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Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?

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1 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
Identify the bacteria: Many farm animals naturally carry me I have been found in produce that has come in contact with animal waste I am often associated with poultry and eggs I can produce diarrhea and vomiting in those who consume me 2. Identify the bacteria: I am found in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico I have been associated with raw oysters I can produce two different illnesses Purchasing oysters from approved, reputable suppliers can prevent me Instructor Notes Answer: #1. Salmonella spp. Answer # 2. Vibrio vulnificus. 2-46

2 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
1. Identify the bacteria: Salmonella Many farm animals naturally carry me I have been found in produce that has come in contact with animal waste I am often associated with poultry and eggs I can produce diarrhea and vomiting in those who consume me 2. Identify the bacteria: I am found in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico I have been associated with raw oysters I can produce two different illnesses Purchasing oysters from approved, reputable suppliers can prevent me Instructor Notes Answer: #1. Salmonella spp. Answer # 2. Vibrio vulnificus. 2-46

3 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
1. Identify the bacteria: Salmonella Many farm animals naturally carry me I have been found in produce that has come in contact with animal waste I am often associated with poultry and eggs I can produce diarrhea and vomiting in those who consume me 2. Identify the bacteria: Vibrio I am found in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico I have been associated with raw oysters I can produce two different illnesses Purchasing oysters from approved, reputable suppliers can prevent me Instructor Notes Answer: #1. Salmonella spp. Answer # 2. Vibrio vulnificus. 2-46

4 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
3. Identify the bacteria: I am found in the soil I have been associated with rice I can produce two different types of toxins that cause illness Cooking food to required minimum internal temperatures can destroy me 4. Identify the bacteria: I form spores The toxins I produce cause illness I have been associated with meat stews I can produce diarrhea and severe abdominal pain I am carried in the intestines of animals and humans Instructor Notes Answer: #3. Bacillus cereus. Answer: #4. Clostridium perfringens. 2-47

5 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
3. Identify the bacteria: Bacillus ceeus I am found in the soil I have been associated with rice I can produce two different types of toxins that cause illness Cooking food to required minimum internal temperatures can destroy me 4. Identify the bacteria: I form spores The toxins I produce cause illness I have been associated with meat stews I can produce diarrhea and severe abdominal pain I am carried in the intestines of animals and humans Instructor Notes Answer: #3. Bacillus cereus. Answer: #4. Clostridium perfringens. 2-47

6 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
3. Identify the bacteria: Bacillus ceeus I am found in the soil I have been associated with rice I can produce two different types of toxins that cause illness Cooking food to required minimum internal temperatures can destroy me 4. Identify the bacteria: Clostridium perfringens I form spores The toxins I produce cause illness I have been associated with meat stews I can produce diarrhea and severe abdominal pain I am carried in the intestines of animals and humans Instructor Notes Answer: #3. Bacillus cereus. Answer: #4. Clostridium perfringens. 2-47

7 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
5. Identify the bacteria: I do not need oxygen to grow I can cause double vision and difficulty swallowing I am commonly associated with produce from the soil I produce a deadly toxin when food is temperature abused Instructor Notes Answer: #5. Clostridium botulinum. 2-48

8 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
5. Identify the bacteria: clostridium botulinum botulism I do not need oxygen to grow I can cause double vision and difficulty swallowing I am commonly associated with produce from the soil I produce a deadly toxin when food is temperature abused Instructor Notes Answer: #5. Clostridium botulinum. 2-48

9 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
1. Identify the virus or parasite: I can produce a mild fever and general weakness I am primarily found in the feces of infected people I am more commonly associated with ready-to-eat food items Purchasing shellfish from an approved supplier can be a safeguard against me 2. Identify the virus or parasite: I can produce a fever and loose stools I have been found in improperly treated water Excluding foodhandlers with diarrhea can be a safeguard against me I am easily spread in day-care centers Instructor Notes Answer: #1. Hepatitis A virus. Answer: #2. Giardia duodenalis. 2-65

10 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
1. Identify the virus or parasite: Hepatitis A I can produce a mild fever and general weakness I am primarily found in the feces of infected people I am more commonly associated with ready-to-eat food items Purchasing shellfish from an approved supplier can be a safeguard against me 2. Identify the virus or parasite: I can produce a fever and loose stools I have been found in improperly treated water Excluding foodhandlers with diarrhea can be a safeguard against me I am easily spread in day-care centers Instructor Notes Answer: #1. Hepatitis A virus. Answer: #2. Giardia duodenalis. 2-65

11 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
1. Identify the virus or parasite: Hepatitis A I can produce a mild fever and general weakness I am primarily found in the feces of infected people I am more commonly associated with ready-to-eat food items Purchasing shellfish from an approved supplier can be a safeguard against me 2. Identify the virus or parasite: Giardia I can produce a fever and loose stools I have been found in improperly treated water Excluding foodhandlers with diarrhea can be a safeguard against me I am easily spread in day-care centers Instructor Notes Answer: #1. Hepatitis A virus. Answer: #2. Giardia duodenalis. 2-65

12 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
3. Identify the virus or parasite: Cooking seafood can destroy me I have been found in herring Sometimes I produce a tingling in the throat Purchasing seafood from approved suppliers can prevent me 4. Identify the virus or parasite: I am often associated with ready-to-eat food Proper handwashing is essential to prevent me I am primarily found in the feces of the people I infect People become contagious within a few hours of eating me Instructor Notes Answer: #3. Anisakis simplex. Answer: #4. Norovirus. 2-66

13 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
3. Identify the virus or parasite: anisakis Cooking seafood can destroy me I have been found in herring Sometimes I produce a tingling in the throat Purchasing seafood from approved suppliers can prevent me 4. Identify the virus or parasite: I am often associated with ready-to-eat food Proper handwashing is essential to prevent me I am primarily found in the feces of the people I infect People become contagious within a few hours of eating me Instructor Notes Answer: #3. Anisakis simplex. Answer: #4. Norovirus. 2-66

14 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
3. Identify the virus or parasite: anisakis Cooking seafood can destroy me I have been found in herring Sometimes I produce a tingling in the throat Purchasing seafood from approved suppliers can prevent me 4. Identify the virus or parasite: Norovirus I am often associated with ready-to-eat food Proper handwashing is essential to prevent me I am primarily found in the feces of the people I infect People become contagious within a few hours of eating me Instructor Notes Answer: #3. Anisakis simplex. Answer: #4. Norovirus. 2-66

15 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
5. Identify the virus or parasite: I can cause stomach cramps and weight loss I am found in cows and other herd animals I am commonly spread from person to person Purchasing produce from approved suppliers is critical to prevent me Instructor Notes Answer: #5. Cryptosporidium parvum. 2-67

16 Apply Your Knowledge: Who Am I?
5. Identify the virus or parasite: cryptosporidium I can cause stomach cramps and weight loss I am found in cows and other herd animals I am commonly spread from person to person Purchasing produce from approved suppliers is critical to prevent me Instructor Notes Answer: #5. Cryptosporidium parvum. 2-67

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