challenges!

33 Individual Student Support in PBS
Focuses on the needs of students’ whose challenging behavior interferes with academic and social competence Is most effective if when positive behavior support is in place in the school and classroom. Interventions are developed and implemented through a flexible, but systemic process of functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention planning.

34 Billy’s S.O.A.R. Chart Safety 0pportunity Achievement Respect

35 Parent Engagement School-wide PBS Schools

36 Positive Behavior Support addresses the child in all environments
Student Family School Community 19

37 NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND Stronger accountability for results
Increased flexibility and local control Expanded options for parents An emphasis on teaching methods that have been proven to work In January 2002, President Bush signed the federal No Child Left Behind act (NCLB) Into law which reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary education Act. This new law revised the framework that Colorado will use to comply with the sweeping reforms. NCLB contains four basic education reform principles.

38 NCLB Require schools to develop ways to get parents more involved in their child’s education and in improving schools. Requires that states and local school districts provide information to help parents make informed educational choices for their child. The No Child Left Behind Act provides new education options for many families. This federal law allows parents to choose other public schools or take advantage of free tutoring if their child attends a school that needs improvement. Also, parents can choose another public school if the school their child attends is unsafe. The law also supports the growth of more independent charter schools, funds some services for children in private schools, and provides certain protections for homeschooling parents. Finally, it requires that states and local school districts provide information to help parents make informed educational choices for their child.

39 IDEA 2004 “The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement
Act of 2004 will help children learn better by promoting accountability for results, enhancing parent involvement, using proven practices and materials, providing more flexibility, and reducing paperwork burdens for teachers, states and local school districts.” President George W. Bush

40 When parents are involved in schools, there are: Demonstrated benefits to kids:
improved grades and test scores improved attitudes, self-esteem, and behavior better attendance, fewer dropouts and suspensions, more post-secondary education greater motivation and more positive attitudes toward homework Adapted from Christenson, 1996

41 When parents are involved in schools, there are: Demonstrated benefits to parents:
greater understanding of how schools work improved communication between parents and children about school work and other topics increased involvement with learning activities at home Adapted from Christenson, 1996

42 When parents are involved in schools, there are: Demonstrated benefits to Teachers/Schools:
greater job satisfaction higher ratings of teaching skills from both parents and principals higher ratings of school effectiveness decreased feelings of isolation increased willingness of communities to support schools through taxes improved classroom behavior through increased knowledge of children’s family, cultural, and community contexts Adapted from Christenson, 1996

43 The Importance of Family Involvement
The evidence is now beyond dispute. When schools and families work together to support learning, children tend to succeed not just in school, but also throughout life. (Henderson and Berla, 1997)

44 (Henderson and Berla, 1997) In fact the most accurate predictor of a student’s achievement in school is not income or social status, but the extent to which the student’s family is able to: Create a home environment that encourages learning. Express high (but not unrealistic) expectations for their children’s achievement and future careers Become involved in their children’s education at school and in the community

45 Six Types of Parent Involvement
1 Parenting 2 Communicating 3 Volunteering 4 Learning at Home The National PTA has identified School Decision Making and Advocacy as one of the 6 key standards for parent engagement in school. Use the descriptions below to explain the meaning of each standard and encourage brief discussion (3-5 minutes). Let’s think about how each PTA standard fits with the new family engagement paradigm: Standard 1 Communication Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful Standard 2 Parenting Skills Parenting skills are promoted and supported Standard 3 Student Learning Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning Standard 4 Volunteering Parents are welcome in the school, and their support and assistance are sought Standard 5 School Decision Making and Advocacy Parents are full partners in the decisions that affect children and families Standard 6 Collaborating with Community Community resources are used to strengthen schools, families, and student learning 5 School Decision Making and Advocacy 6 Collaborating with the Community

46 Real change can only come as a result of the commitments
of both the minds and hearts of the total school community - teachers, parents, students, administrators and school boards. Sergiovanni, 1994

47 Behavior Change is a Family Affair

48 Sound Familiar Why do my children want my attention every time the phone rings?? It’s time to go. You are going to be late this morning. Where are the shoes? What permission slip?! What are the stressful times of your day at home? How can I handle everyday challenges in a more proactive and consistent way?

49 I wish my child wouldn’t do that!!!
Think of one or two behaviors that you would like to work on at home. Record the behavior(s) on the left side of the sheet “Behaviors That Make Life Challenging”.

50 Please stop! Why are you behaving like that?
The telephone Getting out the door in the morning “NO” in the grocery store or at the mall Driving down the highway Time to clean that room One more story….please!

51 The ABC’s of Behavior: What would you do?
14 items in the grocery store A bad day at work and now…. A new dog in the neighborhood

52 Behavior Change is a Family Affair
Do mom and dad respond the same way? Grandma’s house Back and forth (and up and down!) Babysitter for the night out What are the school rules? How can we provide a “match”?

53 Behavior Change is a Family Affair
Traditional Behavior Planning: Child is referred for problem behavior School does an FBA (Functional Behavioral Assessment) and Behavior Intervention Plan Outline the consequences of behavior Parent is minimally involved PBS Function-based planning: Family has knowledge of PBS planning process Family is involved in FBA and Behavior Intervention Plan Plan extends to home with ongoing communication with school

54 Meet Rosa Schools Response: Middle school student without many friends
Anxious about new people and new situations Poor note-taking skills Afraid to ask her help Socially isolated and not performing well academically Schools Response: Referred to Child Study Complete an FBA and Behavior Plan Invite mom to review the plan Send a copy home

55 Function-based Interventions
Implemented a check in-check out Set up a positive relationship with an adult Small group for friendship and self advocacy Assistance with note taking

56 So why isn’t it working!!!!!! Refusing to talk to her friend from group Had been doing well but recently does not want to go to school No longer using her strategies to ask for help Asked to be taken out of group Increased trips to the clinic The plan looks great. Mom is now concerned. What do we do next?????

57 What is Going on at Home? Rosa is taking a Red Cross Babysitting Class. She has weekly quizzes on the notes from class. Her friend from school has invited her to go away for the weekend. She refuses her calls and doesn’t want to go. She is arguing with her mom to stay home from school.

58 If mom were involved in Function-based Support Plan
Mom would understand she is afraid to go away with new friend. Due to increased anxiety, she is avoiding uncomfortable situations. Mom would have a plan for home to address anxiety and to communicate with school. Mom would be aware that she needs to advocate for self for help taking notes in Red Cross Babysitting Class on Wednesday nights.

59 Meet Tyler Schools Response:
Preschool school student with communication and behavior challenges Anxious about new people and new situations Poor turn-taking skills Becomes very agitated at transition times Recent increase in behavior challenges at school Schools Response: School team wants to include behavior plan as part of IEP Complete an FBA and Behavior Plan Invite mom and dad to review the plan Send a copy home

60 Function-based Interventions Based on Results of FBA
Implemented a daily picture schedule to review each morning Provide activity choices to increase Tyler’s “control” throughout the day Include in a small group to focus on turn-taking Create a book of social stories to address changes in routine

61 So why isn’t it working!!!!!! Having “melt-downs” at home and doesn’t want to go to school Chooses activities which remove him from the group whenever possible Uses the social stories and “sharing skills” in small group but not in the classroom Increased trips to the clinic because he communicates “sick” with picture book The plan looks great. Mom and Dad are concerned. What do we do next?????

62 What is Going on at Home? Mom has recently had a baby so things are a little chaotic at home The baby is fussy and requiring a lot of attention A neighbor is helping out by driving Taylor to and from school with her children Mom and Dad have talked a lot about moving to a bigger house and what school Tyler would need to go to

63 If mom were involved in Function-based Support Plan
The school would understand that many of Tyler’s current behavior challenges are due to the changes in routine at home. Due to increased anxiety, Tyler is less able to use previously demonstrated communication and social skills and wants to stay close to mom. Tyler’s “picture schedule” would extend to home and include the ride with a neighbor and time with mom at home when baby sleeps. The social stories and “sharing” group would address having to share mom’s time with baby . Mom would have these stories to use at home.

64 A New Way to See Behavior
Behavior is learned and serves a specific purpose. We say that behavior has a “Communicative Intent”. Serves a useful purpose (function) for the person of concern.

65 Behavior is “Context Specific”
Behavior is related to the context in which it observes. This is why a child may demonstrate different behaviors at home and school.

66 Competing Pathway Model
What situations “set up” behavior: tired, change in routine, visitation, babysitter? What situations: “set off” this behavior: asking him to turn off the TV or computer, time for bed, no friends over this weekend, can’t have snacks and pop NOW? How does our behavior reinforce this “series of unfortunate events”? What is the “payoff” for this behavior?

67 The ABC’s of Life’s Struggles at Home
SETTING EVENT: Situations or characteristics that “set up” the problem? ANTECEDENT: what happens before the behavior to “set it off”? BEHAVIOR: what is the specific problem behavior? CONSEQUENCE: our response/”the payoff”?

68 The WHY’s of Behavior Pos Reinf Neg Reinf

69 Instead I wish my child……
Wants help with homework Whines Gets help/ Attention Asks for Help O’Neil et al. (1997)

70 Identify Replacement Behavior
Getting shoes on Whines Gets help/ Attention Asks for Help O’Neil et al. (1997)

71 Select Intervention Strategies
Wants help with homework Whines Gets help Asks for Help Do homework in Small chunks of Time Set aside calm time When you can help Teach child Ways to get help From parent -green/red cup -10 minute check in with timer Reinforce Efforts to Complete work Use of cup or timer A B C O’Neil et al. (1997)

72 Improving Decision-Making
Use Data From Problem Solution To Problem Sped Referral rates - boys vs girls Do boys have more disabilities? rough question Boys are better at showing they have a problem (too good) Use Data Use Data Solution

73 One Behavior at a Time Start with one behavior. Think about the Big 5:
WHAT is the specific behavior? WHO is involved? WHEN does the behavior occur? WHERE does the behavior take place? WHY did the behavior occur? How are you responding that may reinforce this behavior? What is the new behavior you want your child to learn?

74 Things to Consider Before a Plan
Is the child aware or has he been taught how, when and where to demonstrate the appropriate behavior? Is the child meeting a need or getting a “payoff” for the behavior? Is the child aware he is demonstrating the behavior? Has it become a habit? Is this a necessary behavior to teach “right now” or is there a simple, practical solution for now?

75 Map out the plan The behavior I wish to change……
The behavior I wish to achieve…. The first steps to this behavior are… I know it is working by…….. Remember….reinforce steps in the right direction!

76 Competing Pathway Process
5. Instead I wish he: 6. And then he would get: 3. I think he’s doing it because He wants/needs: 4. Something that “sets up” this behavior: (physical, health, sleep, routines) 2. Something that “sets off” this behavior: (happens right before) 1. I wish my child didn’t: 7. A first step might be:

77 Setting Events Look and Listen for …
Broader issues that may be influencing behavior: Daily activity schedule Predictability of routines Variety of activities or materials Social relationships Preferences of the student Medical and physical issues (nutrition, illness, medications, sleep patterns) Challenging family situations

78 Antecedents or Triggers Look and Listen For…
Under what circumstances is the behavior most/least likely Changes in the environment Time of day/activities Clarity of expectations of activity/task Reinforcement of expected behavior Nature of interactions (tone, proximity, contact) Amount & type of attention (peer, group, adult) Child’s ability matched to the activity

79 Maintaining Consequences Look and Listen For…
WHAT DO THEY GET or AVOID? Social reaction/attention Change in activity/routine Increases assistance from adults or peers Access to materials, activities, food/drink Sensory stimulation or reduction Change in the physical environment Allowed space or movement Delays activity/event Avoids negative attention

80 New Skills Don’t Just Appear….. You Have To Teach Them!
Define it Teach it Practice it Acknowledge it Correct it Monitor it Revise it This is the sequence for teaching anything and everything.

81 1. Define Be clear and operational
Can you see it? Can you hear it? Define within the context of routines Define the data needed for determining if it is working Evaluate whether it is working The section on Teaching Routines is from Anne Todd, January 2006

82 2. Teach Life is not a test Teach acquisition of the skill or routine first Provide opportunities to respond Practice skill or routine to fluency Vary your proximity, verbal cues, timing of feedback Don’t fade too fast Use child’s performance to shape your instruction 75% success rate is a good thing!

83 3. Practice Practice the whole thing
If teaching “put clothes in hamper” routine, teach child to close laundry door and go back to bedroom or other activity as part of the routine If anticipating problems, practice first!

84 4. Acknowledge Five positive comments to every corrective comment
Shift from tangible to social rewards Shift from external to internal focus Prompt self-acknowledgement Teach child to generalize in a different environment or with different people

85 5. Correct Manage minor behavior to prevent escalations
Be clear & consistent ‘stop’ vs ‘no’ Match tone of voice to level of offense Use natural consequences as much as possible Follow through, do not make agreements that you can not follow through with After correction, watch for correct performance & acknowledge the students efforts Avoid the criticism trap

86 Intervene at the lowest level possible
Signal Control Proximity Ignoring Conferencing Level 2 Contracts Ignore Target Behavior Give praise for Appropriate Behavior Level 3 Extinction Response Cost Operant Conditioning Time Out Level 4: Aversive Spanking Yelling Belittling Placing in an embarrassing situation

87 6. Monitor Active Supervision strategies work for monitoring student performance Monitor Scan Provide clear concise feedback Use problem solving steps as needed Test/ Assess for learning Adjust instruction as needed

88 7. Revise Use your data to determine if the teaching has made a difference Determine a regular cycle in which to review the data (each Friday) Continue to do things that are working & that are a good match for the family, revise the things that people don’t like or that seem to not be working

89 Classroom & Home Routines
What are they? Why are they necessary? Who needs them?

90 Is there a routine that is defined?
Is there a clear beginning? Is there a clear sequence to complete the routine? Does the child understand the transition to the next routine or activity?

91 Why teach Routines? Routines Build independence by Guide instruction
guiding self management steps being practiced from start to finish providing predictability Guide instruction Routine serves as step by step guide to instruction Can require verbal routines, motor routines, or both, simultaneously Apply across different contexts Cleaning up after playing or homework Washing hands and face Taking a bath/getting ready for bed Initiating & maintaining a conversation

92 School Routines Entering school & getting to class
Turn in homework, put personal things away Transitions Within classroom Within school Taking care of personal needs Getting help Lunch Breaks/ recess

93 Expected Student Behaviors
School Rule Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Expected Student Behaviors Walk facing forward Keep hands, feet & objects to self Get adult help for accidents & spills Use all equipment & materials appropriately Use kind words & actions Wait for your turn Clean up after self Follow adult directions Be silent with lights are turned off Follow school rules Remind others to follow school rules Take proper care of all personal belongings & school equipment Be honest Follow game rules Classroom Routines Starting the day put personal belongings in designated areas turn in homework put instructional materials in desks sharpen pencils & gather necessary material for class be seated & ready to start class by 8:30 Entering the classroom enter the room quietly use a conversational or ‘inside voice’ keep hands, feet, objects to self walk move directly to desk or assigned area sit quietly & be ready for class Working independently select area to work have materials ready work without talking raise hand to ask for help keep working or wait quietly for assistance when the teacher is helping someone else move quietly around the room when necessary put materials away when finished begin next activity when finished Asking for help always try by yourself first use the classroom signal for getting assistance keep working if you can or wait quietly remember the teacher has other students that may also need help Taking care of personal needs follow the class signal for letting the teacher know you have a private concern let the teacher know if you need immediate help or if you can wait a while try to speak to the teacher privately & quietly if you do not want other students involved Completing & returning homework collect your work to take home complete work, get parent signature when needed bring work back to school return work to homework basket

94 Home routines Getting ready for school Meal time Helping with chores
Getting dressed/using bathroom Getting ready for bed Shopping Car/ bus riding Family outings Out with Friends Babysitter coming

95 Routine Steps for success 1. Getting ready for school Get dressed Brush teeth Eat breakfast Get pack Get in car 2. Home work Get snack Work on homework Take a break/ ask for help Finish homework Share homework with family member Put homework in pack Tidy up homework area 3. Meal time Wash hands Sit at table Ask for food to be passed Use napkin for face and hands Chew & swallow food Participate in conversation Clean up area

96 4. Helping with chores Do what is asked in timely manner Finish chore Put materials away Wash hands Tell someone when finished (self-recruit praise) 5. Getting ready for bed Bed clothes on Brush teeth Tell family members goodnight Read /listen to music Close eyes & sleep 6. Car riding Seat belt on Hands to self Keep objects in lap Inform driver of personal needs 7. Shopping Enter quietly Stay with adult Ask for only one extra item Accept hearing ‘not now, or not this time’ Help carry items Exit quietly

97 Specific Problem Behavior
Anne Todd, 2006 Routine Analysis Schedule (Times) Activity Likelihood of Problem Behavior Specific Problem Behavior 7:00 am Getting ready for school 7:45 am Get in car 8:30 am Enter school 3:00 pm 3:45 pm Free time and snack 4:30 pm Homework and chores 5:30 pm TV time 6:30 pm 7:15 pm Dinner time Bath and bedtime

98 Getting ready for school 7:45 Get in car 8:00 Enter school 2:40 3:00
Routines Analysis Schedule (Times) Activity Likelihood of Problem Behavior Specific Problem Behavior 7 am Getting ready for school Low High 7:45 Get in car 8:00 Enter school 2:40 3:00 Enter home & play 4:30 homework 5:30 TV time 6:30 Meal & family time Get ready for bed Comments:

99 Getting ready for school 7:45 Get in car 8:00 Enter school 2:40 3:00
Routines Analysis Schedule (Times) Activity Likelihood of Problem Behavior Specific Problem Behavior 7 am Getting ready for school Low High 7:45 Get in car 8:00 Enter school 2:40 3:00 Enter home & play 4:30 homework 5:30 TV time 6:30 Meal & family time Get ready for bed Comments:

100 Remember… Positive Behavior Support is the redesign of environments, not the redesign of individuals. Positive Behavior Support asks us to change our behavior to help our child change theirs. Most effective when ALL adults are working together

101 PBS Tips for Positive Behavior
1. Remember 5:1 with positives. 2. Set the stage for success..reward the effort. 3. Give clear, specific directions. 4. Stay calm. Use a calm voice. 5. Set reasonable limits.

102 PBS Tips for Positive Behavior
6. Be consistent. YES means YES and NO means NO. 7. Set the example. Actions speak louder than words. 8. Proactively anticipate the situation. 9. Have patience. A little goes a long way!! 10. Have fun and enjoy the ride!

103 Westgate Elementary Respect Responsibility Safety

104 RESPECT What does respect look like at the dinner table?
How do we positively recognize our children who are demonstrating respect at home? How will we help our children who are having challenges with respectful behavior at home?

105 RESPONSIBILITY What does responsibility look like when our children are doing their chores? How will we teach responsibility for homework and school materials? What are the consequences for our children who are not using responsible behavior? How are working as a family in this process?

106 SAFETY What does safety look like in the community?
How do we teach and reinforce safety in a variety of community settings? How do we know if there are safety concerns or issues for our children and their friends?

107 Getting up in the morning
PBS Home Matrix Getting up in the morning Getting to school Clean-up time Time to relax Homework time Mealtime Getting ready for bed H HELP OUT Make Your bed Clothes in hamper Have your back pack, lunch, notes, keys Do your chores Clean up after yourself Play quietly Put your things in your backpack when finished Set the table Put dishes away Brush your teeth Dirty clothes away O OWN YOUR BEHAVIOR Get up on time Get cleaned up and dressed on time Be ready to leave on time Ask before you borrow Ask to change stations Complete your homework on time Do your best! Use kind words and “I statements” Recognize mistakes and apologize Get to bed on time! M MANNERS COUNT Try a morning SMILE! Thank your parents for helping. “Thanks for the ride” “Have a nice day” Ask politely for help Respect others things Offer to share Ask for help respectfully “Thanks for the help” Please and thank you Use your napkin End the day with nice words and thoughts E V R Y D A

108 “STICK WITH THE PLAN” Look at your Home Matrix and your list of behaviors you want to address. Identify 5 – 10 POSITIVELY stated behaviors. Write each one on a stick in a bright color and decorate. These will be your daily reminders for positive behavior change.

109 Reinforce Positive Behavior: “STICK WITH THE PLAN”
Place them in a location where you will see them several times a day. Move the sticks from the “In” to “Out” cup each time you reinforce positive behavior. Check in at night and see how you did. Have your child do the same for you!

110 Tips for Engaging Families and Outside Agencies in the Behavior Planning Process
Create partnerships with the families and other agencies/professionals involved. Set up 4 way communication between school, home and counselor/therapist. Understand and respect cultural differences. Encourage creativity and thinking outside the box.

111 Tips for Engaging Families and Outside Agencies in the Behavior Planning Process
Approach behavioral planning as a “needs based” model while providing an understanding of the impacts of mental health disorders. Help parents understand that most behavior is a function of need. Help parents understand how to identify positive replacement behaviors.

112 Tips for Engaging Families and Outside Agencies in the Behavior Planning Process
Provide parent education program to increase parents’ understanding of positive behavior strategies. Provide tools, contracts, checklists and reinforcement ideas that parents can use at home.

113 Behavior Change is…..hard work!
There are no magic solutions… magic wands. It takes time and consistency…from everyone! Rule of thumb: one month of intervention for each year the child has demonstrated the behavior.

114 Taking Care of Ourselves
Decades of research indicate that true happiness comes from cultivating 12 traits that allow us to navigate life’s rough spots with greater ease and feel content no matter what the outcome.

115 Humor Optimism Sense of Choice Proactivity (New experiences)

116 Courage Purpose Spirituality Love

117 Security Perspective Good Health Altruism

118 Thank you for spending the afternoon with me
Thank you for spending the afternoon with me. I wish you all the very best of luck. Kiki McGough, PBS Coordinator Colorado PBS Center for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

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